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Lagz and Disconnects issue

Discussion in 'Technical Issues (Archive)' started by Bakosa, Jan 23, 2012.

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  1. Bakosa

    Bakosa User

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    well i was playin at nc and moved up here noticed that bouth clients or game servers or what ever u call it have some sort of problem lag and disconnect i heard from some one at nc server that creating new char does help with the lag and dc issue and it reasly help i cant play with my main char he dc after 2 min big lags
    but if i creating new char log with it than relogin and log my main char all fine no lags no disconnects please respond if u awere about it and what u do to solve it or it should be like that but i doubt it
    ty for yr time

    i just created new acc coz on my acc i cant create new chars any more and gues what i can play normaly with out lags but when i tryin to log to my main i cant am lagin and dc after 2 min what happening i have to wait more 6 days to chars be deleted so it means i must stop my char progres for 6 day untill char be deleted and i be able to play with no lags and dc's come on

    am glad its free to play and i didnt spend my money for nothing

    as i understand i am not deserve to get answer or even lil respond like we check it or something like that and server trafic is light not heavy
    i know its lil hard but can u give me an answer coz i wana start to use premium but am afraid to buy it coz of that if i buy premium and it gona continue same way i gona waste for nothing money that i work hard for it
    hope u replay today and not in week or two or never like u did before
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2012
  2. apache666

    apache666 User

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    + black screens and finelly crits after all during soe .lol guys i know you don't give a **** but for f..sake have some proud.i moved here from other serwer beacouse i heard it's official serwer........just big "lol"
  3. Kall

    Kall User

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  4. Eska

    Eska User

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    hello there,

    you can see actual solutions and issues' statuses here.
    additional instructions could be found here.
    if you can't find a solution for your issue you always can ask for moving the thread back into the main branch.

    best regards,
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