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Lindvior - Economy opinion.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Daimyo, Jun 5, 2013.

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  1. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    don't worry about it guys, just avoid buying anything at the start of a new chronicle. give it some time and if offer and demand will get balanced items will drop close to their grocery (core crystal) prices. that unless the server gets flooded with new people that need gear in which case they'll be higher but you'll get there eventually.

    do your octavis/istina find a clan that wants or is able to do epic octavis and istina, get party farm in the new zones if you have a setup suited for you. get your core jewlery and if you do the epic octavis/ist you'll eventually have at least high-end gear.
    it's a game in progress, you can't rush it if you can't no life it or, ebay it like impotents :)

    this game is unlike other mmos, as you can see gear change is only on levels and happends only few times in a char's history. at some point you will have your r99 sh.it but that's the easy part. the game goes on forever by twinking that gear and you char bit by bit and the more you try to squeeze out of it the higher the adena costs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2013
    Daimyo likes this.
  2. Daimyo

    Daimyo User

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    well said hell, after chcecking few things like oly items price, proper drop lists etc i calm a bit down. point is i'm not intrested in joining big clan in order to get items and i do have end game jewelary proper for single random player including tezza, istinas, b.zaken, well maybe without octavis ring, but sooner or later i hope i get it.

    cool, thanks for smart reply, you probably made xxx amount of adena from from balthus knight's dragon.

    agree, i could make better research. but on the other hand i wasn't farmer cyborg to have such 'wallet'. you don't seem to understand 'casual' playing.

    well, alarion... you know what it looks like?! bored player from top clan who got everything already and lf changes. but maybe you're right, it will be somehow intresting.

    ok guys, thanks for sharing opinions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2013
  3. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    i am still far away from getting all what i would like to have on my healer : )
  4. FeeLSD

    FeeLSD User

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    guys srsly i don't know what the problem is with the economy. now you will be able to resell your weapons and armor more easily on the market (couse no more bound garbage) and yday for 1 hour in a party with spoiler at fairy with my dual i made 2kk just by selling the junk in the grocery (keeping the mats in the wh). so just wait for the crafters to create a new market and all will be fine.
  5. Daimyo

    Daimyo User

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    that's cute :)
  6. FeeLSD

    FeeLSD User

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    yeah when you go to octavis with 2 party and the drop is 1 enchant for 2 hours it is really cute :)
  7. tcetso

    tcetso User

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    as the patch note says drop rate is decreased by 20% (or something like it) but you get items that cost (in grocery) 10-20 times more. also after 1-2 months most of the items will no longer be bound and people will start selling them. for example i still have 2 immortal and one r95 sets that wait unbinding, 3-4 weapons too. so more and more items will appear on market. and after some time we will have working craft system. the items required for craft are no longer in some insane amounts. as for new people you have free r set and weapon from mentor system that can be used till you get to lvl 95.
  8. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    to be honest, this upgrade and downgrade system is weird oo
    why cant i just go on 1 spot and drop required mats ?
    we need time to get over this new crafting sys
  9. Robby

    Robby User

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    daimy if you managed to gather required epics till now , im sure you will do great and will find a way to gain money and buy them or other items even now ;) your not that kind of dumb brick we sometimes see in some instances ( spezion speaking directly)
  10. Schierke

    Schierke User

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    if you cry about r99 set now - rest ppl should cry about first bugs on spezion & epic octavis bugs (when ppl make alot of items and bless r99 (most of top players).
    ppl should learn now they need to go farm mobs & spoil & craft. intance dont give you anymore items and gives **** xp. i dont have much time to play but last few days i made 60% on 96lvl farming on mobs. you have new spots + old spots when mobs give u good xp (10-15kk per mob). but if u have less time to play go play tera or wow u can make you daily fuc**ing quest. bleeee.
    Robby and Zebedin like this.
  11. lioneros

    lioneros User

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    case is that korea seriously fcked up... changing from system giving all to giving nothing is rather dramatic change. we used to have 10+ pages of every type of weapon at auctioneer and now we have max 2 with insane prices... if someone makes a 86 char now he has no chance to buy r grade weapon. the mindless steel coin quests give way too little coins to buy anything. even ***** low grades in shops. they even fcked up the rewards in mentor system. starting a crafting system is a nice idea, but not like this. they should have doubled the drops.
    ps: schierke, dont talk **** about farming on new locations. they added only 95/99 hunting locations. on 90-95 lvl there is no solo location to farm. several hours at s2/fairy brought also zero drops.
    imo total fail from korea...
    RedWind likes this.
  12. Schierke

