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Core Daily Discussions Part 2 - Clans, PvP, Olympiad etc

Discussion in 'Activity' started by DeepBlue, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    So another items to PvPAddict CP. Which is what I said earlier. You'll always find an excuse to do not give top items to other people.

    Max level helios ring , is something common in your clan , don't throw fairy dust all around.
    Apr 5, 2018
    If Rio never stopped Core, why there is no fraps of Core at all from the period you're not able to take hero ? Not even siege fraps , like you're saying to me.

    Oh and btw , Rio said, nothing to fraps on Core during summer oly wise if I remind properly.
    Hax likes this.
  2. Hax

    Hax User

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    because he bought a new pc and wasnt able to fraps any mass pvp, only oly.
  3. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    So , with his old pc he couldn't fraps sieges while 2 years ago he could. So he downgraded his pc before upgrading it , or it takes him 3 month to set up a computer?
  4. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Yes, because Rodica was paying a lot of money to keep his hero at ramona.
  5. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Seems Anxxi again bringing some quotes out of context.
    So few questions: Where is Chile CP now? Who were members? Did I kicked them from clan?

    If someone was thinking he will join BA/TH under my leadership and he could slack, not improving and just crying in corner and expected he will stay in clan and get even 1 adena, he was terribly mistaken. But i always told this at interview i made when they were recruiting.
    So obviously there was much more CPs like Chile CP, with who i wasnt satisfied and got kicked after try out period.

    But there were also CPs which cared for clan and clan helped them. So every coin has 2 sides. U speak about some no name CPs.
    Lets take example of other CPs who actually proved themselves.

    Syra CP - i remember we took only Lanz and Syra, as solo players. Syra had ambitions to make ( re - make ) her own CP. How hard it was at start? But i never felt, like they were useless and clan gave them lot of support. But of course Syra supported and helped clan a lot. They got for their CP members 7S talisman, Helios Ring lv 3, many opportunities to farm gainak, clan helped them with some bosses, some PVP weapon stones, some other items and some other adena to improve. And where they are now? Pretty stable CP in pretty stable clan. For sure one from top CPs at Core atm. Maybe like top 6-7?

    IronV CP - how they started in BA/TH? I think they came from BS2? Definitely were not so stacked. I think clan helped them a lot. Maybe 1 example for all. PVE polearm for IronV. How flamed that decision was. And best is, he got it and i even convinced him to powerlevel clan archers to 101 for it. While every other CP in clan got PVE weapon for free beside PVP A and IronV. So who was real slave? Iron or Anxxi?
    And where they are now? TOP 1 or TOP 2 CP at Core.

    Smejo / DM / Verb CP - again where they started? I remember Smejo without even PVP set playing in BA/TH. Same DM and same for any other members. Did they received some help and items from clan? They got help with AQs, for example DM got some items to borrow to farm his own items more effectively in night gainaks or some other places, they got also 7S, PVP weapons, jewels, etc etc... And where are they now? Pretty much top CP at top clan.

    Sprtcs/Koko888/Avernox CP - About sprtcs pointless to even talk. He farmed or got help from clan. He is basically product of BA/TH clan, same as Riordian. I remember when Sprtcs CP broke, it was clan and some people from clan who helped him a lot at that time. I remember Koko and Avernox playing in clan with normal sets +6 and normal bows +7. Where they are now? From i watch from videos and game, i would say they are atm most hot CP on rise.

    So at moment, when CPs joined our clan, they had equal position. They started at 0. It was their personal decisions if they gonna be AFK gainak boxes or if they gonna be helpful.
    People who were helpful, got what they deserved. People who thought they will be like parasits in our system got also what they deserved.

    And to dragon weapons. Same story as PVP sets, weapons, helios rings, 7S etc.
    What were people talking about Logy supporting PVP A or IronV or Ultimated or dunno who. I was always saying, if we get 10 rings/7S/pvp stones at once, everybody will get. But im not developer and i cannot make it happen.
    It was my word against word of people who were against me. History of drop sharing showed i was right. In the end, everybody got it. Same as everybody will get 1 dragon weapon in the end.
    But u dropping them 1 by 1 and making them 1 by 1. So of course clan leader will decide who deserves it more at moment it will be dropped.

