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Información de la 4ª clase despertar y sus skills

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by sefirot909, Jan 20, 2012.

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  1. sefirot909

    sefirot909 User

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    informations about awakening classes

    when a character awakens, all previously learned skills are replaced by new skills.

    a main class that completes awakening can start to use a new means of transport, "jump". however, characters in a chaotic state cannot use jump.

    classes available for awakening are as follows:

    class name: sigel knight
    classes that can awaken: phoenix knight, hell knight, eva's templar, shillien templar

    class name: yul archer
    classes that can awaken: sagittarius, moonlight sentinel, ghost sentinel, trickster

    class name: tyrr warrior
    classes that can awaken: dreadnought, duelist, titan, grand khavatari, maestro, doombringer

    class name: othell rogue
    classes that can awaken: adventurer, wind rider, ghost hunter, fortune seeker

    class name: feoh wizard
    classes that can awaken: archmage, soul taker, mystic muse, storm screamer, soul hound

    class name: iss enchanter
    classes that can awaken: sword muse, spectral dancer, doomcryer, dominator, hierophant, judicator

    class name: wynn summoner
    classes that can awaken: arcana lord, elemental master, spectral master

    class name: aeore healer
    classes that can awaken: cardinal, eva's saint, shillien saint

    new skills

    featred aeore healer skills:
    power of saha | increase the p. atk./p. def./m. atk. and m. def. of a selected target for a time.
    critical of saha | increase the p. critical rate, p. critical damage, and m. critical rate of a selected target and reduce its mp cost for physical and magic skills for a time.
    force of saha | increase the atk. spd. and casting spd. of a selected target and give it the vampiric rage effect for a time.
    speed of saha | increase the p. accuracy, p. evasion, m. evasion, and spd. of a selected target and reduce the critical damage it receives for a time.
    resistance of saha | increase resistances to shock, poison, holy, and darkness attacks for a time.
    clarity of saha | reduce the mp cost for skills for a time.
    celestial party protection | make all party members invincible for a time.
    balance heal | equalize the hp of all party members and restore hp every second for a time.
    party resurrection | resurrect all dead party members.
    reset | reset the duration of all abnormal states active on a target.
    laksis disc | manipulate the power of light to heal allies nearby and inflict damage on enemies. this power consumes mp continuously.
    dark force | inflict damage on a target with boosted m. atk., with a chance of pushing the target back.
    summon tree of life | summon a tree of life. the summoned tree of life restores the hp of party members near the tree and casts blessings that remove debuffs from party members.
    summon rumi | summon a warrior made of light.
    aeore force | increase the m. atk. of all party members except yourself, and increase the p. atk. of party members equipped with a bow/crossbow.

    featured othell rogue skills:
    shadow flash | shadow flash
    shadows illusion | melt into a target's shadow and summon clones to attack it.
    shadow dash | increase speed, evasion, and hp recovery bonus for a time.
    shadow hide | become hidden, remove any debuffs and hold effects on you, and reset an enemy's aggression toward you. while you are hidden, your speed decreases and your hp recovery bonus increases.
    blood stab | attack an enemy from behind, aiming for its vital spot, and inflict additional bleed damage. a half-kill is possible with this attack.
    cross counter | evade all physical attack skills and reflect all damage back on an enemy for a time.
    plunder | seize an item from a target.
    kick | powerfully kick an enemy, knocking it back.
    angel death | increase your spd., evasion, skill evasion, critical attack success rate, and debuff resistance temporarily, and become imbued with the poison paralyze effect, which paralyzes any enemy who attacks you.
    throwing dagger | throw a dagger at an enemy and reduce its speed by 80% for a time
    throwing sand | throw poisonous sand at an enemy to lure it toward you, and significantly reduce its accuracy for a time.
    throwing poison needle | throw a poison needle at a target to interfere with its casting.
    razor rain | shower nearby enemies with a rain of blades.
    othell force | increase the short range physical attack speed of all party members except yourself.

