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Kamaloka Related Daily quest issue and General Daily Quest issue

Discussion in 'Game Bugs (Archive)' started by Bastor, Dec 11, 2011.

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  1. Bastor

    Bastor User

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    first of all the kamaloka quest "certification of value" and "recertification of value" do not reset as intended.
    i did both quests yesterday on character "bastor". they are taken from the npc that spawns after killing the final boss of "kamaloka hall of the abyss" and "kamaloka labyrinth of the abyss". i went to both instance zones, completed them successfully and did the follow up quests and gained two coins from them and the exp. and sp reward.

    today (a day after i completed these instances) only one of the quests was reset and the other daily quest was bugged and didn't reset.
    it would be nice if this bug were fixed since the quest reward is quite substantial.

    so in short the original "certification of value" quest does not reset daily as it should.

    the other bug is the 60+ daily quests. it should let you choose between one of three but it really doesn't which leads to an overpopulated quest zone.
  2. Vivinia

    Vivinia User

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    certification of value is a one-time quest, so it's working as it should. after that you can only do the recertification of value - once per day.
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