    So from overall perspective, i dont think some people wasnt treated as they deserved. Of course, some people has different opinion and i didnt hold them in TH. We parted ways and they got opportunity to show me if i was wrong about them. Surprisingly none from them proved me wrong and it was CPs like Blackday, Ultimated, vllm, Gravedigger. So they were considered pretty strong and valued back in time. But none of them steps out of their shadow. Coincidence or i was right about them?

    So i can repeat it 1200 times, but im deeply in my heart convinced, that system of TH clan is/were working perfectly and people were getting threaten like they deserves. If system would be so bad, there is no discussion now about our top CPs. Seems like drop share has some fruits and items distributed to people making enemies mad and are subjects of endless jealous flames at forum. So i suppose, GJ guys, u doing good job with them :)
  6. ElHebi

    ElHebi User

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    Normal to struggle agaisnt Fro Cp, He is a person with great skills and usually hes calls during pvp are on point,have enough years playing l2 to know every class ups and down,about Arri she is personally the best healer i have play with,excelent, positioning amazing skill, she knows exactly whats going on around her group during any pvp. Ofc if u gear up ppl like this they will be a hard bone for anyone and not just for u.
    Brah cant be judged cuz be judged cuz hes from Belgium,Elenmire and Lurta are just Italians and as all we know italians do it better(take as example Rocco Siffredi)
    LefRobot and Arri~ like this.
  7. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Your wall of text destroyed by OrcMaster words. So just lol, you're convincing only yourself with your lie.
  8. {IronV}

    {IronV} User

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    all good so far but what happend after that ?
  9. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    He is right about your CP only. The rest was inexistant with people beating them with less gear, now they are maybe top 6-7 out of what 20 CP maximum :) , while they were prolly top 15 when server had still 100 people CC. Except Sprtcs ofc.
  10. Hax

    Hax User

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    and again, just because 1 guy didnt agree with logys share, it means logy was destroyed. Anxi is on a whole new level of bad
  11. Arri~

    Arri~ User

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    I felt like I was reading an advertisement for a Ferrari. Thank you Hebi, that's very kind!
  12. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Lol if you think OrcMaster was the only one thinking that. You can add Iron , Jik , Poison for sure. Just for those who are still in your clan. But OrcMaster was in this CP , so you're just trying again and again to deny what seems pretty clear, but you are failing like in oly when there isn't Rio to support you !
  13. Hax

    Hax User

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    i can name u ppl from my clan and en who dont agree with every single drop distributed. There are always unhappy ppl, doesnt mean it was bad or wrong. you are just trying to make random propaganda.

    if u r so good in oly go drive notbrah or any char and ill smash u like ill smash notbrah with dragon bow in our 1v1s this month
  14. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Anxxi thank U for your post. I was really missing to sedarching in my clan documents. Really for moments like this, i love math, i love statistics and i love doing it. And sometimes even after 3 years u get some satisfaction.

    So now lets go back to Orcmaster. As i said it before, its kinda out of context. He was quite frustrated with CP activity back in time, because PVP A were used to have activity on very high level and when it drops to average for 1-2 months at 1 summer, of course some people like Cursed and Orcmaster didnt felt so comfortable, so he wrote his opinion. But again, its just his opinion and i think his opinion was made in context of his general dissapointment from activity drop of PVP A. But still, it was just activity drop from very high to above average. I guess, people will understand no CP can keep their activity at level 6-7/7 on every event for 3 years. So when for few months some people taking some little break for real life or skip some activities and for 2 month your activity drops do 5-6/7, it is still good and standart.

    So after your post, i wanted to bring some proofs to discussion. And as far as everybody knows, i am known for editing everything in our clan document. So i opened it and i checked activity of vllm CP and PVP A CP, since U attacks mainly our CP.

