Separate names with a comma.
I dont know if this is a hack or not, but while we were playing the siege on 17-01-21 we notice that people were able to summon clan members...
[MEDIA] yummy: SGZX-DYDR-ITBV-OLD0 :33: have fun.
Hey, i recently started streaming, just trying to show some healer gameplay, pvps, sieges, etc.. If you are interested into watching and giving...
:026: new war. [MEDIA] p.s. I have o lot of fraps, if u need just tell me. p.s.s sry for my london.
pve server :011: [MEDIA]
A summary of "mid clans" fight in the last siege at Dion Castle. [MEDIA]
Poszukujemy nowych graczy chętnych do wspólnej zabawy w świecie Lineage 2 [img] Informacje o klanie: - klan level 9 - rozwinięte...
[MEDIA] Ignore the music :P
Cześć, mógłby mi ktoś napisać o której, polskiego czasu, zaczyna się siege?(oczywiście po zamianie na czas zimowy)
Lineage 2 Core - Topheal Siege 21/08/2016 Ecarlate Vs SkyHunters NakedForce Covenant [MEDIA]