Forum map

Discussion in 'Important information' started by Artchem, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    Artchem, Jul 4, 2019 | Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
    Hello, residents and new arrivals! [​IMG]

    The forum has undergone some structural changes in order to make it more understandable and convenient for members of the Great European L2 Community!

    Now there are three big categories:

    Let me give you a brief of new structure and its description.

    1. Announcements
    All news of European servers, which are posted by Innova Team, can be found here. A detailed description of events, special offers and discounts, announcements of maintenances and etc.

    2. Discussion
    It is a good place to initiate discussion about the game. Are you a newcomer, who has a question? Or are you an old-timer, who wants to discuss the result of the last sieges? Feel free to create a topic here.

    3. Community Creativity
    Activists of our L2 community share with the world their arts. If you want to join them, just show what you can. Share screenshots, arts, video, reviews or something else creative.

    In each of the categories there are subforums with its own division.

    All right, one thing at a time.

    1.1. News
    As you have probably guessed, the latest news, current proposals or nearest plans are published by Lineage 2 Team in the section “News”. Almost all topics have a special prefix, which can help you in searching.

    1.2. Important Information
    Some threads (like this topic or annex to forum rules) might be relevant during a long and indefinite period. Necessary topics, which we don’t want to loose in an archive, are stored here.

    1.3. Maintenance Notifications
    Here you can find information when maintenance is going to take place and what changes are waiting for you. Common 4game platform’s or unscheduled maintenances are announced here too.

    2.1. Players helping players
    Which class a newcomer should choose? How to complete a quest? What will happen with your class in the next update? Where is the best location for farming or leveling up? Ask skilled players for advice and life hacks on general inquiries, which are not related to specific server.

    2.2. Core + Tiat server
    There are three subforums: activity, recruitment and trade. If you are looking for new recruits on Core server, create a new vacancy in the recruiting hall. If you want to sell, buy or exchange some items, place an ad in trade selection. All another topics, which are related to Core server, can be discussed in "activity".

    2.3. Experimentarium
    Did you want to know interesting details of the game mechanics, but it wasn’t possible? Now you have a chance! Our curious dwarf Yumi with brave helpers will shed light on secrets of L2 world!

    2.4. Guides
    We have amazing skilled players in our great European L2 community, who creates game relevant guides. Do you want to share your knowledge of the game too? Feel free to do this.

    3.1. Streamers
    Each streamer from our official European servers can announce L2 broadcasts, which are carried out on Twitch or YouTube platforms. Subforum’s rules can be found here.

    3.2. Fan Art, Fan Fic, Video, Screenshots
    The most creative and lovely corner of the forum is here. Creators from all over Elmoreden are gathered here to grace us with their beautiful screenshots, fantastic and funny stories, breathtaking video or amazing cosplay photos. Don’t be shy to be a part of the bohemian and post your works.

    Why are there two archives?

    The answer is trivial. “It’s required for work”. There are two archives:
    All topics, which were created in the category “Announcement”, are archived into “Archive 1.0”. Other topics are archived from “Discussions” and “Community Creativity” categories into “Archive 2.0”.

    Where players have to report bugs, bots, adena sellers, bans and ect.?

    As I wrote previously discord as well as the forum IS NOT a place, where the above-mentioned questions can be resolved or consulted. So, please, if you have any game, account or payment issues, included game bugs, please, send a request to Game Masters (GMs) via support service:

    [​IMG] I have to remind you, that a specialist’s answer must be received within 10 working days.

    Useful links:

    Is that it?

    Of course, it’s not final version of the forum structure. Sure, some new changes may be added in the future. I hope, you, my dear players, will help us to make the forum more convenient.

    So, at the end, what do we have?

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