    So i opened our clan document, searched for vllm CP and found this: https://i.imgur.com/xEsqZCr.jpg

    Overall Activity 85%. I was impressed. But than i watched closely and i saw that function cannot read some datas and it says DIV/0. I watched for reason why it happened. And i find out, that your activity in database was somehow removed.
    So as u know, every document like this has history. So i went to check history and i found out this: https://i.imgur.com/Bt5JB1m.jpg
    Coincidence caused, that months when your activity was lower got somehow deleted by someone.
    So activity at 01.november of 2015 was vllm 68%, PVP A 76%. Top was IronV with 80%.
    Also lets not forget,its overall activity and counting all months in clan. Also lets not forget that activity is started in this document only from june 2014. While PVP A are in this clan and organisation from day 1.
    As u can see and read, there was months where PVP A Activity dropped to 60-65 % and it caused Orcmaster to write what he wrote. But still, its his opinion and even now after time and with showing all this stuff, i disagree with it. None can keep activity on 80-90% over 2-3-4 years.

    But now lets go back. Coincidence caused that your activity was point of discussions, was so flamed, that u were so active and so active and so carrying our clan. Today, after 3 years, and i must admit, only thanks to U, i checked it again and i find out that little coincidence.
    Since i have my personal opinion if this is coincidence or not, and if we count also facts how u were trying to convince people around to log my char and change leader of clan etc... Seems u were not even afraid to remove some numbers from clan document to support your propaganda, because it would look pretty stupid if people would find out that your activity was even lower than PVP A and PVP A were not even top activity from all... wow wow wow
    I guess, 95% of people already know, it was best for our clan that we got rid off your CP. Now im sure, everybody will know it it was THE BEST!
    Hax likes this.
  15. Hax

    Hax User

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    well i always knew its good to get rid of anxi, nothing new
  16. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Just lol , I beat you in 15s , you're nowhere a challenge, I won't bother myself with a kid. Btw Brah is smashing you apparently lately, so many dreams ^^ , I'll call you Peter Pan.

    Logy , 80% of 4 people doesn't mean anything when a Cp should be 7 at least. I never touched your clan document who was filled only for your own propaganda. Soon you will say that you counted each blue message , I'm pretty sure you thought about it already.

    Yeah people can figure out that kicking us was the best to do since you lost everything after hahaha top clown. Also you way to write on forum is quite ridiculous thinking because you changed the police , what you're saying is more true.

    P.S : the day you got removed your number , we were already out of clan with access removed, try again. Logy proving himself as a lier once again. Thank you to keep proving my point post after post ! And once again Hax approving Logy no matter what , take care TH members.
  17. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    =(((Sumifs(G$39:G$806;G$39:G$806;"<7";$B$39:$B$806; $E17))+(countifs(G$39:G$806;">6";$B$39:$B$806;$E17)*7))*100)/((countifs(G$39:G$806;">=0";$B$39:$B$806;$E17))*7)
    Formula from clan document. If u understand some excel formulas, u will understand that activity is counted for 7 members and max 7 members would be counted and if u had 8 members as CP its still counting as 7 :)

    Your RG and EN zerged us and it took us some time to destroy them. U cannot beat so big zerg from day to day. So we lost all, we disbanded 5 times etc etc I was listening this stories even at time when only clan who had 50+ ppl on Core was disbanded TH and our competition was splitted in 10 fully working clans of 7 people each :D

    Again, if u are familiar what history in google docs doing and how it working, u would see that there are 2 colors and every color belong to some person. As u see orange color is with hidden name. But i see person who did it. Cannot prove if it was by purpose or by mistake.
    But since u wrote what u wrote
    the day you got removed your number , we were already out of clan with access removed, try again.
    , i guess u just told us that u know something about it and basically u said to everybody that u ordered it and person who was editing activity ( i guess people in TH knows very well who was editing activity ) prolly did it on purpose so u could spread your propaganda about "dead clan and only active vllm CP" after we got rid of your CP.
  18. goduole

    goduole User

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    This forum was ok till logy starts spam this wall texts of bla bla anxii too.. :D
  19. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    EN alone was killing you , there was no need of RG. But yeah you got zerged !

    About your theory , you just showed how much you are disturbed because who would spend that much energy to destroy an useless document lol ?

    All your sheet was only made to show that you and your friends would deserve drops while you were totally inactive out of 2-3 events. And yes we know that you were actively changing the document in order to look like a saint , but you cannot fool everyone.
  20. Hax

    Hax User

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    @NotBrah we fight or no? Elenmire said yes but I have not heard of any rules you might propose and a date. I am ok with any date before merge, I will then proceed to lose my pts on last day by signing and relogging to ensure your hero if you win. (unless u wanna fight for fun and not bet the hero)