Well at least this is how i renember Fragola said so. I can be wrong ofc. BUt im almost sure Events(Rewards/system/prices) are going from ncsoft headquarters.
Who cares what they said/say, they are not obligated to say the truth anyway, the point is that's another bad promo and they kinda give us one good per year.
5 eur each account its like ~1b in server, its bad promo just for u 2 1 not even playn , other mby playing just love qq ^^
Innova so smart, people will start killing afk macros = less Adena and buying more pk/rep scrolls to clear = more l2 store sales.
if i understand good, this scroll will be useless if you don't drop or lost item after pk no ? You can stay with 50 pk after tomorow ?
Good changes, very good change! I wanted them since long long time, finally we have true pvp game, like on pvp servers
@iCyxx 50 PK is nothing, you can get that in a few minutes, try clearing karma when having 1000 PKs gl
@iCyxx here is how the PK System works https://l2central.info/wiki/Система_PK#.D0.A8.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0.D1.84.D1.8B_PK @zauliuz clearing pk/karma multiple times per day will not be as easy or cheap as you guys think unless there are some scrolls idk about.
Do you count the ones from clan shop? I'm not sure there is anything worth buying from it anyway. Other than mby the bike.
@21Sav that's 50k rep per 1 PK... Bottom line is whoever wants to get on a daily PK spree will have a hard time or just spend a lot clearing pk/karma, unless you gear up a strong enough PK toon that can kill your "targets".
The truth is that I have never been one of those who are killing everyone so I do not know how well this is the pk. Put that with 4 + pk do not drop but if you have 1 2 or 3 What happens?