    Schierke User

    Likes Received:
    h5 > god
    end of story

    h5 better class/pvp/no fuc*ing daily and instance/fast xp/good spoil+craft+manor system/best olympiad ever.
    god lol class /lol pvp/ bad spots + no solo spots / bilions xp for 99 / drop spoil sux no manor / lol olympiad.

    everyone old player will agree. maybe not players who got good eq - top pt in good clan where 90% of clan ppl make items and money for best partys (10% of clan). if u dont have time to play in cp u cant go raids so no drop no dkp no nothing best lol chapter ever.
    Valente and RedWind like this.
  13. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    yes probably your private server h5 > god official, l2 was always if for ppl that has alot of time god actually made stuff easier and now things got a bit harder and you cry...

    btw if ppl started to share recipes and materials instead of selling them to the npc the game economy could start again...
    Robby likes this.
  14. lioneros

    lioneros User

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    if... if.... if... but they don't.... economy doesn't start. the auctioneer is empty.

    agree with schierke. currently if you can't play daily in cp, there is not much sense playing l2 at all. 1 solo location per 5 levels...
  15. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    h5 better? good joke bro. fear spam +30 making whole party flying away for 2 minutes (almost impossible to resist). ifanyway fear was not enough they could cancel all your buffs in few moments (mass tod or cancel stick). if by some miracle you were still alive dont worry, healers will burn your mp to 0 by this time. you call this pvp? you call pvp fact i had to take second cardinal to cp cause possibilities to cleanse (mostly dat ****ing fears) were so low that almost any nuker grp was doing whatever they wanted with you.

    not sure what end agme pvp you have seen on this update and on what server but i had muchos pvp since gf, through freya, then h5 and more 2 months on god (all lancer server). this update end game pvp was ******ed. there was no point to kill enemies, just spam fear / cancl them from buffs / burn out mp.

    and economy on this update? drops mostly from:
    frinteza (instance)
    zaken (instance)
    freya (instance)
    dragons (same like now)
    kariks in loa (full drops and spot only for mages only anyway...)

    almost 0 craft, even less spoil. craft was ok maybe for first 1-2 month.

    dont even want to tell you about how easy were many classes. playing archer amazing f1 auto atack or nuker f1 f2 f3 (fear, vortex, slug). also this amazing emotional playstyle of sws / bd and last most important wc! yes, there was so many of them ppl didnt want to hurt any wc by not taking such wc or sws to party so they prefered taking box. retarted system where you needed like 6 support (tank, sws, bd, wc (or ol) ee, cardi) and 3 dds. 9 ppl in total and excuses every signle day "sorry today we cant go for pvp we have box bd" etc.

    mass pvp? dont joke plz. just the matter which side had more anakims. it was just star wars by holy strikes. all meles and most archers were just meatshiled for anakims to spam aoe easier.

    i know nostalgia is strong feeling. many ppl run to some fresh open private servers with old chronicles, but after few days they realise they remembered only some good things already forgotting about many disadvantages. just open your eyes already.
    Valente, Sweetnight and Robby like this.
  16. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    btw little hint:
    solo zones
    85-90 harnak/swampland
    90-95 fairy
    95-97 sos/s3
    97-99 cemetery/pagans

    on my 96 summoner with pa i did 96-97 in less than 2 weeks exping solo and doing normal instances. 95-97 is possible to do in less than 1 month if you know where and how to exp.

    now if you expect to do 50% x hour going solo you can change game....
  17. RedWind

    RedWind User

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    i give you 500 kk if will be like this xd huh

    only good option -> drop rate x2 or bring bots on the server
  18. FeeLSD

    FeeLSD User

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    bring bots on the server ? srsly ? please don't give stupid ideas when you have never experienced pvp vs xxxxxx and every possible farming spot flooded with bots selling everything for real money
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2013
  19. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    would be hard, even one of the best nolife mobs farmer had problems with me, punishing him on hes spot for fun
    because i can and i enjoy it (he probably too cuz he fight back)
    even in the deepest tower of infinitum im there from time to time, i kill every afk with train and summoner mark griefing
    and i have fun to do so, ofc my archer for player killing can pk on harnaks or on swamp like i was killing some ppls for fun today

    and im not only one who will punish bots, im sure many other players do the same
    i enjoy it cause its my natural behaviour from ncw as a legit player
  20. RedWind

    RedWind User

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    i said it only like a joke -> but in sitaution when to craft seraph belt you need 10x piece + mats ....
    and maybe when spoil works like before ... [number of mats, type, succes rate]

    say hello to clicker users -> s2 farm [and it is not only pushed f1]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2013
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