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Siege Discussions Part 2 - No inappropriate language

Discussion in 'Activity' started by DeepBlue, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Ronove

    Ronove User

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    i didn't even read what he wrote, but it honestly doesn't matter much, there's a whole lot of things written about that subject, my point of view on things is very simple, and i just wrote it above.
  2. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    i would be ashamed to be part of a 200 people clan and even more ashamed to be part of 400 people ally.
    Undressed, Anxxi, BlackWoodz and 2 others like this.
  3. ERiPwn

    ERiPwn User

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    evilnation for the dominance of serbidor !

    ninja edit : venom to rule ze zerbidor !
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2015
  4. Thunderlane

    Thunderlane User

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    ... forums. full stop.
  5. Seregramor

    Seregramor User

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    i dont know who you are in server, what is your main toon nick, but for sure you will see me more in game, pvping than in forum...

  6. Cursed

    Cursed User

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    lf invite at bs & rg wedding...i promise u ba will bring u nice gifts ! stop acting like kids who hide so partents cant see them !
    ps2 : as a bs member said : what to do in a dead clan...better farm with rg...enough said...pathetic srsly....
    ps3 : stop sell craps like bs wanted stone and rg seems not. it was ur turn for stone...is what ally does...share by turn
    ps4 : useing that pathetic excuse ba flames and we are saints....is just pathetic excuse for ur actions
    ps5 : bs - i personaly know few ppl inside that clan wich i never thought they will lose the slef respect and dignity
    ps6 : rg - nothin new under the sun ...1st day as clan or 3rd year as clan - never allone ...allways in shadow and in need of someone who help u ..protect u....but this time good job ....bs are ur pets ...sad but true..gj elronia makeing posible the clan wich trashed and make fun of rg for 2 years to work for u . hat off from me
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2015
  7. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    @cursed i'm not defro if you are refering to me, you can check my signature. gosh.
  8. JaceB

    JaceB User

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    its defnomits. not defromits.
  9. Cursed

    Cursed User

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    yes i realised after...sry for the confusion...
  10. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    well finally discussion lead to point where i tried to move it...

    soon it will be where it deserve to be . ba top clan.
    bs and rg need to ally to get smth... and still failing... bs big mouthed stars like blackbird , syra and others which were flaming smth about rg / ba big ally, zerging all.... no point to fight u, impossible....

    here is ur answer:

    u was 160 vs 130 + 130.
    we are 130 vs 160 + 200 and u see results... ba > all scrubs... even if we fail, we trying, we fighting... u are loosers by defealt...
  11. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    u must have some mental disease. you never fought 160 + 200. not when bs came to rune to prevent you to take castle, not when rg went to aden to make you lose castle or when to prevent you get it from bs, nor when you fought to get pvp stone last time.
    GecKos, Seregramor and Troy like this.
  12. SeeingRed

    SeeingRed User

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    i dont understand you guys :d you already slept with each other and still arguing like it smith left.
  13. Troy

    Troy User

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    so many tears for nothing. since some people keep showing in this (and other) threads why they were never considered any smart and i'm bored enough as i've got no work to do, let me explain basic stuff that many of those people seem to not understand.

    1. the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    1.1. ancient phrase, believed by many people and that fits perfectly here. more information in here.

    1.2. after ba+rg ally (real ally) got broken, rg hated ba more than they hated bs (at least its what i've noticed). that means that they tend to forget their hate towards bs and focus on the new hate towards ba, that keeps growing everytime they read those comments in hero/global shouts, even from ba leadership. wonder why some rg hate ba? try reading what even ba "leader" talks in forums and not only some randoms no one cares about (just need to see last logy's post).

    1.3. bs, on the other hand, found ba bigger (and richer) threat than rg. i don't know if thats what bs leadership thinks, but its what i think. if i had to choose who to kill first if ba and rg were together i'd always go for ba. why? better geared, more heroes and the plus of the fun to kill big mouths brings (that would include gruzzy as well).

