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Logitech G13 not Working?

Discussion in 'Instructions Archive' started by Sandaru, Dec 12, 2011.

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  1. Sandaru

    Sandaru User

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    so, when i have the g13 profiler running the camera ingame goes crazy... it just keeps looking towards the sky and "looping" in one direction. when i close the profiler the game runs just fine, but i cant manage to get the g13 work with l2... i read (not in this forums) some people had problems with gameguard and they couldn't get it to work at all, but others got it to work (with some small glitches, but it worked)... so, i was wondering if frost or gg had anything to do with it, or it's just me not knowing how to configure it properly.

    so, if anyone has the g13 and has it working with l2, i'd be grateful if he/she could tell me how to do it.
  2. Eska

    Eska User

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    hello sandaru,

    in game options, when you log in, uncheck joystick. that cause your camera to spin.

    best regards,
  3. Sandaru

    Sandaru User

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    thank you! it doesn't spin anymore, but the g13 still isn't working... :s you have it working?
  4. Eska

    Eska User

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    i'll check my g13 if its working. actually macro keyboards used to be blocked by most mmos since they are kinda illegal. frost might be blocking it. i'll post results for you later.
  5. Sandaru

    Sandaru User

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    well, i just want to assign function keys (f1-f12) and alt+number because i'm playing in a laptop with a bit uncomfortable keyboard. of course i know it's not possible to make just a exception for that, nor i'm hoping for it, just saying that's the case. and thanks for bothering with it :). i hope there's luck and it works, and if possible you tell me how.
  6. Eska

    Eska User

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    i'm more than glad to help, as soon as i'll connect g13 to my laptop i'll post results.
  7. djpliku

    djpliku User

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    dear sandaru, you must calibrate your joystick, to do that, please follow the steps:

    ps; for windows 7 users goto in your control panel through start, devices and printers, right click on hid and gamecontroller, game controller settings (not properties) from drop down menu, highlight g13 joystick, properties. then you in the calibrate section of windows vs g13.

    but before that you need to create a profile as written underneed this, its written for 3.0x versions and vista but for the new version and w7 works almost the same, im confident you find your way out.

    1. open the "logitech g-series key profiler".
    2. create a new profile and name it "calibrate".
    3. click the "select using the gamepanel display" radio button.
    4. click the "lock profile while game is running" check box (make sure it is tagged).
    5. click the "ok" button.
    6. from the "edit" menu select "all g-keys" and click "disable".
    7. click on one of the 5 thumb stick parts in the profiler. a popup menu appears. click the last option, called "assign joystick".

    8a. open the "game controllers" applet in the windows "control panel".
    8b. for windows 7 users goto in your control panel through start, devices and printers, right click on hid and gamecontroller, game controller settings (not properties) from drop down menu, highlight g13 joystick, properties. then you in the calibrate section of windows vs g13.

    9. select "logitech g13 joystick" in the list box.
    10. click the "properties" button and a new dialog window appears.
    11. click the "settings" tab.
    12. click the "calibrate" button and the"game device calibration" wizard appears.
    13. this is important: watch the g13 display. it should read "select ok when this game is running: calibration". there will be a "tag mark" and a "x" on the display. press the button below the "tag mark" on the g13. you should do this only after the "game device calibration" wizard appeared.
    14. follow the instructions of the wizard. note that the wizard asks you to "press a button on the controller" from time to time. you need to press the joystick like a button (and not move it left, right, up or down) whenever the wizard prompts you with that. you'll notice that the wizard moves to the next step when you do that.
    15. at the end of the wizard's steps press the "finish" button and the wizard will close.
    16. you can now test the thumb stick in the "logitech g13 joystick properties" dialog by pressing the "test" tab. you'll notice that the thumb stick is working fine now. if you press the thumb stick like a button then the red "1" in the"buttons" section lights up now too.

    17. press "ok" to close the "logitech g13 joystick properties" dialog.
    press "ok" to close the "game controllers" applet.

  8. Sandaru

    Sandaru User

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    thank you for taking the time to write such an extensive explanation! i'll try it right now. i suppose that by unchecking "joystick" as ieska told me (in fact, it was gamepad) in the l2 menu i disable the whole g13? but i think i tried the shortcuts in g13 with the camera spinning and nothing happened anyways. i'll try doing that and post something.

    so, i did as you told me, and the spinning problem is gone even with the gamepad enabled ingame, but still, the g13 isn't working. :( thank you, at least that's one thing solved.

    edit: i've been wandering around the russian forums of 4game, and it seems like they play just fine with g13, g15 and other devices? i'm not sure, because i used google translate, so if someone who knows russian could help...? xd not like i expect anyone knowing russian to be here instead of the russian servers, but who knows.


    i managed to get l2 to work with logitech g13, kind of, but the spinning issue is back...
    i played a bit with the privileges, executing both l2.exe and lgdcore.exe(g13 profiler) in admin mode, and it now detects the keys! yay! but now i can't recallibrate, something to do with admin privileges i think, because in another game the i had to do something similar :s.

    edit: i just disabled the gamepad at ingame options, and the keys work just fine (thanks ieska), it's just a partial solution, but for now...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
  9. djpliku

    djpliku User

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    your calibration was not saved , if you have the spining issue again.
    try to recalibrate .
  10. Sandaru

    Sandaru User

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    i believe it was saved, because i had to restart my computer at first to get it to work with the new calibration, which at first worked fine. but running g13 profiler as admin makes windows calibrator not detect any movement i do with the joystick, anyways, it just works fine with gamepad disabled inside menu and i don't think i'll need the joystick anyways. but i'll try again later.
  11. Famous

    Famous User

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    what use do you find t he g13? if none of the features are working frost may block it..
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
  12. spankertanker

    spankertanker User

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    i've noticed some games have issues with specific joypads/joysticks.

    try http://www.electracode.com/4/joy2key/joytokey english version.htm :) works with every windows supported joypad/joystick and eventho i havent tried it on god yet, it used to work for high five.

    you can bind whatever button you want to whatever key on the keyboard or action with the mouse (or both).
  13. Sandaru

    Sandaru User

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    the g13 works fine now, it was some privelege matter with the running process, i do not exactly know why, but i have to run the lgdcore.exe (g13 profiler, which acts as "driver" for the g13 when active, i believe) in admin mode. i say i don't know why because logitech g13 is supposed to work without software installed, you can save your profiles in the g13 itself. running that in admin mode causes some conflict with the windows calibration option, and i can't calibrate it, so i just disable gamepad ingame options, and the logitech just works fine.
  14. TGM_darken09

    TGM_darken09 User

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    good! topic will be closed but this story is very interesting so i think it should be sticked for a while.
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