added a new articles about life cryslals and vitamin pets
dear friends! merry christmas! we hope that the new year will bring you joy and happiness and even more breathtaking adventures. thanks for staying with us, for your support and feedback. yours, la2 encyclopaedia team
today's news: we've added full info about the campaigns, including descriptions, rewards, maps and all the related stuff. more content to be uploaded tomorrow
it's not accurate imho , but who cares tbh. just try different spot , and seriously never expect a full drop before at least 4-5h of farm
i love this wiki, learned a lot of useful things from it, even though it is not the most accurate thing in the world. is the rim kamaloka description correct? i tried doing as it said to achieve maximum results, but it didn't work.
added a new articles about subclasses and subclass skills:
information about availability of subclasses is false for god. you can't get sub that will have the same 4th class as your main or other sub. e.g. ol can't get wc/bd/sws sub any more.
thanks for the correction. table of subclasses aligned with the god.
are the drop rates correct? cause i don't really believe that harnak drops full stuff that often with a 0.1/0.5% chance only
drop rates correct for non-pa chars. whole drop chance for unidentified items from bamonty approximately 1 - 1.2% => 1 item from 83 - 100 mobs.
i understand that there is still a lot of work to do and a lot of content to upload, but can i ask why is there some content in russian instead of english? shouldnt it be a priority to make it english 1st and then translate to other languages? ty
because this wiki is mostly the translation of it's russian original someone forgot to translate the article
ruoff was opened in december 2008 and l2wiki almost at the same time, that's why russian is more important language for wiki than english. =)