ok so il start of with im new to the game. a friend of mine who's been playing for a long time made try it. it was going fine, i was using his tips for lvling etc. yesterday i accidentally found the pailaka quest and decided to see what it is. i was able to do it so i decided to finish it and see what happens. everything went fine i finished the quest i had to chose a weapon for a reward. i as a female kamael wanted to take the crossbow but had no idea which of all these weapons was a crossbow. most of them were some kind of axes and swords however there were a few weapons that i couldnt tell what they were by their names. i was hoping that when i click the weapon it will show me the stats etc before finishing the quest so i chose one of the weapons that i couldnt figure out by random. i chose the artho nail or something like that. i think it had a slightly different name in the quest. obviously it turned out that that's not a crossbow and now im screwed... im looking that the items in the giran luxury shop and i can find a dark elven long bow b grade and a crossbow called peacemaker b grade. now i dont remember if the peacemaker was available as a reward but i remember that the dark elven long bow was there and from what i see the normal version of the peace maker is the dark elven long bow. it turns out that should have taken that bow instead of the thing i chose... is there any way to fix this? should i make a ticket and as a gm for help? do you think they will give me the right item? after all i had no way of knowing which is the right item for me and i couldn't find anything in google either... i would just buy the weapon but it costs 6,6mil and i only have 1,8.
no chance pal - u shouldn`t pick that weapon at random, without any knowledge about it. it is just ur fault, just like picking wrong class at profession transfer.
well how the f am i supposed to know which weapon is for me if theres no tooltip describing it? i tried google and came up with nothing... seriously how hard is it to add tooltips?
there is everything on google... have you been puting weapon names on there? there is no way you was not able to find it through google !
dont listen to those idiots, to get crossbow u need to chose bow and use transformation skill (dont remember name) with that bow equipped
actually they are right, you can find almost everything you want to know about l2 on google. so next time search or ask someone.
well i googled the item i took and found some weird old threads containing the name of the item but they were in a foreign language so i couldnt make out anything. still the games ui needs an update...
danisimo is right, they messed up the translation and some names are ****ed up like valhalla and spirit staff (dunno about bows)
sell that one you've picked from the quest and buy correct one @auction house manager, those weapons are all around 850k.... simple, isn't it?
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