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Aria discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Waldorf, Jan 24, 2012.

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  1. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    ahaaam, so thats why they are so happy "controling" the server...

    hardcore came first to my mind. u can replace it with pro/good/pr0/1337 xd etc... erm who cares who u have in the clan? o.o
  2. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    i can't believe the arguments and thinking of people. arguments like : equip your immortal set while you pvp vs a force thrice your number, bring your 85 level dwarf instead of your 95+ healer in seraph set, play your healer without healing for 20 minutes so the chances are the same, go on core where people already have 98+ level and i would start with level 1 char. and to thexenon guy , yo dream-man believe it or not but we easily wiped your entire clan in 2 parties- t.w.o . after you brought that zerg karan-gurth we had 3 more people in clan that were getting bored (87-89lvl) that also wanted to come.
    anyway you should see how ridiculous you are in your arguments like this would change the fact that you brought a force almost 3 - times ours and failed. and that we made at least 400 pvps on you guys =))
  3. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    w.t.f are u talking about? are u on drugs or something?

    what i wrote about the equip those are the facts, dont know what l2 are u playing to say that equipment doesnt count, not to mention hero,lvl...

    and about the core thingy, oh cmon, lvl wouldnt be a problem.and ppl are not 98 even now, not to mention that they were not even close to 90 before 2-3 months ( dont know exactly when aria opened, i think its 3 ). so get some other explanation,oh w8, some1 wrote that u failed on core :eek:
  4. LasQQ

    LasQQ User

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    i hope you are not reffering to my posts cause otherwise i would say that you didnt understand a single word from what i wrote.

    and the argument about core is good one. you came to the casual server and are very proud about owning casual players, but you know what? we dont care :) and if i had a time and desire to be pro/factor or however you want to call it i would never stay at aria ;)
  5. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    i think he was reffering to my post but i dont understand a thing neither.

    and the funniest part is that they dont get that and they are proud that they are owning us and that they are no lifers...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2012
  6. Blindmen

    Blindmen User

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    core hardcore/? :d , go see ah prices and items in core and go see aria ,point of playing with 4k chikens in overpopulated server , where top clans all will just be wiped out by random people with no clan?
    hardcore server where most of top players is botters :d or didn't u see videos of bots in core?

    aria is hardcore because u can't buy top gear ( or u can for huge sum) u need to farm it yourself , u can't buy epics u need to farm epics yourself ( and the matter that your zergs can't even manage organize to kill baium is just pathetic ).

    thexenon from forum fighter , u went down to a newbie .

    and lasqq if u wouldn't care we wouldn't see your post here
  7. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    thexenon and lasqq are true forum warriors, big words on the forum , very little to offer in game. *clap*clap*clap*
    more excuses guys for your failures. you are like little teenage girls, ha listen to this guy : aria the casual server,i can tell you guy, it's never mentioned anywhere , just your brain perceives it that way so it's easier for you to accept the fact that you waste time in this game with the sole purpose of getting beaten by some guys that barely play 5 hours a day, and are much fewer then your buddy clan members. i see people everywhere complaining that we are no lifers.

    i can assure you guys you play l2 more than i do . best weeknights i play around 5 hours on average, weekends around 7 h max , and in oly i beat everything , on the map 3-4 players alone and in mass pvp i can hold as much as 20 people on me without giving much of a fuss about it. what can you guys brag about with your time spent in game.

    another thing that you are delusional about is that we failed on core. can you tell me what exactly did we fail to do there? we just made a clan there started for a few days and innova implemented a fail-patch that increased the level of the mobs, making grind almost impossible at lower levels and when they did it people already awakened on the server , i just hate it when i have a disadvantage when others didn't . so we could wait a week for a fix patch , like all the nonfactors did on core, or start new and be the best.

    i play this game to be numero 1 , i don't waste time to be number 9999 like all the losers . cheers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2012
  8. LasQQ

    LasQQ User

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    so check the museum, i'm losing more then 10 days (!) of play to be even in top100 play time but still managed to be top100 xp, top20 pvp (top 2 summoners pvp) and have quite good gear (two apo weapons, one with 300 ele, twilight/vorpal+5 jewels, twilight set will be here in few days) all w/o any cp just gathering party from ppl around. so i don't feel like failure and what you think it's the part where i stop to care really. i have work, i have college and i have much more things to do in remaining free time then just l2. it's not excuse it's a fact, i play for fun you play for being the best - good luck to you but i'll keep it my way.

    aria wasn't mentioned to be casual server but it became one. show me one factor clan on this serwer, lol what i'm saying... show me one factor cp exept yours and blanku's one. that's how hardcore is this server and that's your great competition.