    1.4. gainak. i had to laugh when that funny leader ba got showed the video from gainak. as syra already explained well enough, should her party fight with rg to let ba come at any time and be alone against both rg/ba? the smartest (which isn't always the common answer around this forums) decision would be to do what they did. better farm 50% than 0%. wouldn't be the decision i'd take, but thats because i do not need/like to farm plus i like pvp more than anything else in this game, appart that i'm not smart sometimes. as she also said, she's not bs leader and the rg there didn't include rg leader. consider it like this, if i went to s3 to help a friend from laonda (if i had any) to kill anyone who is bothering him/her, would that mean bs got "ally" with laonda? no, at least not for smart people. i even remember myself with patricia and few others (bs), helping skizzik cp (ba) to kill sprtcs cp (enclave).

    1.5. rg and bs clans (and not small number of parties or individuals) fight each other anytime ba isn't near. happened last antharas/valakas and other dragons. might not happen in sieges because of a common goal, which is to keep ba as weakened as possible.

    1.6. currently rg and bs don't help each other in any weekly raids (aq, orfen -if anyone still does it-, anakim, lilith or baium) nor dragons (valakas, antharas, lindvior). could change in time, but i don't see it changing.

    2. sieges 08.02.15

    2.1. those comments about how proud ba members were because of winning bs/rg etc. were funny. why?

    2.1.1. if i'm not wrong, ba crested right when sieges started, time bs was in aden still regrouping, as we had very few people at that time. i got no idea about rg, but my bet was that they also weren't in oren or ready at all. obviously thats bs and/or rg own fault, or maybe that they didn't care enough.

    2.1.2. ba, because of having no castle of their own, were able to rez every single time they had flag, which was at most of the oren siege fights. anyone that knows a bit about pvp, knows that thats a really big boost (too bad thats not something common around here lately).

    2.1.3. everytime bs was fighting ba helped by rg, we won. at least the times i was there, i try to not be like other people here that talk without knowing.

    2.1.4. interrupting alts cresting (specially if they aren't ertheias) is one of the easiest things lately, specially if you can rez + the castle is close to town like it is in oren.

    2.1.5. you got the castle, gz for it. i've heard where the stone went, i don't know if its true but if it is i'm sure there were people that needed it more for their mains :p

    @logy, you were never known for being smart (actually the other way around), but this post was even funnier than usual. only place bs+rg are allied in is sieges (and sporadically during some 4 bosses, gainak if the players there consider it is mutually beneficial, as i explained for people like you in the point 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6). so far, you still got no castle. do you really think we are failing? (i already know the answer, still reading you is so funny).

    i want to think you are being ironic there, but just in case: even before your party left to a random neutral clan, you saw how bad bs activity was. imagine how it became after your + 3-4 more parties left.
    GecKos, Ultimated, orbi_ and 7 others like this.
  14. Kengaa

    Kengaa User

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    reason we joined bs was because you were outnumbred and outgeared and lost most of the dragons and daily pvp.
    reason we left because your clan didn't really need us and also i am not into the clan rules/mentality that blackswans have and not to mention the siege agreement between rg+bs was not funny for my party at all.
    i bealive that blackswans could have took aden and most of the dragons without any help but leadership is weak and give up to easy.
    everyone is talking about what happened in the past which have zero value to whats going on right now. when ba+rg broke up the alliance this is where blackswans could have pushed gainak to the max and probably took it for atleast 1 month farm.
    but the leadership as i said is weak and nothing was done by this time instead of cooperating with rg with gainak which i find to funny.
    though i have no idea why most of the cry posts are from ba when they are getting what they want. an "ally" between
    rg+bs should just make ba stronger because i am sure most people don't find this fun and a clan as ba will just grow with stronger individuals and parties against this.

    you cannot save a sinking ship by reqruiting more numbers are getting support outside clan because this won't last forever and when you have a bad day in clan where 2-3 parties leave for diffrent reasons it will just get harder to reqruit and get new people into the clan mentality and daily acitvity. still accourding to your twitch stream you had 149 people online for siege
    which means if my party was still in bs and another 2-3 that you say left, those numbers in total i have never seen in my time beeing blackswans.

