Guys, Please do not troll this thread. Suggestions should be for legitimate Lineage II appearances only...Appearances from other games etc will never be considered as there are Copyright issues surrounding such things. Regards.
gimmi some ancients weapons appearance that can be used on normal 2h weapons, it will remind ppl about old school look for kamael classes. also please give again vesper nobles but this time for heavy sets too!
top s80 weapon appearances (sacredium , cyclonic cane, mamba edge, etc) best looking weapons in a long time would like to see them again.
something medieval... l2 has become too star-wars like, and i'd love to see something more camelot-related stuff, like it used to be at the beggining of l2. in fact, thats the essence that lineage 2. from an epic medieval mmorpg to a wut-this-is-cyborg-lineage.
there are a few cool outfits on the regular mobs, but i have noted and do like the outfit and hairs of magister sidra at town of gludio - as well as a talking island village near training grounds - the outfit and hairs of shanon. i always get bit sad when non-earth world games start to have earthling things - well swimsuits or silly hats (even the christmas outfits or pirates or or). where did they write that a swimsuit at l2 should look like one at some actual beach in rl? really. well like said - i love the mobs, monsters in lineage - and wanted to point out that even some npc have really sexy outfits - the actual armors are mostly cool also. (dearly hoping they wont now put to use those 'little girl outfits' that some of them have - eeek!) even the armors can be bit too sweet in their looks. well for example.. i don't seem to get far if i make a human character. well maybe it is mostly the way they run - but that bit too tame a look also. my man say that they l2 should update the toons in general a bit - why not. come to think the beauty store could really use a few hair options more - and the creation window. i like short hairs or up-do because then they do not cut into the armor or such. there is a general thing i'd like to add - a bit aside the subject - but my english feels bit limited to explain this view. i'll try. one very good thing about lineage is that it is not too pink and pastel in general tone. while at times a bit too much, it worries me a bit always when they fix the look of some place into more nice. but in general l2 is not like those game worlds that are 'happy happy' lovely and pretty (=pink) in the tone (like there was nothing wrong in the world). i do mean the general look of the places - hunting grounds, villages.. so on. i hope my expression of the matter can be understood. we do really prefer if the amazing is amazing dark - not amazing light/pink (child like). so yes to fierce looks for armors appearances and yes to very sexy and yes to no-earthling appearances of gears.