From phone is very difficult to make answer like this( multiple QUOTEs, insert links from youtube, etc) but ok, im gonna try. So yeah, stronk. Atleast u have siege where u can catch someone without defensive skills or even not complete, Open skills and kill few members. And to be honest, i feel like i write 1 post and u write like 3 different answers to it :-D U spam here so much nonsenses, thats its not possible to react at all, bcs ill be answering for it 10 days.
As Ronove said... On 29th of January ScarletFuror told me he'll scam the clan, which I didn't believe, didn't even think it is serious and haven't spoken to him or anyone else about it. Next siege it seemed to be reality and our clan needed an answer. I offered Ulti and Logy to speak with ScarletFuror because we are friends ingame ever since he started playing here(for ~3 years). I told Scarlet I'll help him to don't get a bad reputation just transfer the clan leadership on one of my character(as Logy asked me). Then he explained why he is right to avenge our clan. I proved point by point why he is wrong and he either agreed or said he doesn't care and we should mind our words because he has the upperhand.
Gratz for video propagandas Logy but guess what Karmen CP got killed in 6v7 3 times in a row in complete open pvp , even with Syra porting behind and that got deleted in 2 shots by me ( the result of when there is no bugs With My skills) By the way rendering only the part when you go Out of gainak while you spent 20 minutes inside trying to burn our CDs is completely pathetic. The real Life flamer said something ? I mean who cares about people that doesn't deserve respect. About cantorre , he is mad And it's normal After such a delete from me during siege that lead To the wipe of his party.
Edit: You lost to everyone and you try to point out victory over party without tank, killed by vllm on everything, while we had only healer cele to protect, and nowhere to run? Next time I will do like you guys, but with iss cele and enter to the instance, so I won't see you bragging about anything.
Excuses Excuses , full gear dagger , nice geared archer and hero summoner can't drop a healer alone that's achievement indeed. For the edit : To who we lost ?
Your celestial least as long as our, after vllm uses all skills and deals to me 180k dmg, what my hero has to do about it? And the excuses I leave for you, answering rio/logy.
If you don't - you just prove those people that they are right and show what a great person you are! It seems that there are no scammers here, everyone is just taking their time to give things back or borrowing it w/o your permission. But, eventually, after years, maybe you will see your stuff again! Don't lose hope and stay friendly with the NON scammers, so you have a chance to see them faster.
Where is the thief iRegret (short for iRregretFightingENSoiQuit)? Did he Reflect upon his actions? PUN INTENDED
where is elronia? anything to say? again you work for make other clan strong and when they dont need you you get kicked , when you will have some self respect as clan leader?
Lets wait for who next gonna be who get Clan Leadership and scam entire TH Clan so they can again QQ rivers of tears about
logy propaganda 6 vs 7 and asking why we just went inside instance xDD stop ronald mcdonalding urself please.
Don't worry, since i don't have to ask for money for anything since all i got i earned it myself, kkthxbb
"they got same numbers we beter go dinner now" Nobody wants to pvp nowadays, you going lindvior guys?