    featured sigel knight skills:
    rage aura | increases p. atk., atk. spd., and spd. when using a sword or blunt weapon. aura effects do not stack, and party members can only have one aura at any time.
    iron aura | increases p. atk., atk. spd., and also increases p. def., shield p. def., shield defense, and resistances to bow or crossbow, and reduces critical damage received when equipped with heavy armor. aura effects do not stack, and party members can only have one aura at any time.
    challenge aura | increases p. atk., atk. spd., and reduces mp cost for skills when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. also increases enemy aggression toward the caster. aura effects do not stack, and party members can only have one aura at any time.
    resist aura | increases p. atk., atk. spd., m. def., and resistances to elemental attacks. aura effects do no stack, and party members can only have one aura at any time.
    spirit aura | increases p. atk., atk. spd., mental crowd control abilities, and debuff resistance, as well as mp recovery from healing and mp recovery bonus. aura effects do not stack, and party members can only have one aura at any time.
    recovery aura | increases p. atk., atk. spd., physical crowd control abilities, and debuff resistance, as well as hp recovery from healing and hp recovery bonus. aura effects do not stack, and party members can only have one aura at any time.
    chain strike | drag a target in front of you.
    chain hydra | drag a target, as well as enemies around the target, in front of you.
    ignore death | your hp does not fall below a certain value.
    spike shield | return some of the received physical and magical damage back to an attacker.
    shield charge | use a shield to attack a selected target with boosted power. also reduce p. def. and p. evasion, and increase p. critical damage inflicted on the target.
    justice punishment | attack a selected target and reduce its p. atk. and m. atk. requires an equipped sword or blunt weapon.
    summon golden lion | summon a golden lion to fight alongside you.
    summon knight cubic | summon a knight cubic. the summoned cubic removes all debuffs from you.
    sigel force | increase the p. atk. of all party members that are equipped with melee weapons except for sigel knights.

    featured yul archer skills:
    siege fire stance | increase your p. atk., skill power, accuracy, and critical damage, but decrease your atk. spd. and mvt spd. when using a bow or crossbow.
    rapid fire stance | increase your firing spd. and mvt spd. but decrease your skill reuse time, accuracy, and p. attack. increase your accuracy when attacking in succession.
    sniper stance | increase your accuracy, range, and critical rate, but decrease your atk. spd. and mvt spd. when using a bow or crossbow. receive additional effects when using pinpoint shot.
    tornado shot | attack enemies in front of you with penetrating strikes. requires an equipped bow or crossbow.
    bow strike | attack an enemy nearby and push it back. requires an equipped bow or crossbow.
    pinpoint shot | aim for a ranged enemy's vulnerable spot to attack it while ignoring its p. def. requires an equipped bow or crossbow.
    quick charge | move forward instantaneously.
    quick evasion | move back instantaneously.
    time bomb | plant a time bomb on a target that explodes after a delay, causing damage. your accuracy decreases while the skill is in effect.
    lock on | lower a target's resistance to bow or crossbow attacks and m. def.
    summon thunder hawk | summon a thunder hawk.
    recoil shot | fire an arrow at a target and push it back. can cancel an enemy's targeting. requires an equipped bow or crossbow.
    support fire | attack a target within the selected range.
    yul force | increase the casting spd. and mp recovery bonus of all party members who are not yul archers.
  2. sefirot909

    sefirot909 User

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    featured tyrr warrior skills:
    feral bear cry | increases your p. atk. and critical attack power for a time.
    feral ogre cry | increases your p.atk./p. def./m. def./critical damage and max hp for a time.
    feral puma cry | increases your accuracy and atk. spd. for a time.
    feral rabbit cry | increases your atk. spd., spd., and evasion for a time.
    feral hawk cry | increases your accuracy, critical attack rate, and critical damage for a time.
    armor destruction | use your force energy to attack an enemy and weaken its defenses.
    mega strike | use your force energy to seriously damage a target. your accumulated force energy determines the strength of the attack.
    power bomber | powerfully strike an enemy, knocking it to the ground. your accumulated force energy determines the strength of the attack.
    rain of fire | attack nearby enemies to stun them and cancel their targeting.
    giant punch | strike the ground with a mighty fist to knock nearby enemies to the floor.
    hurricane rush | charge an enemy with your shoulder and stun it.
    hurricane storm | use your weapon to powerfully attack enemies in an area of effect. deals most damage using pole weapons, and less with swords, blunt weapons, and fist weapons.
    rolling thunder | envelop yourself in a whirlwind of energy and lower the hp of nearby enemies.
    jump attack | attack nearby enemies by jumping at them to reduce their speed. your accumulated force energy determines the strength of the attack.
    final cry | restore hp and cp instantly and increase your max hp and cp for a certain time.
    sonic star | attack all surrounding enemies with lightning speed.
    tyrr force | increase the physical critical rate of all party members except for tyrr warriors.

