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Suggestions for new server

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Dulis, Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. Dulis

    Dulis User

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    well i can think of two things why this could be bad.

    1. all the people who pay money to get stuff "faster" will have to play against the same players as they are. in other words they wouldnt have any kind of advantage over non paying other players because they would play in different server.
    2. one type of server may become overpopulated while other becomes empty.

    for the good thing list it would be several times bigger.


    "lol doesnt give anything "gameplay changing"? in what universe? " - i have played over 3000 lol matches and i know few things.
    for additional money you may get some champion skins, new voice lines , animations and all of that doesnt change gameplay a bit.
    you can purchase ip and exp boosts but they wont give any kind of advantage either because you are matched with your lvl opponents and there is no difference in power between 450 ip and 6300ip priced champions.

    "and both lol and tf2 are not mmos, they are moba games." - for your knowledge tf2 is a first person shooter and its main money income is for selling in game hats which doesnt give any kind of stats , just in game appeareance.

    "and what i can see from your suggestions is that you want to be equal to every one else in the f2p without paying a dime?" - i just wrote two game names who does that and believe me they make a lot of money.

    "you came from private server didn't you?" - i have no idea how to interpret this sentence, it doesnt make sense at all. mostly private servers are corrupt. what does this have to do with me and wanting for different kind of servers ?


    how can you call this thread useless ? in my point of view its the first thing players look before trying out the game.
    if i would tell someone about some kind of new game first thing they will ask would be how much difference there is between paying and non paying players.
    to attract players to the game comes first, the game contents comes later.
    and btw dual swords i think is a little bit more important than mentoring system.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2011
  2. Khiara

    Khiara User

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    please fahrenheit, would it be possible to know if there are intentions to open a new server soon?
  3. Adamaris

    Adamaris User

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    it's an useless thread because you don't know what you are saying, buying exp runes is actually much more expensive than having pa, therefor your argument is quite stupid, richer people would level faster and the rest would fall behind heavily. they obviously won't give pa for free and remove everything from cs but hats, that would be stupid and pointless, even from my point of view as customer.

    lol cs can't be compared, it's a moba as someone said, and the main thing is being a paying customer gives you an "huge" advantage, having many runepages and champions gives you more "tactics" since you can pick a counter for certain champions, it doesn't just sell ip/exp boosts or skins, i would like to see a newbie get runepages, runes and enough champions to be competitive before 6 months of 24/7 freebie gameplay ;)

    dual system is not broken, it's supposed to be that way even if it's a mistake from the koreans, on the other hand mentoring is in the game but not working, and helps much more doing the 1-85 route than dual swords.

    geez, when will people understand f2p games are not free...i don't see anything unbalanced on the cash shop, as i said before you can go to ncwest where they don't have premium but they have some fancy hats with op stackable buffs and cp/hp full recovery pots ;)
    premium only makes people able to level faster, op stuff is op at level 1 or 99.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2011
  4. Intrepid

    Intrepid User

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    i agreew with you also still theres a lot to be done on the core server why open a 2nd one when the current one is not good at all?
  5. Gekido

    Gekido User

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    you've said it yourself, lol sells ip and exp boosts, that is exactly what is the main thing being sold in the innovas item shop, name another item that gives you any advantage?

    moba stands for multiplayer online battle arena, so in a way tf is also moba - you have clases you have fixed size map arena/battleground.

    just drop it, it was discussed sooo many times. as far as majority of the players i know are corcerned the current model is one of the best payment models of f2p mmos. and nothing game breaking is sold in item shop. if they are going to open other servers in the future they souldn't change anything imho.
  6. Dulis

    Dulis User

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    you sir, should get new brains because your current ones doesnt seem to be functional.
    by creating this thread i wanted to tell that all servers doesnt have to be the same and gave some suggestions.

    "buying exp runes is actually much more expensive than having pa, therefor your argument is quite stupid, richer people would level faster and the rest would fall behind heavily."
    on this server you can have pa+runes+vitality stuff on the new server you could have lets say only exp runes. how do you think which way there will be bigger difference between paying and non paying players ?

