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Frost folder almost empty

Discussion in 'Technical Issues (Archive)' started by Nenekimaru, Dec 4, 2011.

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  1. Nenekimaru

    Nenekimaru User

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    hello, i have trouble starting the game through the website.
    when i click the play button and agree to the terms nothing happens. not even a loading bar that closes right after.
    i had that bar at the beginning and i think my comodo blocked it. so i reinstalled several times and uninstalled comodo, but now simply nothing happens.

    because of curiosity i checked the frost folder after my first installation and found several different files inside.

    but now my frost folder contains just a single file: frostupdater.exe
    starting that file doesnt work.
    even deleting the frost folder, registry entry and repairing installation through the website doesnt help.

    it seems frost is simply not there. at least thats my theory why nothing happens when i click the play button.

    anyone can help me to get it?

    ps: i already downloaded l2 three times, so dont simply post: uninstall, reinstall
  2. Andriel

    Andriel User

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    good day,

    you can see actual solutions and issues' statuses here:
    additional instructions cound be found here.
    if you can't find a solution for your issue you always can ask for moving the theme back into the main branch.

    and now i'm closing this thread as irrelevant.[​IMG]
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