Hello, guys I'm currently working on my diploma project and I need some information concerning the way MMORPG players choose the names for their in-game characters. If you're interested, please use the link to fill in the questionnaire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQgxU814HXFT3o6pnrGDWork9NE5v6XMfGcAAxvudG3BjJwQ/viewform
diploma concerning the way mmoprg players choose the names. Your university is a joke. Go find a work.
If there is proper scientific research and (a) viable hypothesis I don't see why this topic is less important (or as you phrased a "joke") than some financial essay. Good luck with your project.
Thats actually quite intresting and the author did it very well, respect from me ps: ibane get a life random, this research Probably has more value than anything you have done in your life
Thanks guys a lot for your answers and feedback! I didn't include the option "others" since I chose only these three games for the research. Haha, I've already been told once pretty much the same: "get a real degree," "choose a useful course," cmon, that's linguistics and that topic can be studied in this sphere as well. And often writing a diploma project isn't about some break-through or super useful research, but about creating a logically structured and coherently narrated work. Cos, you know, nothing's new under the sun. Thanks guys for your support but such taunts only make me laugh, nothing else. Yep, I'll post a summary of the results if they are going to be interesting
Let me put it like this ppl who play MMORPG most likely play other games aswell, for example Last time i logged on a game X on prime time it had 300 000 peaople online. The way of name choosing is pretty common for all games so what i mean is that this research is valid for millions of gamers around the world.... great job once again mate
The relevance or more likely the correlation between the name choice and personality is much weaker in other game genres. In a MOBA or FPS even if you play with the community mostly you have ad-hoc relations and temporary interactions with the other players, thus the name itself will not have any serious effect. In MMORPGs you control what part of your real personality is displayed and I believe everyone puts some "real life" and self-image into the game to strengthen/weaken personality traits. Imo narrowing it down like this was the perfect choice. Looking forward to see the results!