    featured feoh wizard skills:
    fire stance | bestows fire properties to magical spells cast.
    water stance | bestows water properties to magical spells cast.
    wind stance | bestows wind properties to magical spells cast.
    earth stance | bestows earth properties to magical spells cast.
    elemental spike | inflicts elemental magical damage based on the stance used, and decreases the target's elemental resistance according to the stance used.
    elemental crash | an elemental attack that has additional effects on an enemy depending on the stance used: fire—fear, water—decrease spd., earth—hold, wind—knockback.
    elemental destruction | a powerful elemental attack that inflicts elemental magical damage on the target based on the stance used.
    elemental storm | a powerful elemental attack that inflicts elemental magical damage to surrounding enemies based on the stance used.
    hell gate | a powerful magical attack on all enemies surrounding the target using the power of all four elements.
    death lord | inflicts continuous damage to a target, and transforms some of the damage inflicted into restored hp for you.
    death howl | attacks a target to push it back.
    shadow hell | drags enemies around a target toward it.drags enemies around a target toward it.
    double stance | cast spells with both hands, using four elements at the same time. reduces the mp cost of skills by 50% and the reuse time by 5% for 30 sec.
    hell binding | launches the target into the air and immobilizes it.
    magical evastion | attack nearby enemies, stunning them and canceling their targeting, while you teleport to the rear.
    feoh force | increases the ranged physical attack speed of all party members except for feoh wizards.

    featured wynn summoner skills:
    summon cute bear | summons a cute bear servitor with strong defensive abilities from the fairy dimension.
    summon saber cougar | summons a saber cougar servitor from the beast dimension. saber cougar deals good close-range melee damage.
    summon grim reaper | summons a grim reaper servitor from a dark dimension. it attacks with magical abilities.
    mark of weakness | causes hp damage over time and decreases targets' resistance to debuffs.
    mark of the void | causes hp damage over time. part of the damage it inflicts restores your character and your character's servitor's hp/mp.
    mark of the plague | causes hp damage over time and interferes with targets' recovery.
    mark of tricks | causes hp damage over time and interferes with targets' skill use.
    convoke | damages enemies around the target with a powerful magical attack.
    exile | exiles the target to another dimension.
    blessings of giants | imbues your character's servitor's battle abilities with the power of an ancient giant.
    wynn force | increases the magical critical rate for all party members except for wynn summoners.

    featured iss enchanter skills:
    horn melody | uses fairy power to increase all party members' attack and defense abilities.
    drum melody | uses fairy power to increase all party members' combat abilities.
    pipe organ melody | uses fairy power to increase all party members' hp/mp/cp.
    guitar melody | uses fairy power to increase all party members' critical abilities.
    harp melody | uses fairy power to increase all party members' accuracy and evasion abilities.
    mandolin melody | uses fairy power to increase all party members' combat speed and bestow a vampiric rage effect.
    knight's harmony | bestow knight's abilities upon a chosen party member.
    warrior's harmony | bestow warrior's abilities upon a chosen party member.
    wizard's harmony | bestow mage's abilities upon a chosen party member.
    combat sonata | increases all party members' combat abilities.
    celerity sonata | increases all party members' mobility and bestows a powerful vampiric rage effect.
    refreshing sonata | increases all party members' recovery speed.
    battle rhapsody | maximizes all party members' battle abilities for a certain time.
    chaos symphony | launches powerful attacks on surrounding enemies, and decreases their combat abilities.
    peterify | temporarily petrifies opponent.
    assault rush | rushes toward enemy and temporarily shocks them.

    mas adelante ya lo traduciré.
  3. TereuS

    TereuS User

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