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Core Daily Discussions Part 2 - Clans, PvP, Olympiad etc

Discussion in 'Activity' started by DeepBlue, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    if theyre getting hit with 2 shots (sacrifice only working for 1 second cause im from full cp/hp to 1hp in 1-2 seconds), do u believe they even have time to go and cleanse me to die right after?

    on lindvior it was close to perfect. back when alarion's party was a bloody chalenge, and they were fighting 1vs4parties, i use to participate a lot on those pvps. mostly i went solo to annoy them, agro, pull, stun etc, thsoe pvps would last 20-30 minutes and i die max 2-3 times there, i could ****ing survive amethyst dmg as long as i played smart even tho he was incredibly hard to kill, i was 97!!! back then. now, hey look its that guy, hey..im dead. wtf? 12k m def useless? cubic purge useless? debuffs dont even land? they got pull resistance and better agro resistance? just lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2014
  2. ERiPwn

    ERiPwn User

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    tell those healers to stop run around with seraph juwels .
    about ur situation u should reroll urself to a mighty nuker that 2 shot everything or stay mad forever as a wynn with pride .

    e/ another possibility its that u wait update and reroll to ertheria class like 50% of server will do :)
    catch the meta !
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2014
    PanPan and ReewOxize like this.
  3. Surprised

    Surprised User

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    i enjoy playing wynn, even if it's not as good as it was, is better to play unique class in pvp, not same class as everyone else.
  4. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    tank need really good jewels to land silence...and to survive.
  5. DeadZy

    DeadZy User

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    2-3 healers who cares, u go pvp with as many u find atm or personal choice of carebares and wunnabeprou. cmon peeps, what about ze tyrrz, where is the justice - only discrimination. only new imba p2w items poping up making the personal skill irrelevant. where is the fun of the game, where is the fun to see only 4 classes everywhere, where is the fun to spam only 5 buttons, stay at one place looking dumb as a brick and thinking u are good, where is the young new population filling the towns, where is the sun...

    every future update is providing more "balances" for show only for the same 3-4 classes. rebel yell. launch nuclear missile to korea. with every like and share you are helping this mission to succeed. the iammadhater challenge - donate.

    *side note - with every l2 store purchase 1% goes to this noble cause.

    or just make an epic 3d trilogy movie and end this misery with dignity.
    Noisia likes this.
  6. Hax

    Hax User

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    dude he was talking about the 7v7 we had when you had bimart, mitsubishi, newproject in party and we 7v7d in hellbound.

    dont know why you are so butthurt
  7. WineGod

    WineGod User

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    tanks are quite destroyed, agro not working, silence even with good jewels not landing so often...

    the dark elf tank with paralyze is good for pvp, but if u are one of the other 3 classes, without a tauti weapon u feel kinda useless sometimes.

    thats why in ertheia they get a bit boosted, not much, and in the next update again.
  8. Woodzie

    Woodzie User

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    who are you?
  9. QUinter

    QUinter User

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    try play tyr:) nobody likes tyr on pve or pvp :(
  10. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    most games i play, i play debuffers, crowd controllers, over defensive classes, generally these classes take a big tool on themselves in most games. before god i enjoyed very much sk/warlord/doombringer/phantom summoner/tyrant, why? due to the tankyness of some and cc of others. there wasnt mass pruges back then..but the game was unbalanced anyway but i could favor the fortune to myself. i dont enjoy 2 shoting ppl after doing it 4-5 times, its boring, it lacks strategy, its brainless matter, as u see in korea videos u dont 2-shot ppl, u 2-shot parties. is that being skilled? great at playing?

    what happens with more p2w? will we see this here aswell in future? does everyone want to see 1 aoe > 14 ppl on undying will?

    surprised mentions a point where i could brag about aswell, playing mroe rare classes, unique and be able to say "i can do this, u cant", but the enourmous amount of skills both defensive and offensive for other classes make tank/wynn much less unique than they are:

    shadow snare > any aoe cc ingame: it cannot be reflected, it cannot be canceled, it has 1,1k range.
    hellbind> dimensional bind : u can move freely and it cannot be canceled once casted.
    shadow chase> any stun from tank: higher chance to land, less chance to be broken, removes target.
    aod+ue> all tank uds: lasts double time more often, cant be debuffed at all, which means u cant be disabled, while tank can whenever cubic is off.

    party ud is broken and so is sacrifice, since if dmg done doesnt cover ur current hp, the person can die still in sacrifice/party ud, but tell me how person gets more than 100k dmg at once with 20k p def/m def?!

    haha i know right...i got tyrr, and i got kicked from kartia95 2-3 times alrdy without joining party..warlord, which can easily solo it to begin with (and so i did that, nice xp actually) but nukers, holy ****, "please be nukah ma frand i shall get u inside my womb of pleasure " i value tyrrs a lot, altho it is true msot of them are brainless really..going aoe with single target weapon...or spammind skills in a bad order, using stuns while target is knockdown, pretending they can do dmg on pvp and go only aiming to kill oponent, never try disabling at all...ffs!!!!

