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i got 2 problems! plz help!

Discussion in 'Technical Issues (Archive)' started by xtapoditom, Dec 12, 2011.

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  1. xtapoditom

    xtapoditom User

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    well i log on lineage2 after 1h game my mouse stop working >.< first i though it my mouse problem only ! i tryed to play another game crossfire my mouse stoped working after 1h gameplay but it reconected in 1 sec and no prob !

    well on your server and only here my mouse don;t reconect . i updated my drivers on mouse and it working perfect on every game now ! just only n l2 stuck now >.< and never connect again , the only way is to make restart every 1h :/
    i got new mouse and same problem :/ this is the first prob help logitech mouse rx 250 i searched on google too other ppl got this prob too but theyr mouse reconect here it not reconect :) frost security don;t let it reconect >.< btw

    after this i found another problem , i tryed alt+ctrl+delete to close l2 ! so i can replug my mouse so it will work and i login and play again :) but i can't close lineage2 from alt+ctrl+delete ! at all ! what if someone got lagg and stuck and don;t get disconect from the game ? he have to make rr to open l2 again ? get real :/ make it able to close it from alt + ctr + delete i have made more than 20 restart to my computer ! to close l2 and reopen it !! there no lineage2.exe or frost.exe on alt-ctrl-delete ! if l2 stuck how we will close it to open lineage2 again ???
    sorry for my english i hope you get what i say and help me :/ im a little pissed of cous i could only close l2 and my mosue recconect and i can't use alt-ctrl-delete and lose 10 min to rr my pc :/
    every 1 h! :(
  2. Kall

    Kall User

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    dear xtapoditom,
    if you don't use x64 bit system, you will not be able to close l2 or frost via task manager. it's frost security.

    about mouse reconnect.. i need consult.
    do you check your firewall?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2011
  3. Eska

    Eska User

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    good day,

    you can see actual solutions and issues' statuses here.
    additional instructions could be found here.
    if you can't find a solution for your issue you always can ask for moving the thread back into the main branch.

    best regards,
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