said the man who licked ppl balls, when used to trash the same ones hard as hell. every'1 know that the friendly fire from ba to rg in small places like hearts/nests are bad for them, when bs have same(or more) numbers in one clan. and in open spaces, with same numbers(sometimes more) your clan still looses, so please, shut up.
you talk about boosting his char, err what? his char is way stronger than yours anyway.. don't get me wrong, i don't have anything against you, its just that whenever i decide to read the forum u're like "omg omg we're so strong we beat u there and there, we entered in that boss and that boss" you're even more overconfident than all the heroes here, i'd say even more than nyweris hvses.. lol
you consider that an excuse. who have a brain understand that the activity and numbers of bs is way higher than any ba or rg. in simple math, if bs is around 100, the ba+rg numbers togheter will be around 100, or less.
yet blackswans only wins anything because you have such a ridiculous amount of "active" people on one clan. 160 people in 1 clan are more than enough to easily beat even more than 200 in 2 clans, especially in places like antharas heart. theres a reason why when it's ~60 ba vs ~70 bs you never win a single pvp, even with your so called "top" parties there. it is, however, hilarious how it's mostly the nobodies such as yourself and irevent trying to talk and flame about pvp. so adorable!
yes rly if there is "not full amber cp " amethyst is not leaving town .. if he leave "i have to chaneg password" the daily bassed ppl in bs are more than terrible .. proving every day at gaina in war .. even outnumber they die like fly`s
like i can say ba w/o the 2 top pt cant do nothing , only : qq vs alarion cp because items flame , noobs , bla bla vs ppl with less items , always the same ****
tell me 1 person i pm to join ba , fast pls pd: be for sure i prefer play alone in box clan than join ba
i know u trying to deffend yourself from what u do .. all the trashtalk u spreat around .. but facts are facts
what? i dont understand what you try to say xd so i cant defend myself about something i dont know trastalk about? ba? if i dont like ba is trashtalk? pd: tell me who i pm for enter ba , fast ....... tik tak
last valakas was not worth to fraps . 1 vs bs raid force. +3 and dead once. so gf. i win pvp. you ninja port to dragon.
ninja port :dddddddd and what about antharas? is that worth yo? still lf some fancy fraps how ismoke and sprtcs smashed bs. show us what happend there!
show us amethyst fraps how he smash here or in sieges.. and would be nice if "show cursor" option would be selected.