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Aria discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Waldorf, Jan 24, 2012.

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  1. Blindmen

    Blindmen User

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    and how much are u usefull ingame or in forums or life ? i see only your hate spam from u , accusing people of being nolifers when u don't even mention you and having
    clan member loool who nolifed more then brutae and hell combined + u know afk time for hell and brutae per day no so be silent, and what u gonna tell u grandchildren? that u sitted in office after finishing university filling up paper work for rest of your life
    each day for 8h - 10h a day , just to get few k euro's to spend it on new car and your wifes dresses . you already lived more then 18 years ( i guess because u told u go to uni ) and u didn't accomplish anything worth in your life . be proud of having such a life and your future (or something similar ) that i mentioned before i hope it it really sounds exciting (though its wery dull and boring to me ) . so gl have fun with crappy pay check .

    and could u stop playing this last post thing on topic plz?
  2. LasQQ

    LasQQ User

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    wow that's why i love lineage forum talks, from normal ingame trashtalk to judging life of a guy you know from 3 or 4 posts. sad this forum has so few life, i want to see more funny stuff like this ;)
  3. Pinko

    Pinko User

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    well the rules are quite strict so unless you go overboard such discussions can stay - tough you should avoid using any insults , so far i think no one is being offended here - if i`m wrong - pm me or repor the post.
  4. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    i think blindmen made a compliment to that xenon guy . and he is absolutely right, you need to nolife like crazy to awaken an iss get it to 89 then reroll a tank and get to ~90.
    also he has nothing to prove or bring to a discussion. it's like a beggar/drunk trying to enter a contradictory conversation with a top athlete or a buisnessman, where he tells the athlete/buisnessman that he is **** because in another country there is someone else number 1 even. it makes no sense and it is out of place
  5. Gerofyl

    Gerofyl User

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    we should have a flame section soooo badly^^
    some things i read here, really scare me. i think its hard to believe or understand how someone can say, a game, or the "archievements" you can reach in a game are more valuable than having a life. i dont know any of you in person, so i dont judge anyone here, but this is a totally weird way of thinking. (real life) friends, family, a job with income...being able to buy stuff you like, or a holiday, or just a party with friends...there is so much of real life archievements waiting, instead of getting pale in your room with all your gear and weapons.
    maybe one day, when you are 20 or older and meet a girl/boy/whatever you like, you will see that you cant take anything out of lineage and that rl is more important than having +20 kills more on your list.

    not meant to offend anyone
  6. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    who the hell mentioned loool anywhere on this forum?( especially not on this post ). i see ur not informed enough, loool stoped playing and gave his char to friend.
    what am i gonna tell to my grandchildren?
    probably not that i was playing l2, and they should do the same ( play mmorpg games ).
    and about what i accomplished in my life. do u know me at all? no u dont, so stop writing trash ( again )
    and please explain me how a "good life" looks to u.

    i missed here something or im the only one who doesnt understands this? o.o
  7. Robby

    Robby User

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    it`s their own choice how they spend their time. if they want to brag let them brag, w/e
  8. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    money is just paper, houses are bricks and cars are scrap metal, lineage 2 is just an easy game... everything in this world is from point of view children, a point of view can be: i can afford to have fun all day and be good at it, you slave like little labourers for 20 grams of paper. ftw! (to bring it to 2012: you slave for plastic! advancement!)

    also, every domain that has competition and you are the best is an achievement, the more popular, the bigger the achievement. to pride yourself that you work (like all of us do you little child who thinks at his little age that he'll be the next bill gates) like the other 6 billion ants on the planet is purely pathetic. yes, it's true, i just changed your life: all of us fornicate, eat, poo, work for money etc. the only difference is that a low number are the stupid children viewing this as an achievement and being so proud about something that all the rest of the planet including the drooling ******s do daily! =))
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2012
  9. Gerofyl

    Gerofyl User

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    no need to bark at me^^
    (i dont get your sentences in brackets, did you call me kid, or is it part of the pathos? :eek: )
    well, i rather work and can afford a nice life, then being a slave to pixel, bits and bytes and brag about it xd
    your archievements ingame is like a fart in the wind. nobody but you cares about it when its gone. i dont think you really have "real" work, maybe just in sim's burger world or being part-time npc in l2 selling stuff in aden, but you surely changed my life. dont know how, yet, but i will find out in the next weeks, when i'm enjoying my holidays at the beach. (a place you will only know from primeval isle ;) )
    ok, anyway gz for winning the internet. i will praise you, when i see you in the news on tv, when it comes to the l2 section (after sports, before weather).
    maybe you change your mind, when you become an adult. it can be a nice life, try it at least once, before you get back in the basement and waste more time being the best in some game
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2012
  10. Kurai

    Kurai User

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    guys calm the flames... this discussion here is about l2, not about peoples private lives.

