Separate names with a comma. PP 87 playing on Lineage2 Essence Blue Server Daily PVP PVE Sieges and more content daily fun #playing4fun Blue Side Swarm clan...
Hello everyone, Dinastía del León is recruiting active people who want to have a good time. We are a small Clan that is beginning its journey in...
Hello again, I showed up here a few months ago on an adventure on the RED server. Today I am pioneering a new saga on the BLUE server. I recently...
Watch out for scam, I noticed some shops advertise a title and sell something else. For example WTS L8000 30kk and in shop there is l800... 30kk....
WTS: +8 Guardian Sword (B-grade) Doom Leather set Weapon Enhancement Stones WTB: +7 Demon's Staff +7/+10 SOES or +13/+16 Demon's Staff +8/+10...
WTS Spellbooks Defense Prowess (1) Tempest (1) Silence (1) Pa'agrio's Honor (1) WTB ------- In game PM "NieblaFantasma or "Karves or...
Hello - Ahoj, CL Spoodef. Clan for not only for CZ/SK players, but For Fun.
Hey there Casual Alliance PvE is recruiting pve players to two clans Clan Sunrise LvL 5 is looking for players 76+ Clan Academy 50-76 (After 76...