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Hard Fail

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Loleslaw, Dec 22, 2011.

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  1. Loleslaw

    Loleslaw User

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    1st. innova's fail with advertising the server, for a long time there wasn't even forum link on www.lineage2.eu website, so most ppl were confused cuz no info and they just went to nc soft.
    2nd. u failed hard with pa price since the most players on the core server are from poland and 90% of them are not able to buy it with such a price.
    3rd. u fail with bugs and u can't even fix them
    4th. u fail with new server, the first one was almost full but i think is better to have 1 server with 5k ppl online than 2 servers with +/-2k ppl online (50% usually leave after a month so u will stay with 2 servers 1k ppl each and everyone gonna cry... no pvp, no people, no fight, no party etc.

    u can say i qq, but i'm just trying to help u.... maybe not everything is lost xd
    1st. make big adversting like nc soft did, they got lots of players more... even players from eu play on nc soft server with their time zone cuz innova is unknown.
    2nd. lower pa price (7-8 euro) and u will get like 4x more ppl who will purshase it (more money for u but seems u are blind innova team)
    3rd. i know bugs is not ur fault but at least spam nc soft to make their fixs faster, its funny thing that u can't even give dual swords to other ppl without nc soft permission

    ps : yes it's qq topic, or the last chance for changes
  2. Gruummsh

    Gruummsh User

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    5th. it's still free to play :)
  3. maxver

    maxver User

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    go play ncsoft then if you don't like innova 'policy'
    i'm from poland i don't have problems to pay for pa. as name said it's premium account is not necessary to be able to play lineage 2 europe innova.
  4. Euripwnz

    Euripwnz User

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    the pa price is perfect like this, maybe better even a little more high.

  5. Ident

    Ident User

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    2nd 3rd (wtf?): this is not a private server where some lame guy can modify the server binarys. live with it.

    nothing wrong with the pa prize, only the € exchange rate is fcked up in the whole eu.

    nothing wrong with the new server, it was about time to start a new one, seems that you don't play on core, or just sit in the town. every place is full where you can do the daily quests from lvl 50 up to 75 and i mean full. even the respawns are kill stolen, or just the running guys ks it 0-24h. the new server will be filled with enough player for a healthy gameplay and core won't be left by that many players that every crybabys yelling all over the forum (maybe 5-6 people actually).

    ps: failed at posting a fail thread about failing o.o
  6. Umcyk

    Umcyk User

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    yea, well, /care on pa price, every1 can afford 1 month and check-out if it's worth to pay for more.
    i agree with everything else. downloaded nc soft l2 too. couldnt believe that some bunch of russians are making that 'official' server. at least russians are separated from english-speaking players.

    everything is going to be better. soon.
    kind regards

    it was good enough.

    just started quest on pi. gg, lf reroll to nuker
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2011
  7. pinkylover

    pinkylover User

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    this man is talking the truth. i thought innova is more proffesional but a lot off ppl from russian servers were talking the oposite and now those words are coming true.
    you are just failing hard. every day that pass there is a new fail from you and every day there is less ppl on the server. i would pay those 12 euros but with this support
    and this way of dealing the problems you will just fail like you did in russia. why should someone pay 12e on month just to dualbox, if i can go on ncwest and make a whole group
    of bots and make kama solo with my bot station...no advertising nothing just a ****ing random forum. its like 14days from the server release or more and you still didnt manage to fix the bugs.
    why did you went in this bussines with ncsoft if you knew that you are incompetent to deal with the smolest problems. and you ********* who are allways saying its ncsoft fault, innova cant do nothing
    about that and that bla bla bla. are you stupid or what? if they took over the eu market they should at least be more proffesional. we have a beta for 7 days and they had plenty of time to fix the porblems and everything,
    but they dont care they just want to take as much money as they can and give nothing in return. you gave some stupid event with those ugly sanata hats and noses. i saw some ppl buying that if they are so kind and help those poor
    kids. you think i believe you that the collected money is going in the right hand and not in your pocket? if you were some decent organization you would make some nice event to atract more players with cristhmas trees or something else.

    ps: plz all you stupid mindles ppl dont even reply on my post coz i dont need your opinions like qq leave the server or whatsoever. you betta just ignore the post. this repply is not about
    me qquing or something its about helping this stupid hgms or how the **** they are called to ****ing stand and do something if they want ppl to be satisfied.
  8. Limaro

    Limaro User

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    too many letters about nothing
  9. MooCow

