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From Shilien Oracle to Saint

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by antidot, Dec 9, 2011.

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  1. antidot

    antidot User

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    so i started a shilen oracle and am lvl 20 atm :)
    i would like to know what would be the best armor to wear (robe/light)? what are the best weapons to choose (staff/sword+shield)?
    thanx for sharing your experience
  2. Myzreal

    Myzreal User

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    for your class it's always robes. weapon is a choice of preference at this level, as long as it has high m.dmg. after 40th level, aim for weapons which have "acumen" as a special ability. when deciding robes, my personal preference would be to go for these, which increase casting speed.
  3. SleepnDreamn

    SleepnDreamn User

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    i play se myself and at lvl 48 i'm using those free items from justice tokens i got after 2nd job change. i'm soloing / duo with mage or kamaloka. not sure myself what to wear really. was thinking about karmian + homunculus sword acumen till a/s grade maybe. at the same time avadon set (thinking about getting one) is now sold in npc shop really cheap and from paliaka lvl 49 i can get sword of valhalla. preferable b grade for se would be blue wolf robe set but is so much harder too get that avadon. a grade comes to dc robe or majestic robe set. both are sold by npc in giran but mj robe is unidentified and might come bound. sword of miracles for a weapon but truth be told homunculus can last for a long time if all you do is support job.

    as for leveling. quests in ruins of agony and despair will get you do 38 (with kamaloka when possible) and then 2nd job quest to 41. at 44 you gain skill that lets you kill every kind of monster not only undead. great for soloing :d
  4. antidot

    antidot User

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    thanks for your answers guys, useful info here :d
  5. Summer_Rous

    Summer_Rous User

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    after lvl 40, when you have your second prof. got to ivory tower, do the quests there, if you still can do an instance that day, try to do lvl 43 one in heine, when you finnish it a npc will spawn and he will port you to cruma tower, do quests there and do some partying. you should be okay to lvl till 50-51. do palaika quest. you should hit lvl 51 / 52. get b grade armor and it is time to do some quests. remember you have daily quests and you have daily kamaloka. do those and you should be okay with leveling, get yourself a party and lvl some. doing this will bring you to lvl 61. at that moment you can do second palaika quests, do it. you should be okay with your b grade armor and weapon till end 60. there are daily quests every day, at some levels you have one time quests which give you 10 - 60% per quest. i would suggest to find a good site with information about this quests, or you can find them yourself by using worlmap information. good luck.
  6. SleepnDreamn

    SleepnDreamn User

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    level 61 dinged on my se not to long ago (now its 64). i finally got majestic robe from lux shop for like 1.66m adena. i skipped normal c and b grade. till the end i was using those free c grades i got from 2nd job change. i'm still using the staff but i plan to change on s+ or maybe get something c grade with acumen. paliaka at 49 gave me valhalla with regeneration buff so now its sitting in warehouse. i can heal for over 1.2k with major heal with c grade + bssc so its nice and cheap. shots also rise cast speed for recharge and other stuff.
  7. Eska

    Eska User

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    due to no interest in this thread i'm moving it to archive.
    you can find there all moved and closed threads.
    if thread was moved there, and it shouldn't be closed yet, please pm me to move it back to the branch.

    best regards,
    piotr 'eska' kostro
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