last seconds were really awesome :d thanks to team ally's
next siege should be fun, sadly with xmas i guess many people will be off and is not going to be so excite.
cs was quite a fun. from my perspective: poor thedarks in gludio at the begining, nice fights in goddard and giran. and 1vs1 pt against 7s in dion was also fun although we run out of time to crest. they did good job to call 2nd pt and secure this castle. for next siege, shall the aden, rune or innadril be signed? from a "random" view ^^
maybe that's why it will be excited. if for example we will defend castle with 4 party against zerg let see
cs was one of the most fun. since no rg members are so ***** to comment like you ***** i will say. there is 3 top clans in server. 1st is bs 2nd is ba 3rd is rg. both from 1st and 2nd was fighting in rg castle to show who have most balls. in the the end none of the 1st and 2nd have no balls or brains. rg clan even with the lowest members (overal) equipent and fire power proved they have strong ballz. this is only becouse elronia is the fking best leader since start till the end. and some ofc i am was so ***** osom player and was defending rg ( troling like allways) in the end is meaning no matter how much you 'strongest clans are' but there is one guy: elronia who will be leading anyone against anyone and will be achieving things against arogants ****s like you are in being silent. cry more *****.
it's the easiest non aden/rune castle to defend, and since the goal of owning a castle is to be able to use the cloak having an easier castle to defend is better as you have less chances to lose it 2 weeks after.
you're talking like bs and ba allied against rg which is totally not the case. bs was attacking rg and ba was there to kill someone since their castle was safe. which did not end up to be bs + ba vs rg but more like bs vs rg vs ba which was awesome to be honest.
you have some kind of problems to be rude like that ? going to rune to show balls and brain ? hmm , nope just went there to get some pvp and some fun.
there is nothing written in my post like that. its pretty simple said: both clans was fighting in rg castle. i have no idea how you managed to understand that i said bs and ba was allied. i didnt say that.
some people seriously do not understand what tactic means ... and no, we were not allied. we were killing everyone. specially in rune.