    to me these boosts are still inefective as long as the buffs delay bug exists, i still laugh at the times i pop ud, and im stil getting over 10k dmg..when dmg should be capped at 100. sure i was happy with the 1k range from auras of tank..but seems iron aura got nerfed if i saw correctly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2014
  11. sleepers

    sleepers User

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    3 healer setup is really overrated. yeah, it is a good setup and i like it for outnumbered pvps but it has nothing to do with taking less damage. having 3 purges is good on those because you are free to move to a better position without being stunned or pulled and stuff. but really, if u don't react fast u will just die either way.

    honestly, even alarion's old party could easily counter our 3 healer setup. when they assisted, they could kill anyone in my grp during purge and then, like hax said, everything goes downhill after 1 person dies. that almost never happened tho, since no one in that party wanted to assist each other.

    so yeah, this setup is strong here mostly because people are stubborn/dumb. this is an issue with almost every group in the server, including my old grp. if you have 3 good dds, having a 3rd healer won't change much. but that's only my opinion anyway.
    Noisia likes this.
  12. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    and u didnt realise u cant get both except fact u got b.anthy (few/ several ppl on server) and other uber expensive jew? )))
  13. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    btw i wanna quote this everytime hax says "exile the healer for the next purge", coz the 2 others cannot cleanse this healer at all. and..theres no trees being placed at all either..nor clan cleanse..nor unbind nor dispa nor undying..nothing at all to cleanse this meaningless exile, that can fail, or reflect or interrupted, against 3 alive healers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2014
  14. Hax

    Hax User

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    all these things have quite some cooldown. in a 7v7 it's just enough or even small scale. having a summoner in pt is good as long as you have 2 other dds which can burst properly. who cares if the healer is getting cleansed? it's all about having 2-3 seconds extra to do debuffs on any enemy healer (besides the exiled one). imagine this: summoner on healer#1, tank on healer #2, 2 strong dds on healer #3. if a good party does this i can assure you the following outcome unless there is cooldowns like dispa going off -> #3 will die (can't cleanse anymore #1); #2 is para'd or silenced if you have a proper tank; #3 should still be exiled.

    the problem is as gustavo has mentioned -> we do not have parties with good teamwork on this server, these things require reaction times of max 1-2 seconds on party level which is not easy to perform, but not impossible either.

    and i will say it once again -> 2-3 dds assisting on any target on mass cleanse will take that target down if equipment is somewhat equal; meaning pvp set on healer = pvp weapon on dds attacking that healer.

    on core we do not have a legitimate way of obtaining pvp weapon stones, hence 3 healers "appear" to be strong.

    and plz. tree has 300 range at best inside a party meaning that any mage aoe will kill it in 1 hit; it also has 10 seconds cooldown between each cleanse.
  15. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    + facts shirts, roses, hunter talisman and 90 % of l2 stores updates boosting mainly defence and survivability.
    anyway for sure 3 healers combo is easier to play, but it don't mean 3 healers will win 100 %. its pretty nice possible to beat it.
    about other classes, noobs will always cry. in every chronicle are some characters more powerfull, so it mean u don't need to be extra skilled to be usefull in pvp.
    but if u are good, u will be good and usefull with every character. lets take example from yonalesca. he is crying about wynns. and now u can see daily what is surprised doing daily vs u in pvp... so ... as usually problem is somewhere between keyboard and chair.
    Cursed, Hax, jlobe and 1 other person like this.
  16. Hax

    Hax User

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    yes, we have a lot of ways to boost our hp and defenses, but that's because the attacking stuff just comes harder.
    16 ap takes longer than 8 ap for hp boost; longing is harder to get than no talisman but you need longing so you get +dmg from 7signs; blessed valakas is still not that common -> valakas necklace barely drops; pvp weapons are very very limited, which will change soon according to gms though; pvp sets are also expensive but available and 20% pvp defense vs no pvp atk is just a lot of difference.

    main problem is i guess the lack of pvp weapons yet; and the lack of hands probably to beat a 3 healer setup :d
  17. iBlackbird

    iBlackbird User

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    this teory is funny hax, so if you think that 3healers setup is so overrated, why you need so much time to kill my pt if we have one of weakest healers in clan when we look on items - one healer with r95 set (lbend), watatsumi (not even one part pvp set +3 normal, almost no epics) and mitsu same items as watatsumi and they are alive for 40 min sometimes even vs 2pt.. no i don't agree with you at all, it's just best setup for this chronicle.
  18. Hax

    Hax User

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    who needs long to kill your party? lol, friend please. i never needed 40 mins to kill your grp. it was pr on sight most of the times.
    i played with 3 healer setup, even having blair on +8 pvp light set (ok it's barely as good as pvp robe but still) and yet we were having a hard time. i know all the advantages and disadvantages of that setup. 2healer + tank > 3 healer.

    ah and btw, you have also no gear like your healers, i remember
  19. Thunderlane

    Thunderlane User

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    from what you say there - yes there are no good tanks on the server apparently. no matter how many purges and scripts naia had i was always able to do my job well nuff for handless people like vandaluga or idbscam to ask me to grow some hands.
  20. iBlackbird

    iBlackbird User

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    yes you are so strong everyone doing pr's, i forgot :(