we accept timisoreana, becks, ursus, heineken(5l, la butoi), etc the clan hall is located in the beautiful village of gludin. we have ocean view^^. dont't worry if the curtains don't work, we don't have windows. only serious offers please. ps for application: for south korea pm :2imba2 2imba3, 2imba4, 2imba5, 2imba6, 2imba7. for north korea pm: 2imba1 for mother russia pm: iliescu for the rest of the world pm guviduta (our proud clan leader) not... ps2 bungee(the guy from the game not the moderator from forum) is a **** german.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned. kind regards.