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lvl 1-20

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by spankertanker, Dec 11, 2011.

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  1. spankertanker

    spankertanker User

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    okay, so couldnt really find a discussion on this yet.

    but didnt ncsoft/innova test this before releasing? i mean. as long as there are less then 5 people tryin gto get to level 20, its fine.
    but since start, hundreds and hundreds of people trying to get to level 20 at the same time. and you can only do this under 10 hours if your lucky a gm is spawning mobs/corpses. especially with mages/archers camping around to kill mobs, even tho they must got their quest ready a long time ago already. really frustrating for new players. altho im sure 99% of the current 'newbies' are people making multi chars for the 1.5million adena you get.

    also funny that you get more from 1 to 22 then from 22 to 50 in adena. hooray for lowering the adena drops to 1/10th of what it used to be and keeping all prices exactly the same as before.

    cant add more fixed spawns for mobs/corpses? im quite sure gm's could be doing more important things then spawning mobs all the time
  2. stomped

    stomped User

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    and what gms could be doing more important then helping players?
  3. MiuMiu

    MiuMiu User

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    we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and will be archived at the 1st of the month, as planned.

    regards .
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