yes in cc was 150 ppl but i think on giran was 9-10 parties. this seems like not much differences between numbers
well you have to admit the upcoming siege will be fun as hell due to the fact 70% of server will be drunk to stupidity before the siege time starts xd
owwww good siege! gz for castles. and now i can enjoy w/o any lags <3 i love my new pc <3 :d edit: sorry for double post edit2: im 1st! :d
no idea, i just know indians and rampage tractorized irevent and all his clan, amazing pvp skills guys still wondering how hard had to be for u to agree take rune and gave up aden, im impressed
our honored blackswans friends are lately without balls. just lieing, barking and making false propaganda how immortal they are.
gz to all clan that took or hold their castle. today siege was not bad , clans had less paople but that help no to have lags at siege.
seriously, with 200 less people on siege field i was able to play without any lags/fps drops. it's actually a long time since i had such a wonderful siege performance wise.
just asking, soo a lot of people quitted because of event? or why so low activity on todays siege? atleast no lagz, that's good i think
easter , people prefer to spend their time with friends/family rather than fight pixel war over the internet. doubt that this event will have any effect on server player base.