i still laughing watching that fraps from max1mo of 2 hours siege with ts voices, with lolpartus leading... well trying to lead xddd
you just melted my brain with your post! it's the life, you can't be loved by everyone. but then there are those people that are normal human beings and despite their hate know and admit when someone else is right (not your case). boss kiting was a cp thing. and i honestly never saw a problem about sleeping less hours from time to time to help the clan in something. (it doesnt mean i have time during daytime. ps: i don't study at night) i just realized your english understanding level is beyond low. or you're just a lier because i never said such thing! and if for you only the gainak farm counted as not helping, you're right... i farmed my part and my cp part long time ago and i didn't remember even 80% of the clan helping. i didn't cry about it, you should do the same. anyway, have fun. i'm out of here! :d
it's like i'm hearing hronos all over again ))))) the things i did for clan, what did you do hronos? i provide coc buff for the clan! and 3k crp per month! but hronos, you did that with clan farmed gear and you got the belt. doesnt matter! now if you excuse me give me half cwh and i'm gonna go join nova, if you don't mind of course!
mits i guess now its time for your sinking ship picture poor syra, now she will join enemies and looks like ...... or she will quit game. gl with decision syra.
even the *** licker of patri left bs? i am the nostradamos of 2015. i said 3 months left of bs as clan, and is even going more faster than i though.
i wont blame none leaving bs and we clan they will chouse to join...is just normal what they do bcz bs leadership. ps: defro make a ss on aden throne im pretty sure a evil nation of black angels might try stole it from u.
i advice about that in bs when i was still a member there, they didnt want to listen me, they let defro doing what ever he wanted, and he just destroyed clan. so gz defro, for killing the clan and one of the sides (even if the last month rg+bs were together in most of events) . i am happy coz defro deserve it so badly, sad coz some people from that clan. gz too all the *** lickers that keep/let defro what he did.
whats going on here today i needed some popcorn and a coke while reading on this thread was better than watching a movie on cinema
- old days drama with bs leaving server cuz of losing and faking that they quit cuz they wanted, cuz they were osom, no1 ever won then etc. - news on ppl leaving clans, join others, ppl flamming cuz of that and calling each other liers. - ppl normaly chatting about facts and when theyer facts came up they just used ultimate evasion and changed subject.
defro is not fully responsible for how is bs now.. defro have part of the fault but not all. the new people are not very active and neither has the gear of old cp, so if you send a new cps fight against old cps, obviously going to lose .. that is the fault of defro? if ba is killing dragons at 4 in the morning and people do not want to log at that hour, it is the fault of defro? if you have 20 cp (140 +-) and log 70 or less for a anakim/lilith/aq/etc, it is the fault of defro? if you call people to pvp and they prefer pve, it is the fault of defro? he can not say "come to pvp or i will kick you from clan" because it would be arrogant and people will cry. while he is a leader, we get the same heros than the other 2 great clans, we have aden, we killed some dragons in normal schedule, we got pvp weapon stone from siege, etc big part of the problem is the new people and the old people who leave clan, so stop talking **** about defro when not even post on the forum while it is fun to read some randoms say nonsense xd
we left not only because defro is terrible leader, but also he was the one who were backstabbing us as a party with agreements and with other stuff, so having such leader beside you is definetely not for me.
tell us ulti, when you guys were making agreements with defro for dkp auctions weren't you backstabbing the rest if the clan ? when you ( not you personally) were bullying newer groups in dkp auctions so you can make them waste their dkp was everything alright?