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Dual swords – All in one thread

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Dulis, Dec 17, 2011.

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  1. Intrepid

    Intrepid User

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    you missing the point :)

    besides of i needed to give up my clan and switch char and argh lot of mess to deal with...the point is the team never ever given any proper information or a reason just a "the issue is invalid live with it" and thats whats bugging me you know :)

    im not angry nor upset just want to hear a reason thats all i think thats not a huge thing to ask.

    besides the craft list is still bugged considering the fact that common items are not exist so its weird afterall that means they didnt even looked into it or what?

    ps.: and they do the same with every single critical bug like cruma tower constantly failing to work which leaves us without core raid and without a really great lvling area.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2011
  2. Sanzi

    Sanzi User

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    i will say one more time innova is not developer they cant change anything or fix, wait for nckorea updates.
  3. Brume

    Brume User

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    there is few things i wish to add to your post to complete it.
    -common is not the "in game common" but rather the standard (white) one.
    -you can craft dual bound (grey) from d to mid c grade.
    -you can craft standard from d to top b grade.
    -you can upgrade your dualsword directly from low d to top c to the blacksmith of mammon
    -if you want top c and b weapons you have to buy your swords or even make them with a dwarf or make them from mammon improving weapons then go to nearest blacksmith (aden for b grade) and gather sop (stone of purity).
    -untill the 8th, no dcs (dualsword craft stamp) are avaible, and from 8th january you should have dcs from castle owners (meaning the leader of the clan owning a castle) because they are sold in castle vendor.
    -why the 8th ? because the first castle siege should and will occur the 8th january, untill then, you have still have 2 solutions to get dual swords higher than b:
    -getting lucky and getting a dcs at the item broker (extremly rare), there is 1 item broker in each main town and they solde items on stated date with bids.​
    -getting lucky and getting a dualsword already made at the item broker also.​

    now lets figure we're after the 8th then in order to make a higher dualsword than b this is the path (for top a and s) :
    -you should get a standard tallum blade, get lucky on the checking on unidentified tallum blade or even craft one by yourself, because luxury shop don't sell it. (for a and s weapon)
    -buy a damascus (in order to make a top a dual it's a top b sword sold by the luxury) or a dle (dark legion edge in order to make top s, it's a top a sword sold by the luxury) or make it from a dwarf
    -take 1 dcs and some adena and find the blacksmith of mammon
    -make your dualsword and enjoy spend more than 100kk on it. /sarcasm off.

    as you can notice, i'm not talking about s80 and r's grade weapon since everybody is at the same step for those grades : we all have to grind for it.
    for those who wonder how to craft a tallum blade, here is the recipe, only 60% is avaible since ct1/ct2. in ct1/ct2 all 100% grade a recipe have been removed from drop/spoil table. some used to exist on old account and can be gived in events but since this server is new, and not use ncsoft/ncwest events, i doubt there is a way to get the 100% recipe on there in future days. (but you can find the recipe on the same site by 1 click if you know the english.)
    as you can noticed there is the total basic mats (mats that can't be refined) or the right side of the screen.
  4. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned.

    kind regards.
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