but you're talking only of oly scenario...how does this give u anything outside of it? this is why heros never used wynn outside of oly, these "oly setups" bring u nowhere on the field outside, cause ur cast speed is capped, u dont need knight for the most part and more dmg is always welcome, on a party that will lack it coz that wynn slot couldve been taken by a nuker instead. with a stacked necro in party u dont even need the wynn aswell..since gloom has 90% chance of landing and the m def in players cannot go below 50% making mark of weakness useless( should i bother mention the 3 healer setups?), might aswell add dmg to oneself to be more efficient, outside that is.
surprised is useless!!!! his debuffs are ok. but he is useless in all kind of matters!!! im telling him that everyday
3 healers making any wynn / tank / iss useless (except defensive role from tank and iss). trying to claim different is pity... tbh even archer (w/o bulzeye) and warrior (w/o series of debuffs) are useless too. only daggers and mages matter who can kill easily w/o debuffs.
unfortunately this is true, there should be some restrictions against pt with 3 healers, coz what is a sens of playing iss when you are fighting with pt like this? i remember one pvp where ba pt had 3 healers/tank/3xdd and iss out of pt :d that was funny
actually yuna is correct in almost every point, just that gloom has actually 100% land rate and not 90%, gloom cannot fail unless your target is immune to debuffs.
when will you people learn that obtaining hero is a 75% clan's strength and 25% individual strength? 2007 debates in 2014. not true. test things before touching keyboard.3 it also makes the dps of your party pretty bad.
i did..none of his debuffs landed on my party..only harts and trigger were doing anything aka dmging like monsters due to gear. no offense to surprised regarding that pvp but wynn is just non-factor now and ive seen the "progress" this class has since it's introduction. well i never seen a gloom fail, that is right, i only say 90% coz i know some ppl will just touch every detail to say im wrong. since on gracia or freya update or w/e a rule as put for that debuffs cannot have a 100% chance (however i have no idea if this still applies to new debuffs). agathion weaver is what makes dps bad.
are u sure? i never saw your nick anywhere (yeah harts and trigger do the job you can see, but pvp is teamplay, and sometime you just don't see things, which other party member do) @yolai, love you too ;* @norekien, ty buddy :d
ye and min. 10% and max 90% are still true, unless we face skills that are not part of this "rule", gloom is one of the skills that actually has 100% and is not capped at 90%. same story with reuse stacking, min. reuse cooldown is 1sec, but there are skills like elemental spike. rules just have exceptions, in l2 that arent many skills just a few
weaver has the same mdef/pdef as rose i believe? it only feels like less since they have 30% more hp. killing stupid stacked characters with weaver/valiant this update is almost impossible with one party unless you have really stacked mages/daggers.
that's lie. you can decrease opponent's m.def more than 50%, we (feoh+wynn+healer) decreased m.def by 84,075% (with iss enchanter debuff it's - 90,445% m.def)