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Lf players with good, L2 game lag free, computers

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by procc, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. Buxant

    Buxant Banned

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    i5 3570k@4.2ghz, 8 gb ram, 128gb crucial m4 ssd, sapphire hd radeon 7950 oced, fresh win resintall, case almost dust free, getting +- 12 fps ( using fraps to see fps ) when a lot of ppl r around, 1920*1080 res, details high/low doesnt matter, very wide ranges + npc limit to max, all cloacks visible
    procc likes this.
  2. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    for an instance i did that to my computer:

    i5 process 2,66 ghz - oc to 4,5 ghz
    4 gb ram 1666 mhz -> 8 gb ram 1666
    500 gb hd -> samsung ssd 128 gb
    radeon 5600 -> geforce 560 ti (or something i pay like 250 euro for this graphic card)

    and yet the lineage was at 10 fps in aden.... while crysis 2 with downloaded directx11 pack was perfect at all times.

    anyone can explain it to me?

    and my damn laptop asus r500v with ssd 128 samsung handles sieges and aden town better than this nasa computer above...

    the only thing that really impacts the lineage is hard disc - get ssd and you should see big difference.
  3. drag0s

    drag0s User

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  4. FiEndins

    FiEndins User

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    3.40ghz , and yeah thats about right for fps. i keep bg proccess to a minimum.
  5. BeerWarrior

    BeerWarrior User

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  6. ImYourChrist

    ImYourChrist User

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    which i5 do you have? is oc really needed to play l2? i dont know much about it but they say its risky and needs more cooling, using more power etc. worth ocing?
  7. procc

    procc User

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    i would not recommend to oc anything by yourself.
    even when manufacturers oc'ing stuff, testing it for a while, and selling it, u can barely rely on it (there was many examples when manufacturer oc'ed stuff broke very fast or have been even recalled massively. why this happens, even with manufacturers oc'ed hardware? lack of testing time invested in oc'ing).
    oc'ing hardware, pushes it to it's limits, and if u push hardware to its limits, in most cases u are narrowing down its lifespan by years.
  8. likas

    likas User

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    i've got around 15-20 fps in mass pvp (max range, low details, no cloaks)

    specs (1 year middle-class):
    intel core i5-3350p
    msi h77ma-g43
    crucial ballistix 8gb (2x4gb) ddr3 1600mhz
    ssd plextor 2,5' 128gb, sata iii ( 520/200mb/s ), 9,5mm (px-128m5s)
    asus geforce gtx670
    + storage hdd, good case and other things. 1 year ago it was worth around 800 euro, now kinda same.

    few words about choosing components.
    1) if you don't plan to do some hardcore things with ur pc (like graphic, cad tools, 300 fps in shooters) don't choose high-end specs
    2) don't buy components that you won't use.
    for example: cpu i5-3350p - 'p' is for no built-in graphic i think its obvious, that you won't use built-in gpu in destkop pc.
    haswell i7? around 10% better (if we consider gaming mostly) than i5 3rd generation and currently still around 20-30% more expensive.
    ram: for gaming even 1333 mhz is enough, 8 gb for gaming is more than enough.
    motherboard: don't buy some expensive ones that are suitable for overlocking - if you won't oc its wasting of money.
    gpu: well for l2, 100euro card is enough ;).
    3) about ssd - ppl forgot about most important advantage of ssd over hdd - thats read latency-time and random access-time which are far more better than any high-end server hdd. also don't expect that ur ssd will work more than 3-4 years, its bcos of memory cells. server ssd has slc (the best), while market ssd use mlc or even worse tlc.
    4) don't make savings on psu. buy some decent (at least bronze with effifency more than 80%) and from known company.
  9. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    is not really necessary. just get the latest i5 or even i7 (its more convinient) and you dont need to oc.

    with early stage i5 cpu (like mine and i dont remember the exact number i5-750k ? with multiplier lock at 220) it goes very poorly but with clean i7 (no oc) it works great.

    my laptop has procesor intel(r) core(tm) i7-3610qm cpu @ 2.30ghz, 2301 mhz, cores: 4, logicall processors: 8 and works far more better than i5. when i introduced ssd to my laptop it generated even more fps during sieges than my overclocked pc!!

