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Party replacement system

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Freedom, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Freedom

    Freedom User

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    hello there, in some last days i have seen many new players having no idea how to use /autopartysearchon and auto party member replacement to get better and faster exp/raid parties and to help people understand and start using this awesome system.

    well lets start with searching party> most of you probably first thing to do after logging in game click cancel on auto party searching button that pops up, or turn it off after 5 min cos nothing is happening well if you don't have clan or friends waiting to make party with you - leave this thing running


    if you did turned it off you can start it again using button in actions


    well that's all for you, if someone will need you in party you will get pop up with message and when accepting it you will be summoned to party location


    for this system to work most important would be for party leaders start using it
    for example when someone of your party says he will go off in 5 min you click on auto replacement button near his nick to start searching
    note that it may not find replacement at once you may have to wait some time just cos not all players use /autosearchpartyon thats why share this with you friends


    when system has find someone you will get this thing


    after accepting new party member will be summoned to you ( yes he will not have to walk) and the one who wanted to leave will be kicked

    by doing that all party will get small exp buff +3% exp for 10 mins


    also you can use this system if you just want more members, lets say you are lack of one damage dealer. simply put one of your damage dealers on replacement list , after system have found new one you accept it and new one is summoned to your party location. now you simply reinvite damage dealer who got auto kicked. simple as that. hope you start using it and i have faster time while searching party members


    i do not own the author rights of this guide. this guide was created by our american friend
    source http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=224581&highlight=party+replacement+system
  2. R3cklesS

    R3cklesS User

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    hi! thx for the guide, i thought it will solve my problem, but it didnt. my problem is, that when i click on the replace button, nothing happens, if i click again, it says, that a player was already found. but i dont get that pop up window, and my partymember just leaves some time later, and nothing happens...

    any idea what's wrong?
  3. Freedom

    Freedom User

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    i guess only dev team could answer that :)
  4. ilovecookies

    ilovecookies User

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    cool but server is unplayable, can we please get some information about situation please?
  5. daimonass

    daimonass User

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    need update this guide..