    "and lol cs can't be compared, it's a moba as someone said, and the main thing is being a paying customer gives you an "huge" advantage, having many runepages and champions gives you more "tactics" since you can pick a counter for certain champions, it doesn't just sell ip/exp boosts or skins, i would like to see a newbie get runepages, runes and enough champions to be competitive before 6 months of 24/7 freebie gameplay "

    now you are talking about competitive gaming. it doesnt matter you pay or not it wont make you better player neither it will shorter your time to become one. from the way you wrote this it doesnt seem you know anything about this. in the lan tournaments all the champions and runes are free and you definetly dont need 6 months to get ones yourself. i have over 1770 elo on lol and i know few things. and you forgot that l2 doesnt have any kind of competetive gaming. if you want to keep talking on this subject write private message.

    "dual system is not broken, it's supposed to be that way even if it's a mistake from the koreans, on the other hand mentoring is in the game but not working, and helps much more doing the 1-85 route than dual swords."
    mentoring system helps me more than having a weapon ? really ?
    and that if this mentoring system wasnt supposed to work on god only on later updates ?


    if you dont know what are you talking about please just dont write anything.
    tf2 is a first person shooter, not a moba. i have played that game for 3080.4 hrs.

    lol boost for exp or ip is different thing, you wont get to play against level 30 if you are lvl 20. even if you will play against few level higher players than they will just have so small advantage you wont even notice it.
    for the l2 its entirely different thing i can face higher level players everywhere and different level here gives huge advantage. 2x more exp than me would be fine but 2x+runes+vitality stuff - thank you, but no.
  7. Invisible3

    Invisible3 User

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    it is impossible. it's innova game servers. no servers without pa.
  8. Adamaris

    Adamaris User

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    goodbye, no one will miss you, specially innova, they work to get customers, not to please freebies.

    how will mentor help you more than duals? hmm let me think...x2 exp and lvl 85 buffs are a good reason.
    who the hell cares about how fast will people level? either you are hardcore no lifer who plays 20h a day or you shouldn't give a ****, because there will be always someone who plays more and better than you.

    and yeah, you can get runes + pa, but without pa you can only get runes...and 10€ or whatever price it is for x2 exp is better than 30€ for exp runes, if you complain about 10€ i'm sure you won't spend money into exp runes either, so your point is? there is nothing fair in mmorpgs, deal with it.

    what's next? "suggestion, a server without summoners, they solo mobs that give 400k+ exp within 10 seconds", "suggestion, a server only playable 1h a day to make it fair for everyone because x player plays 10h+ a day and i can't catch up".

    keep giving examples of games (not mmorpgs) cash shops, it's really fun :d
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2011
  9. Koxxxx

    Koxxxx User

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    new server is good idea but i doubt it will be difrent,best would be hardcore pvp serwer no pentaly for pk lol
  10. Invisible3

    Invisible3 User

    Likes Received:
    true. they work to get customers.
  11. Dulis

    Dulis User

    Likes Received:
    i dont have enough time to argue with every single person who cant read or doesnt have common sense. all i wanted is to suggest there could be differce between server ,they dont have to be all the same and i gave some examples. if you want to say why you like or dont like it give some arguments.
    i got the answer i wanted, moderators can lock the thread now.
  12. occupat

    occupat User

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    as a player i see no reason to play on a server witch will allow me to buy more things. it's better to play with those who doesn't pay because i'll be at least equal to them or i will have an advantage (e.g. in my in-game appearance) if i'll start to pay...
  13. Kleryan

    Kleryan User

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    or maybe a new one without nor pa or item shop.
  14. Jazzy

    Jazzy User

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    in my opinion, just make another server the same as core. to much lag, all hunting zones overcrowded and i guess we can have both servers full and without major problems.
  15. Intrepid

    Intrepid User

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    dont need to be full 2 server with 3000 player in average on both is fine as it is. my issue with it is still theres no point in 2nd server until the 1 you have is not good enough.
  16. Kuro1n

    Kuro1n User

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    by request from op i'm locking this thread.
  17. mertainer

    mertainer User

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    i'd say just make transfers from core -> new server.

    that way the population would sort of balance out.
  18. kiula

    kiula User

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    better make that can use ****ed dualbox like in normal server
  19. NagiSoi

    NagiSoi User

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    that would be stupid, then all the fail clans will transfer to new server buy ch's and so on, if you open a new server you open it fresh and clean.
  20. Intrepid

    Intrepid User

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    the start of a new server would be stupid as it is...
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