    MooCow User

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    1. true, advertising was and still is bad.
    2. false, "most people" in your opinion, i hardly doubt you asked every player where he is from.
    12euro isnt much at all, in fact, its the same monthly subscription from the days l2 was p2p.
    no one is forcing you to pay, you can still enjoy the game with it full content for free.
    dont give me that x2 exp ****, cause back in the days, people played x1 and paid a monthly sub of 12euro.
    3. false, many bugs were in fact fixed, server reboots and client updates are not done for nothing.
    4. the fail is, again, in your opinion.
    i dont think they failed with a second server, considering if they start advertising the server a lil better *caugh* hint innova *caugh* both servers will be full.
    people cried for a second server cause of the massive lags and shortage of mobs to complete quests cause of over population, so now when they finally give you a new server you cry you dont want it?
    jeez, some people are just hard to satisfy...

    this is a f2p game, you can stay and leave as you wish, no one will force you to do anything,
    stop pulling statistics out of your a$$ and convincing yourself its true.

    have a nice day.
  10. AncientEvil

    AncientEvil User

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    so you are complaining you can't make bot trains here ?even if "bot" means "dual-box" for you,i'd rather not see a dwarf running around with wc/bd/ee behind him.
    here people complain about innova , on ncwest they complain about ncwest,just player nature i suppose.
    p.s.:and yea i'm not to thrilled about pa price either,or the bugs ingame but imho i'd rather stay here then seeing a feoh wizard leveling up bot trains in pi if that's the case on ncwest, ty.
  11. DarkWings

    DarkWings User

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    lol, most of the players are polish..nice joke.
    just because you cry at every corner and spam the chat doesn't mean the server is full of players from poland.
    i've seen lots of spanish, italian, french and romanians.

    most of the complaints are because of pa. wtf would you do if there wasn't any?
    you cry about christmas events. get a life kid and spend the holidays with your family, friends. go take some fresh air, enjoy the snow and the winter.
    99% of the "bugs", are either not innova's fault or not bugs at all.
    the pa price was meant not to overwhelm the server with dual boxes. yes, it is crowded, when you see heavy traffic at 9 in the morning.
    you think if you finished first grade you can teach others management lessons?

    your avatar goes perfect with your post.
  12. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    dont like it?

    maybe try l2.hopzone.net ... and you will see what means really bugged server
  13. Myzreal

    Myzreal User

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    his nickname actually means "a_s_s_h_o_l_e" in polish.

    i guess he is just a young pole, somewhere around 16-20 who thinks he is smarter then everyone else and likes to cry, because everyone cries. it's just a tendency among players nowadays, haven't you noticed? they cry just for the sake of crying, any logics are often excluded from this process. i hate it, such people do not mean more than trash to me.

    i hate poles on the internet. seriously, the dumbest internet community possible. and yes, i'm a pole myself.

    enjoy the trolling and crying.
  14. Pinko

    Pinko User

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    i can only agree about advertising - no idea why innova didn`t try a little harder - i`m sure they can do it , i mean come on they are a big company they have ppl that know how things are done.
    and i`m pretty sure they are aware that no one rly knows in the eu, or at least none of the eu players.

    it was pretty bad that the preview site didn`t even have a link to the 4game one that we`re using right now to launch the game and the forum.

    2nd server is empty (was yesterday) but i`m sure ppl will come - just post it somewhere visible or put a redirect link on the preview web page like a bar at the top or top right corner.
    i found about the forum from another forum and i found a link to the 4game page from here.

    i still think that innova may reduce the pa price once they see how many ppl they have on both servers and how are things going - i mean if they decide that they can afford to try that. but anw this is not about pa price
  15. Dixevil

    Dixevil User

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    it's more about quality than quantity at the beginning
  16. telez

    telez User

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    advertising? are you guys serious? players who want to play the game decently know where to go find it. you wanted what? hopzone and shizzle votes so the server gets flooded with high rate kings?
  17. Umbarabumba

    Umbarabumba User

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    oh rly? i wouldnt know about this server if not my friend called me or maybe u think every1 visits russian sites? i knew about new nc server very well but nowhere found any advertisement about this so stop ur ******** please
  18. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

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    i don't understand why they don't advertise the game - for example on mmorpg.com or same site
  19. MooCow

    MooCow User

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    if someone will want to play this game they would first of all type in: lineage2.com (not .eu) and most likely end up playing on ncsoon servers...
    others, dont even know this game cause it got lost in the web.

    they should (with our help imo) advertise this european server everywhere they can: facebook, youtube, twitter, game sites, where ever its possible.
    look at wow, it is as old as lineage2, yet the constant advertising keep it well alive and populated, cause everywhere you look you see a damn orc staring at you.
  20. telez

    telez User

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    you don't know where to look then, or simply u dont read webpages/forums, lol
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