    @blindmen: i write here from two reasons. one is that i'm bored in college and i can't turn the game on here and i watched all funny pics already ;) second one is that forum is almost dead and it feels like a duty to bring here some life ;)

    ps. i really don't get your point guys. i already said that you are good (twice) and the best on this server, i never said that in equal lvl/gear condition you are worse than us or something like that. anything i'd like to say is that i don't know what you are braging about. kicking ***** of some lame players (your words) is what makes you proud? if i played to be the best (like you do) i would rather try to beat the best ones not the worst ;) if you stayed on core and kick (for example) holy inqusition ***** so i would say it's a big thing. but beating us or redcross? nothing special really, and your ego here and on hv is like you are kings of the world ;)
  9. kielo

    kielo User

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    lol excuses, somehow later patches were also disadvantageous for new players (pi quest, harmony etc.) but they didn't ran away with their tail tucked because someone have higher lvl.

    so you hate it when someone have higher lvls, because it's disadvantage, but killing 10 lvls lower characters while even 1-2 lvls in god makes huge impact in pvp is pure skill and testifies about being the best? dude you're so scared of real competition and you treat this game like some serious business. but i like such brasilian-teenager mentality cuz at least it makes reading forum so awesome xd
  10. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    actually it was because at that time we were 4 peepz who observed the need for a mage in the party and since we don't like randoms controling the key placements in a party we decided to re-roll and aria poped up at the same time. one thing in your invalid brain: when aria came up they didn't have a message of explination unfortunetly: watch out, this server will be under-populated and the ones who will play will qq all day about others being better then them in every little thing.
    ... children
  11. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    you are making no sense, kielo,probably you are a forum troll alt or something, and seriously you just write something without expressing anything. you didn't answer my question . what exactly did we fail on core server?
    besides this seems you have a serious lingvistic problem or a difficulty of understanding words written in english, fact proven by the sentence that you have wrote :"so you hate it when someone have higher lvls, because it's disadvantage" , just read what i said earlier, maybe your troglodite mind can comprehend that if you read it fifty times . the fail - patch that prevented me from farming was my problem not the other players.
    on aria there weren't any bugs , any exploits , any fail-patches, nobody gained anything extra by talking a short path.
  12. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    i quote only this coz im kinda sick of ur trashtalk... dude, u do know that this is only a game right?

    about core thing,soon blindman or robby ( or other "numero 1" ) will come with his story why u left core and we can make a novel from them.
    and i agree with kielo, if u look from that side, ppl wouldnt join any old server coz "others had pi quest i dont" , "others are higher lvl than i am" no point of playing if that clan/cp/ whatever wants to be "numero 1"
  13. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    i don't need to tell the reasons why i left core to weaklings and non-factors . i just declared earlier what made me go to aria.
    i'm not playing there and to be honest i'm glad i'm not playing on core , it was a bit of a test- server that core, with all the exploits and abuses.
  14. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    the reasons are obvious, u would be a "non-factor" and u wouldnt be able to tell ur grandchildren how u owned 400 ppl with 10 ppl.here ur 16h of gaming payed off coz u didnt had to pvp with ppl for mobs, on other servers ( lets say core ) ur butts would be ***** in seconds and u would leave server in few days ( or it was like this? ;) )

    and thank god im not a "factor". i dont wanna waste my college years next to the pc playing l2 and bragging how good i am ( in a game o.o )

    when u started on core there were no exploiters/abusers ( not 90 for spezion , bots are not included here coz u see bots everywhere,yes even on aria :eek: ) so dont know what are u talking about... and i rly hope that they merge the servers... i guess,in 3weeks max u would leave the srv. or an insta leave would be a good choice too
  15. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    =)) the little guy believes core is some elite ---- not just a more populated server with other xenons =))

    "and thank god im not a "factor". i dont wanna waste my college years next to the pc playing l2 and bragging how good i am ( in a game o.o )"

    you're not a factor due to lack of skill, slow brain functions and lack of in-game reflexes or some sort of long term plan. the time that you are posting/staying on this forum which is between 6 am in the morning to 4 am the next morning proves you are indeed a guy with life =))
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2012
  16. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    before some posts i mentioned some servers, u started to talk about core not me. no1 said that core is elite ( im not playing there, have th 61 there only ) its just harder than aria coz of more ppl ( and probably more " factors" )

    erm, how u know that i dont have skill,slow brain functions and other. the fact that u are the "factors" its bcoz u spend ( or spent) more time in game doesnt proves that u have skill.

    im on forum coz im at work/university and i have time to come here and check forum and reply on ur trash
  17. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    you did nothing in game that could prove us otherwise. you are just a bigmouth forum troll warrior that has nothing to prove ingame. if i quit the game right now i can say i have acomplished something ,but you were and will be just one of the mindless carpet zerg people that were owned everywhere and had to stay on farm with the mouse button on pr/bsoe all the time due to carebearism .
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2012
  18. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    ye, u accomplished to lose 3 months for nothing...the only problem is that u are living in aden not on earth...
    so if i understood u right to have skills,i need to be a no lifer?
  19. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    you understand nothing and never will ant, i won't waste my breath on a delusional person.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2012
  20. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    as always, if u dont know to say something usefull and something that actually has some meaning u just write trash...
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