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To Innoe WEBSITE bug

Discussion in 'Game Bugs (Archive)' started by bankeris, Dec 13, 2011.

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  1. bankeris

    bankeris User

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    i dont know were to post so created here. its a web bug:)
    i could say it's a translation bug: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/play/

    "new updated time of the maintenenace - please read at http://t.co/nxrydf3g
    about 7 ч. назад"

    as you see in the end 7 hours in russian language and there are more news with such bug half of then en half ru, i was posting this bug to "fahrenheit" in private, but week has passed and still nothing.. as it's europe server it would be nice to correct this one! i know you guys from russia, but here is europe standart, so forget ru - no offence really :) i understand russia perfect but english is always english :)
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