when u login and purchase forgotten scrolls from mr.cat cant use em. i get msg cannot be used due to unsuitable terms. also imporved books for ee and pp miss from there, although for exist.
dont know for sure if fs were removed or not in god, but it looks like a bug. ofc they are useless now but the point is you cant use them.
those are all pre-awekening skills , i think you can't learn them in god since you will loose them when you awaken anyway.
i think some of them (passives like protections, wills) ale "included in" awakening skills, for example: http://l2gc.com/classes/sigel-knight/superior-magic-resistance-skill-enchant/ http://l2gc.com/classes/sigel-knight/superior-elemental-mastery-skill-enchant/ http://l2gc.com/classes/sigel-knight/last-patience-skill-enchant/
so, fs are useless or not in god? some say yes some say no... i will go delevel tomorrow morning to 84 and see lolz
generaly i think its a bug, betwen 81 and 85 i may need use final secret on gladioator. also i may need use fightr will and all of protections. they are needed to play betwen 81 and 85. after 4rd class i dont see any similar skill like finalsecret i think it should be lernd on 3rd class and continou useing on 4rd class all protectiosn should stay as passive skills like fightre will also. im not sure of that. but its logical.