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Few months passed and this heppend :D

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by SentencedToBlues, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    so far we know what tier your cp is, i dont think you can show anyone anything lol
    iExpliCity likes this.
  2. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    he still can trash you in capslock mode over internet
  3. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    who are you bot? lol, my cp tear is top1, urs... donorz zerg? what tier(tear?) xd is dat?
  4. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    yes it tears apart as grave ended in box clan, where he belong since long time, glad that cursed is one of the ba clan leaders, finally someone cleaned the trashcan from remaining trash
  5. »Limy«

    »Limy« User

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    we don't call them trash, we call them very special players <3
    iExpliCity and Cursed like this.
  6. Cursed

    Cursed User

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    well .... what u think happened and what real facts are ... two different things

    1. nemesys scamed ba ? - not rly, but yes in a way, sadly ...

    2. grave cp - kicked ? - yes just grave , rest ppl from cp just fallowed. no need more details .

    3. maximo cp - scammed by logy ? - best joke 2014 ! the scam or the cp...

    4. regarding what is left in ba and how we will sink and disolve and fail and w/e u are saying is ba problem ! atm i can just tell we are hardly workin for reconstruction and is not easy.. fail and succes is part of l2... few problems been solved...some more left ....

    5. for poisonbg cp and sprtcscp hatters - two words - 1. both cp`s are clan cp`s and 2. never compare what they do out of clan with what they do inside clan.

    for the rest who are rly interested of ba - fell free to join ba or hate ba. the true details u will find em only inside clan and only then u can judge if we do wrong or good our decisions.

    best regards and happy hollidays
    Noisia, iExpliCity and Norekien like this.
  7. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    i wasnt playing for long time, i've heard that maximo cp was suppose to get baium ring or bottle ? but they didnt and that was the reason they left from ba acording my my secret spy agency i said logy since hes clan leader acording to what found in game ^_^ gl cursed in your rebuilding of clan :d
  8. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    well, no reason for argue, but what i saw and heard was:

    - sprtcs cp is used to hit ba whenever they don't like the player, whatever the situation. and they were one of the reasons the problem with rg started. so it's kinda a cancer imo.
  9. Cursed

    Cursed User

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    ur spyes are bad ... and scam is a hard word ...wich here is not the right words to use

    i don`t argue , i usuualy hate to argue i prefer talk polite and calm. and yes sprtcs cp dooing it , pvpa dooing also with some reasons ...we don`t hit/kill ppl randomly just bcz we can ... is not about if u like u u don`t like ... since im in ba never heard or saw sprtcs cp to kill some1 just bcz they wana ...allways was a reason behind it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2014
  10. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    normally one follows leader, not the clan... as with leader change, clan changes too...

    /stay mad! xd
  11. [Sprtcs]

    [Sprtcs] User

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    so, as i see, ppl spread the info that, the problem with rg started because my cp (sprtcs) killed rg without any reason, just for fun. i don't really mind what you ppl think about me or my cp, but i will share my version of what happened there because im bored at first, and because i readed already too many lies.

    the situation was like this, 3 partys of ba are killing 4bosses in gainak.
    then 2-3 ppl from rg arrived there, demanding cc invitation, my first answer is, complete your party and meanwhile ill discuss with whole cc if you will get invited or not. here makes apparition a brilliant mind called "nerik" that thinks that the best way to get invited into cc is to insult. after he did insult, whole cc declined to invite him, so i refused to invite them into the cc.
    but in less than 1 minute, 4 more partys from rg including elronia, appear there, and try to outdps bosses vs our cc. until here all fine, i can even accept that they want to make their own cc and try to win bosses vs us like this.
    they fail on first boss, they fail on second, they fail on third... and probably they starting to get nerveous, and the brilliant mind "nerik" strikes again, this time he probably feeling so strong behind 5 rg partys protection, and start to spam insults without stop. i advert him even 3 times, to stop insulting or he would die, he didnt stop, so we just killed him.
    after this, some rg started to attack us, and pvp started, with result that whole rg partys die.
    then elronia emo-disband the alliance and declare war.

    you can say that we are arrogant or whatever you want, in my opinion we did act in the correct way, our intention never was to kill rg, but we will never let ppl inside our clan/ally to insult us without any consequence, even if its a game.

    rg came there with whole clan for a reason, trying to prove something, and they did, but i will be polite and will not say what did they prove.

    regarding to snowyz words... both rg and bs would pray for that my cp would be out of ba, but it will not happen bro, they can keep dreaming with it, meanwhile whenever you decide to leave your caves, we will be waiting to kick your ases everywhere.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2014
  12. BloodDivine

    BloodDivine User

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    no we (maximo's cp and yes cursed it's a cp) didn't leave ba cause of the baium ring or baium bottle or whatever. the reason we left is cause the current leadership is a joke and the current "leaders" will never be as maximo, sadly.. doesn't matter how long they try

    @sprtcs: i don't know what happened, i wasn't there so i can't really know what happened since both sides will say different things but from what i can tell u is that u're maybe the only okay person from your cp

