salve a tutti,sono il leader di un clan nel server aria, io e tutti i membri del mio clan abbiamo una domanda da porvi: come si fanno gli adena? insomma mi chiedevo vista la difficolta di fare adena, quali fossero i modi per farli in maniera soddisfacente. in sonstanza, quali sono le strade da percorrere? grazie a tutti. hi everyone, i'm the leader of a clan in the server aria, i and all members of my clan have a question to ask yourself: how to make adena? in short, i was wondering view of the difficulty of making adena, what were the ways to do it in a satisfactory manner. in sonstanza, what are the ways forward? thank you all
you can make chars until lvl 25 ,after u get d grade weapon from captain bathis,and sel d grade wep and everything and u get like 1,5-1,7kk adena. or u can make iss buffer nad sell buffs?
how is it that nowadays there is people like you? comment est-il qu'aujourd'hui il ya des gens comme vous? wie kommt es, dass es heute menschen wie du? cómo es que hoy en dàa hay personas como usted? viva l'italiano la lingua piu' bella al mondo
they exchange it for boxes from aden rebiulder in order to get hat/pendant for hat, or just sell it. i mean, they exchange crystals d. 154 cry d and 50k for 1 box.
per fare soldi facili....beh come descritto sopra, livello 1 a 25 e in un ora hai 1.6kk +-. senno piu expi e piu fai soldi...fai i party a lair of antharas e vendi le attributes stones...che dire....compri le cose a poco e le rivendi a tanto. ... cisono tanti metodi, il piu facile secondo me e farti un crafter, portarlo al 60+ e vendere le shots
well i'm right here however i won't ban him from responding in w/e language that is if that's what you wondered, yet people keep it in english as long as you are outside the section for different languages. : p
he is italian...italians are to proud to learn other languages. -.- that's what makes them dumb. but they are to proud to admit it...
you are wrong. if you born in spain, portugal or italy in the last, letâ´s say....25 years, you should know at least basic english. another thing is if you didnâ´t want to learn it at school.
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