xenforo is not a free platform, and it's very modern and actively developed software. tracking new post works exactly like before for me, i click on the topic name and it takes me to the first page and post that are unread for me. by comparing the prices : xenforo : https://xenforo.com/purchase/ vbulleting : http://www.vbulletin.com/en/purchases/ it seems that xenforo is cheaper, but since innova bought ( apparently ) the branding removal license, it actually is more expensive atm ( 140 + 250 ). in any way, before posting, you might get your facts straight and then start a discussion.
the forum has more clear and useful tool than before, at least for me. dark background like before would be better for my eyes, tho
in general there is no drama anymore :< . i need something to read with my morning coffee, c'mon guys!
by the way, i would like to ask to staff why they are doing now the maintenance on wenesdays! do you know that all the instances are reset on wenesday and for sure you are delaying ppl's tasks in game? is just isolated manteniance? or its going to be the normal way to do the maintenance? i hope staff answer my question. regards!
i did pm gmonyx on this subject 2 weeks ago, so far no answer. i prefer tuesday by a lot, as it allows me to do some freya/zaken boxes in the morning before going to work.
fixes and changes made during maintenance on march, 11th: - alien invasion event launched - where is this ?
sup dudes, still some well known nicknames on heroe's list :d how you not get boored in such many years..? 2012.02.04 :d was good times