    though considering evilnation as a neutral random clan is a big misstake, leadership is better in my eyes then any top clan on this server and we are winning the war against rg+bs+ba without actually having a declared war up.
  15. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    @troy my post goes either way and is aimed to any clan that wants to dominate using the zerging tactic. i don't care if that clan is called bs,ba,rg,sh,dh,nova,redzerg or w/e other clan name anyone can use.
    Raymondmam likes this.
  16. Troy

    Troy User

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    as far as i know you were offered to help, but instead you left clan. to be honest, i do not care why you joined or why you left, i was just answering about numbers.
  17. Thunderlane

    Thunderlane User

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    nothing says more than instead of proof you bring words. nothing says more than rgs thanking bs's posts and vice versa. nothing says more than the fact that noone is seeing rg and bs pvp. nothing says more than limy, who openly said you have an alliance. so far so good. you might try to contradict your own members, you might try to repeat one lie a thousand times but truth, unfortunately, is always stronger. in any case, st. valentine's day is near, maybe then you'll be ready to profess your love.

    i don't see why bs and rg keep insisting that ba is crying. on the contrary, ba posts are all in the same spirit. but of course troy and co are writers, not readers. what ba is saying, ladies and gentlemen is that ba is happy to fight the zerg and win from time to time. who is winning more or losing more is not even the question. every post here, or shout is aimed to show that it's not a three sided server, but two sides, one of which is having the number advantage by a serious factor. which is the simple truth.

    unfortunately, bs and rg want to claim victory, each of them for themselves. they want to show the world they won alone. but why? politics is part of the game, good for you, you use it wisely. ba isn't. but the facts of the matter is that ba is standing alone against a zerg and the zerg isn't winning nearly as much as they would want. this is the point all those ba members are making. truth cannot be drown in words, propaganda only can succeed when there is at least some of this fine ingredient in it. even the masters of propaganda of nova never defended a complete lie, cause people like martel are smart enough to know that there is a limitation to it.

    at the end of the day everyone has eyes. even your own members started seeing the situation for what it is, let alone neutrals. so maybe st. valentine's day will be the day of the new love's official birth. don't worry, logy will be the first to congratulate you, i'm sure, he knows full well where he failed and where you succeeded. but of course where is an olive branch there is also a possible point of a spear, you just need to sharpen it a bit. so everyone gets what he can - some get friends, some get enemies.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2015
  18. Ronove

    Ronove User

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    i stopped reading right here, i thank enemy posts all the time as long as i see something of value there (even ba!), and reverse also happens, if you started with demagogic bullcrap then the rest of your post won't be much better.
    Yolai likes this.
  19. Troy

    Troy User

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    good example of why i explained everything, eventho seems i didn't explain it clearly or slowly enough, i take note for the next time.

    pvping rg every dragon doesn't proof anything because you don't see it, since you aren't there. that you cannot see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. now those pictures of dogs that think they are hidden while only that is hidden is their eyes come to my mind, thanks for the laugh, they are really cute.

    it seems you have missed the point 1.6 from my bible, gonna copy+paste it:

    if you didn't mean that we would help rg in dragons, then i don't know what you mean, since what anyone does with drops is their own decision and not clan's (specially since the points they have have been earned by their own work while helping clan), eventho last time i've checked there was a rule against it that would lead to severe penalties (this could have been changed, i don't check rules regularly).
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2015
  20. Thunderlane

    Thunderlane User

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    well i said it already, you're not a reader, you're a writer. and of course you stopped right there, the reality is hard to accept. there is a few thousand years old mental experiment, if we use it as a template - you're the one living in the cave, watching the shadows of the reality, and yes it's hard to see the reality itself when you're living a life in which you're only looking at shadows.

    my in-game nickname would help you read and comprehend my posts how? what's with the weak arguments, it's like noone here has a basic ability to use language, or what?