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[INFO] Suggestions? Clarifications?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Kleryan, Dec 13, 2011.

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  1. Kleryan

    Kleryan User

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    i just was thinking about that l2.com has a more deailed site. why couldn't we do the same? remember that a good site attracts more new players, and it makes the people remain on the same domain causing more contact per day.
    we are the official provider for european players, we are not just a bracket we should have our own site we people can look at.

    more than this i can say that ncsoft gave rights to this site: http://www.l2archive.com/ to be like "the official site for infos". this is ok but i don't understand why in his homepage there are only recalls and links to ncwest's news, announcements and promotions.

    if ncsoft (and not ncwest) gave him the rights it should be impartial. and we should have an our own site. what do you think about it? obviously also an answer by mods/gm/admins is appreciated.
  2. Apophis

    Apophis User

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    there are plans to remake our website but you know there are more important things that needs innova's attention atm. i can't give you an eta or something but be sure that they are working on this also.

    about official site partners i have no ideea. with time maybe we will have something similar who knows.
  3. MiuMiu

    MiuMiu User

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    we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and will be archived at the 1st of the month, as planned.

    regards .
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