    @beerwarrior - i know about that very well but i always enjoyed sieges but i was among the unluckiest ones with small range fps during this event!

    excuse me but you are not writing according to the lineage ii engine.

    why ssd? lineage ii has indeed old engine and it uses textures from your disc. so "normal" discs doesnt allow to quickly show it and thus you get small fps.

    graphic card is nothing to lineage ii. you can use some simple geforce 4 series. i had geforce 5600 ti for 250 euro and the was absolutely no change in this game. dont waste your time by upgrading your graphic card.

    im not sure about how works cpu with lineage but i7 has something that works smoother than others. i7 2.33 ghz > i5 750k 4.5 ghz for instance.

    so to sum up.
    to play in this game you ought to have:

    - decent graphic card (well you will not be able to play on your voodoo 2000 graphic card ;) )
    - cpu i7 or high grade i5
    - ssd (start with this in first place, seriously!)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2014
  10. 1duse

    1duse User

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    are you for real ? people think here ssd will increase their fps ? neither it wont hold your fps from whatever your gpu/cpu can draw nor increase it.

    ssd will increase initial load and scene transition in which case you could think that your fps is increased while the truth is it stays the same.

    the thing is that the game engine is so old & yet the developers keep updating and adding so much fancy stuff to it that it struggles to perform.

    for instance i have i5 4670k within gtx 770 and while you would think that such a system could perform flawlessly on such a game it doesn't as the illusion of playing this game without having any fps issue is fading.

    no clue how the engine nor the client should perform to the components of the new technology , but for the last few days i noticed that the gpu/cpu load during the heavy loads in the game is not what it should be taking in.

    the funny thing i noticed that during the olympiad my grapich card jumps to 99-100% usage while being in aden city or somewhere doesn't matter where it stays at 10-30% and forces the fps dropping massively.
  11. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    according to the lineage ii engine ssd will increase fps overally. or at least will keep it high enough - go to aden and turn camera around with ssd and then without... for example

    ps: im only discussing from player's point of view. i've been doing experiences on my own. i've never seen lineage ii engine nor i've never been any l2 technician so i can't tell with accurate state.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2014
  12. 1duse

    1duse User

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    may i see the source of this ?

    the fps itself cannot be increased by the ssd as it is not it job do to so. the thing it will do is make the skills other misc stuff to load more clearly and in the run it will make the game to look and work more smoother with the same fps you would have without or within it yet it is a great thing to have for such game.

    i did a little test myself with my ssd putting it into the manufacturer motherboard port and looking at the performance it gets out which were the same while later on changing it to intel port to see the huge improvement with the same amount of fps , but smoother gameplay.

    on the other hand looking for that source of yours would be nice to read it.
  13. drag0s

    drag0s User

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    cpu: q6600 2.4 ghz (oc to 3.2 ghz fsb 400x8)
    ram: 2x2gb geil 800 mhz (i used 2.0d multiplayer to get 800mhz with 400fsb)
    ssd kingston 300v
    gpu: randeon hd 6850

    so i was playing with oc and reading a lot of oc guides for 775 intel skt and i found a huge boost in gameplay when i have fsb dram ration 1:1. some days ago i had a stock cooler for cpu and i raised the fsb to 400 and undeclock the cpu multiplayer to 7 (400x7=2.8 ghz 54c when playing l2). today i got cooler master hyper 212 evo and i raised the multiplayer to 8 so now i have 400x8=3.2ghz (36c under l2 and with fans and 20%). i can make 400x9=3.6 ghz but no point i can't see any difference between 3.6 and 2.8 ghz while i have fsb dram ratio 1:1.
    remember this si available only for soket 775.
    who have 775 skt try and see what happends.
    i wait for replay
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2014
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