    @cursed: funny how u hypocrite talk about maximo while u were pleasing him to get the b.antharas to go to oly and still failing with it. old players remember very good what happened with thehorde. you're doing the same thing again

    have fun boys and girls
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2014
  13. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    don't mistaken me, i don't want you out of ba, i don't give a flying **** for what happens to you, just stated what happened.
    AccodoToonype likes this.
  14. [Sprtcs]

    [Sprtcs] User

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    since you talk about my cp calling us "cancer of ba" and talking about many things of what you have no clue, i can think that you may care about us, dont you think?
    anyway... 1100+ posts looks like you talk about everything here, but i still dont know who you are in game.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2014
    Noisia likes this.
  15. Tinael

    Tinael User

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    i really do not know why you have to speak about this again and again. what happend, happend. ally with rg was same as walking on glass. you can be ok but you also can get hurt very much. people who wants to be in ba are in ba, people who dissagree with leadership or other things are not. and just fyi you can never make all people happy, no matter how good leader are you. so, you do not like the way ba play now, feel free to go. for me personaly it's fine like it is now. without ally. more pvp, more fun.
  16. QUinter

    QUinter User

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    they must to speak so forum would not be so dead :d
  17. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    oh yeah, i have clue. many ppl even inside ba reporting you're hitting em even while in siege. oh noes, that cry of "who are you" is very ridiculous, please u can do more than that.
    c4rlito and 5nnaoki5o like this.
  18. c4rlito

    c4rlito User

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    the don't see it.the call it blind by greed
  19. Maximo

    Maximo User

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    hi to all.
    i heard that some awesome "thoughts" were written in here, but i couldn't believe it until i read it my self.

    @logy: bro you already learned, as u wrote, ldrship is not easy(1), and its mainly about licking(2). i also suggest you to ignore, most of the times, what one or another, is writing in here about you. many science fiction around the clan ldr always. i could make series longer then got according to what i have heard about me....!!!
    to be more specific and put you out of the scam senario that some1 invented: logy never scammed anyhting from me or my cp.
    @about why me and my cp left clan, it's not to be made theme of discussion among the forum lines. if i write something, you ppl will blow it away, in the first two-three pages, so i keep it for my self and my cp members, and if someone is smart enough maybe will unterstand.
    @cursed: bro i really never expected to be named "joke", especially by you. but nevermind, i never even expected respect from anyone to be honest, so why should i expect it from you.
    i will only remind you some things that maybe you have forgotten about that "joke" and his "joke cp".
    the "joke" came to server and in 10 months did the following:
    - united some cps (that did not had the best relations between them) and fix a clan, along with some other cps that followed me and my "joke cp".
    - organized those cps to play lineage2 on mass scale, as some of them, did not even knew what was that in lineage2.
    - organized clan to win olympiads, by methods that i not need to share with anyone.
    - won the dragons.
    - took aden castle.
    - hold aden castle.
    - made the other sides ldrship to go to a fake-riot, and quit, cause they just lost the srvrs control (with no offence to them, but thats how it is boys).
    - hold the clan to the top of the srvr, with many problems that i manage to solve most of the times, with much cry in my ears, and hours of talk, talk, talk, with the members. hours that i could had to spend with my cp, to get better in the game and not be a "joke", as you said.
    that "joke cp" that was not taking what was asking for, cause some others needed to take. that "joke cp" that was paying by its own small farming incomes to get equiped, when at the same moment i was giving to members. that "joke cp" that was running the dragons. that "joke cp" that was on 3 top active cps in activity, for the 9-10 months.
    and dont forget that you and your cp, was following that "joke" and his cp.
    - and to be more specific about your cp, when neme asked me on phone, "should i bypass grave's cp and give 1st the baium bottle and lindvior earing to your cp", i said yes, for reasons that it is not needed to comment in here.
    @about the clan, i had my way to run it and control it. i made some mistakes, when i could i fix them, when i couldn't, i just couldn't. as i have said in the past to lempartus in this forum, it is a game of mistakes, the more you make the more you loose.
    @about neme was of much much great assistance as ldr, using what he learned from me, as i had him for over 4 years in clans with me. when he could he control the clan, when had problem he was asking me for advise (on my 2 months of /afk cause of some rl problems). if you are looking through me the reasons that he left you will not find them. you all have his skype - viber - mails - phone. contact him....

    no need to wrte anything more i guess....
    if anyone need to talk with me, i am in game, not 24/7 as i used to, but i am.
    i not hate anyone, i not have hard feeling for anyone, i just play the game.

  20. [Sprtcs]

    [Sprtcs] User

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    when you say "many ppl" you talk about "pony" who was insulting/flaming my cp both inside game and forum and one day after you realize that he just joined your clan, but he still is flaming at forum. ;d

    as cursed said before, we never do things without reason. we can agree that siege is not the place to do this, but there was no enemy, and we just sent him a message with the meaning, stop messing with us or you will have troubles.
    you may like it, you may dont, in my cp only i speak english, so the only way my mates will answer againt insults or things like that, will be pvp, that is what l2 is about.
    the problem comes, when ppl who is so brave at forums or in chats, get his as s kicked, then the cry comes, and ppl only hear about how bad sprtcs cp is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2014
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