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Why play on 4game and not ncsoft?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by linkt, Jul 18, 2013.

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  1. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    totally agree here.i really wanted play there.i put a lot of efford back then to try keep up and compete i had war with high clans but still my poor simple items kept on crashing down by their op donated weapons and the so well fixed scripts...i left and went back to give 1 more chance but things were worse than i had left them.i tried pvp but how can a human pvp with his own hands against a script which continusly charge the so well farmed dragon pots and change the stances of yul according to the skill it hits?i gave up.some laughed at me telling me i didnt tried hard but i know i did my best.so i prefere owned here from someone who play pvp with his own hands and knows well his character instead of been crashed by a computer programm.
  2. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    well about this "br server x 50000" seems like even comunity (heard specially from new ncwest servers) is with high number of br. not that i have something against them, but reading them on forum making sometimes eyes bleeding. jajajajaja morderkaiser hue hue hue brazilio style" )))
    DIUBLITH likes this.
  3. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    i got this. fizz . :p
  4. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    these things are right, that the anti cheat service of innova is better. but example i personally reported in this month a top clan player he got ban in 2-3 days after the report, so this still would be ok, if people would use the support system well, they would help more to the gms.

    but here a key feature is the player population. currently the ncwest has much more player than the innova, but they haven't enough staff to handle it.
    also the frost help a lot for the innova currently to keep out the newbie cheaters from the game.

    so if the situation, would happen, that players would move here, earlier or later, but the top cheaters would move, here and probably if they would pay 1000 euro to innova per month they wouldn't ban them if they would use cheat too.

    in second half 2011 many players went to longer break before the god, so at this time we had smaller population, than you didn't even see a bot train on the server.

    someone talked about narwin, she did over enchant her 2nd weapon under much longer time and at this time didn't with bug.

    its all right also, that the sieges often become to laggy, but it is additional reason, that none us players are very far from the server. but when the script users in bigger amount start to spam, it give very high usage to your pc and connection what results the lag.

    on olympiad i often meet with these bad guys who about you talk here, they aren't hard opponent often, their scripts spam faster as their player reaction time, so this is their main weak point, that you can turn against them their automated gameplay.

    innova ru was "cheat clean" under long time, but since the last 1-2 years the amount of cheaters drastically increase there, this can happen at the innova eu too if the innova headquarter wish more money, they will let the cheaters to play.

    also i think players just should stop to compare what he has and what the another player has.

    i did play olympiad for the hero rank, need to know, that i did beat all of the cheaters the only reason why i couldn't get the hero, cuz too many people feeded my opponent, lost it in the last minutes under the last matches.
    the feed is legally available here too as in everywhere.

    if you always compare to another ones and wants to be better than they are you never won't have a happy gameplay neither here neither on ncwest.
  5. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    well, just reading today and rotfl hard: http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=259768

    wanna go ceremony? sorry, only if you can click "sign buton" faster than ppl with script. ohh w8 it is so fast that this flash **** is already appearing with expired posibility to sign )))
  6. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    its typical **** going on on ncw :/

    when i played on teon and manor* system was gg way to get milions of adena a bots were farming seeds/crops and in less than 1 second you couldnt buy or sell anything, gg ncw

    for posters above me, weapon r grade + start glow on red from +12 http://l2wiki.com/enchanting
  7. Vango

    Vango User

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    i used to play in magmeld...i remember in 1 siege when u targeted one person of the enemy team automatically 2 cps attack u lol and the most pathetic this was the 2 cps were controlled by 1 person...14 players controlled by 1 of these losers... other than that all our skills kept being canceled, even nobless xd that was the last siege i did on ncsh1tland, i quitted my 97 archer and just unninstalled lineage.
  8. darkyojimbo

    darkyojimbo User

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    welcome to innova!!!

    forget about ncbotfest,the kindergarden for hacker wannabe kids that where used to play private servers before free to play.

    here you play true lineage 2 for true people with hands.

    innova=official lineage 2

    ncwest=new private servers junction.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
  9. golemka

    golemka User

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    daaamn , these posts are totally forcing me to exp my toon what is here
    but i dont have again days , months to make another toon for fun

    also dont forget if you say something bad about nc ( lazyness , corrupted , truth ) you get ban! the whole server is fully of people who are totally narrow minded , illogical **** and paying to win or just simple doing rmt for a bigger bread or 2l of milk to their household
    if you say something bad about innova , wait what bad can you say about innova? :d no scripts , no ranger , no tower , no rmt , no bots , no graf , no riceking , no nohandparties , no euromilionparties , people know english and gms and moderators are trying to improve the server as they can

    as dark kokojambo said
    innova is official and nc is just sime highrate brazil ****
  10. Aminiryku

    Aminiryku User

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    i play here cuz no bots xd
    no p2w xdddd
    no "wallet warriors" xddddddddddddd

    rip in pieces
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
    wumhrhlp likes this.
  11. darkyojimbo

    darkyojimbo User

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    if you are looking for attention get a girl.here is no place for crybabies.
  12. Hanta

    Hanta User

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    razzly will close the topic and tell you to open support ticket . :)
  13. Rangur

    Rangur User

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    there are bots on innova. its just nowhere near as bad as on ncwest, but it got a lot worse during the last 1-2 months.

    the usual or the free bots may not work here, but i report bots in batches every few days and have been for the last 2.5 months, and i have gotten gm feedback to my reports several times, and i mean real feedback and not just a standard "thanks for the report".

    so please, if you want to make the game better take the time to actually report bots with a support ticket. using the ingame "botreport" button is not really enough, because it requires several people to report the same bot before there is any consequence. with a support ticket your single report is all it takes for them to take action.

    ps: asking someone "are you here" and getting no reply is not an appropriate bot check :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
  14. Aminiryku

    Aminiryku User

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    u jelly? or crying a river?

    truth remains truth and your epic comment is equal to "shiet" lvl
  15. Walkirye

    Walkirye User

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    whats wrong with brazil? xd...

    u know, they are everywhere, u can find a br clan on every l2 server on the planet, and if u like (i think not) old style high rate server pvp thereâ´re some good br server over there (freya, h5)...

    they just **** at footbal, but dont blame them just for that...

    on topic:

    what can i say about innova, its they need more active ppl to manage the comunity, wich is grownig from the pas few month... ar least they need that if they will maintain the new hard pw2 system.

    and, if botter want to do business on innova, nobody will stop it. dont delusion urself thinking that this is "managed" just because frost and some gm activity. hopefully, they have a lot of work to still do on ncbotland :d
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2013
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