thanks what pictures for the movie edition! new olympiad movie from last september, i had nothing to do with the movie editing (didn't choose anything there except the redzerg words ), specially with the movie title they chose, not my style >.<' troy - olympiads from september 2013 download link: troymovies youtube: youtube pov: yul sagittarius 99 duration: 13:25 tracklist: i-exist - the end myka, relocate - doublespeak serianna - exist to outlive keeping secrets - press on the matches that appear in the movie are the following (by order): vs kingsize (yul ghost sentinel) vs dontcry (wynn spectral master) vs u3pyga (wynn spectral master) vs glance (othell wind rider) vs skizzik (othell adventurer) vs sprtcs (othell wind rider) vs mel (yul sagittarius) vs sindeya (aore eva's saint) vs erikthered (sigel shillien templar) vs deimon (iss sword muse)
i don't like so much olympiad videos, i prefere pvp ones, btw as usual well edited and well done... but what's that shader effect that gives a lot of red saturation? it's weird