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to do list

Discussion in 'Feedback Archive' started by start, Jan 11, 2012.

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  1. start

    start User

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    thank you that u open this "feedback" section, i hope this is not just a alibi action cause normally the staff should be aware about the problems when they would take their time to read just 5 mins at the other topics- i will give it a last try before i will definitely quit this server

    as many people have mentioned before: (points listed by decreasing importance)

    1. please give us feedback, atm we do not get any info about any situation - even if you do not have an answer about a question yet do not stick your head in the sand, just say it, leave a short commend but do not keep the community in the dark about something, this causes unhappiness and raging player (like me)

    2. please be aware about the importance of the community - without community u would have nothing - just costs , so take your time hear them and try to interact, do not ignore us ppl are posting so much information on this forum - use them

    (large gap)

    50. please try to fix this lags - interaction with the game are so damn slow at the rush hour, especially ss-lags, warehouse, inventory
    if u can not handle this amount of players use your pa restriction (this should be the last option) but so all ppl who are in game would be able to play properly

    51. please get a website - filled with information about newest events - server status and so on - compared to ncwest ... nvm just compare it.

    52. please get some new events - compared to ncwest

    53. please give us information about maintenance / bug fixes , give us patch notes, did u even see a software without patch notes nowadays?

    54. make a character transaction to the aria server possible (could be a sell able service) so the lags would split up to 2 servers


    as u see the most problems we have is duo to your worse information politics - fix it pls
  2. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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