It was just too late for people who need to wake up at morning to go work so we were slowly leaving and leaving from CC.... in the end we stay 3 parties at spot, at max 5 and half party. We could PR after we farmed u for 2 hours there .... but pvp was funny, so we fought untill we got killed/kicked from GC... And nice propaganda about 10 parties, prolly Mitso need also convince himslef and his clan mates with some fake stories to explain his recruiting politics I heard VatosLocos looking for some merge, take em Mitso to zerg more
So u are more than us and we zerged. So u were farming us for 2hours but we ended with crp ++, and in the end you finished with 3 partys at spot but hax upload ss with 5 partys when pvp is over. And you say that mitsa its trying to convince us? We trust you logy, we trust you. Pd: Not to mention that if we watch your words, partys were leaving cc, and u ended up with 5 at cc. You are osom buddy. Pd2: One question, wich recruit politics? the one that keep us with less numbers that you? or..?
Yep, and mother''s day is also tomorrow. I wanna merge with LaOnda since they kept ur top party on lvl 6 brooches busy at Gludio last siege its clear that they have quality
Seems that be a thief is paying off. 1 month char lvl 102 already! Btw, didn't see a single time that logy havent farmed his wars. Even when they lost pvp.
U as clan got totally kicked from GC like 2-3 times this night. U got killed like 20 times and when it happened Kengaa PT was staying unflagged near us waiting untill rest of your people come from Village, some remaining lost bots from your clan were trying to kite to port spots... If rest parties got wiped and Kengaa PT survived they were trying to kite to port spot or somehere untill rest parties rgrp in Aden and port back... U was doing this for 3 hours today, getting wiped and either staying unflagged near us or comming back from village. And on hax fraps is already 5 incomplete parties, we had 1 more at start... we had 5 parties and Syra PT incomplete with 1 healer only... later some people were leaving and 1 PT disbanded and in the end of PVP we stayed in the middle of fight with my group with 6 members without tank, and 2 more groups... ( time frame like 2-3 minutes, just some parties went sleep or broke and remaining parties ( like 3 +- just stayed 2-3-4 minutes untill we got zerged and killed ) So i dont know what u farmed, maybe u count numbers of click to village or dunno U neither farmed mobs, stones or PvP... u were just comming like lummings to battlefield without any sign of organisation... basically jsut comming to interrupt our farm porting and trying again and again... but as i said, was atleast fun this evening, some PvP... but sadly like half numbers on both sides compared to "pre - brooch update" :/
This Logy... I haven't seen so much useless exposition since M. Night Shyamalan butchered "Avatar:The Last Airbender" with it. Edit: Just post your damn' videos, the community wants visuals!
Well, but we now atleast know CC counting only flagged people. I think its pretty obvious. Propably Chocoloco was running unflagged from village or died somewhere 5k range away from u as usually.. Maybe u should give all your items to Takanodan and his CP so your clan can be stronger..
No need. Mitsa passed his experience in takanodan pt... takanodan now can press "to village" and come back in fight in miliseconds. Gj mitsa PS: Rest of pts need some time to do it yet, keep practising! #townissafe
It seems like you blackscreening them and spam trade in pvp, else why would u hide your bars with the trade button on f1, scrub?
Skills 101 , cele , pt ud, rescue, cele, to village. Port back Skills 101, cele , pt ud, rescue, cele, to village. And 3 times more taka cp , wtf is that
It's funny how some people are trying to state facts about pvp here. -You lost pvp, but we got -CRP -You had more pt's and zerged us, proceed to upload a screenshot with 5 EN surrounded by 9 TH's -TownIsSafe, when only one party or two at max are normally leaving town, normal pt's cannot be found anywhere around the map at all -Recruit VatosLocos, when you recruited people from BS, RG, LaOnda, 7S and few more other clans that were around back then You just missed to say that you won last siege, but whenever you rushed inside you were not more than 2 minutes alive besides last 2 pvps, same as on valakas, popped everything, died, mass ress, died again in 10 secs, another mass ress, died again in 10 secs and pr, result +250 CRP for EN in 10 mins. I don't know what you say to your people to keep them under such terrible leadership, but because I'm good guy I will help you for next month whenever you lose both archer heroes, one of the excuses you can use is: ''We didn't win because mostly all of our people are on holidays as it's December'' Edit: to Syra, are you speaking about your clan or yourself there? cuz I got lost
Im sorry for you mrourk for clik to village my pt need to get wiped , and i didnt saw all dead in pt in any moment of pvp and we was with 1 heal All of you talk about who kill more, who is better , but come on this is just sad , how you can say you are better than anyone when you can lost 4 rush in giants cave if you use 3 hero fear+3 hero silence how is that posible?