  11. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    they will never understand this...

    and hell, are u on drugs? o.o
  12. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    you don't get it do you. maybe i'll try to simplify things.
    1. you come on a l2 forum to talk about real life.
    2. nobody from l2 comes to your home in real life to talk about l2.

    get it? you're the idiot that is discussing football achievements at a basketball match... funny, but viewed by all as the drooling ******.
    everyone has different values then you do, the difference is, only those who are unhappy with their life pride themselves with it out of frustration. yes, we know you'd like to be good in l2 due to the frequency that you try to bring things from outside to compare to thing from l2. we know you'd all like more comfort for your hobbies like we have. i'm sorry kids, life isn't fair and trust me on this one, someone who has made the decision of spending time and have fun with his hobby doesn't care that you are frustrated you can't do the same or be good at it.
    you are definetly out of your league in l2. good bye.

    (* about the flame, it's not a flame until someone's offended)

    a translated thing from our language for you: in your grave you don't take cars, money, houses with you. but you do take your own unhappiness with you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2012
  13. Gerofyl

    Gerofyl User

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    dude you need some serious anger management xd
    your arguement is invalid, since this is a forum. the meaning of a forum is to communicate. my house is not your forum. unless i invite you to talk. and my topic was not to talk about my real life archievements, since im not showing off with it, or demonstrate how much my life is better then yours. i dont give a penny about your opinion about me, and i said, im not judging anyone here. even when it's funny to see how easily you get angry and start to insult ppl.
    are you some kind of shamane in your country? or how do you get the wild idea to tell me how my life is, or how happy/unhappy i am?
    maybe take a walk in the sun, drink some fresh water, or get an detoxication, it might help a little.
    i guess its said enough. nobody can win an argument with someone who thinks l2 is real
  14. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    yo, gerofyl what are you doing here man . you got something to bring to the discussion regarding lineage2 ? obviously nothing . you come here waving your arms around,screaming like an ape , knowing that you have nothing to say but just make a lot of noise just to bring people attention, barking that you have a beautiful wife and are going away on a vacation on the beach. wow how amazing , but dude we don't care , you probably go to that beach with your parents and are still in school and you come to an l2 forum to brag about something you don't have.

    so i congratulate you , and i will say in a few words how you sound:

    like a bum-hipster going to a starcraft 2 players meeting telling the top guys that they have no life , and that he has a life working at mcdonalds 8 h a day and in a few days he will go on a vacation on the beach where they won't go . that's how you are man, think about it ... do you seriously think they would care? of course not probably they would start kicking your butt just for the fun. that's how we are dear gerofyl
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2012
  15. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    lol guys, comon get back to l2 discussion here please...much as this conversation is amusing if you wish to converse about real life then please open a thread in the off topic section for it ;)

  16. Gerofyl

    Gerofyl User

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    after all what i read here, i give up^^
    it is like talking to a monkey who lives in a zoo.
    i farm bananas all day, and i have more bananas than you, that makes me the coolest monkey in the cage. and of course there is no life outside my cage, so i totally rock your world, which is giving me extremely high self esteem.
    this whole post shouldnt degenerate to long flame posts, but you see where it comes from.

    nothing more to add^^
    so lets better go back ingame and get archievements for your salvation =)

    sorry deepblue for being ot,done now.
  17. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    if i remember right we just justified why are we "non-factors" with real life. they started the banana throwings xd
  18. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    xenon and gerofyl you guys are totally out of place , so i'll just put it short for you weirdos, first we own the server , we are the best . it's a fact. the present.

    you guys have no facts to bring to the discussion . unless you can prove how "lifers" you guys are we have nothing to discuss about. post a photo with your ferari or your beautifull gf in lenjerie then we can talk further. ta-ta weaklings.
  19. Robby

    Robby User

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    gamer can`t express his achievements and success in gaming forum,because there always has to be guy who will say:" yes yes but there`s a life outside also", you really think anyone cares about that? you are right now in lineage2 forum not reallife forum where you express your leisure activitys and work.

    on topic: oly is running finnaly till the end, and for random ppl you have to reach 90+ and then you can find random partys, im organizing random partys for like 2 or 3 days already and it takes for me like 5 - 10 min to make party for spez,fort, you will say but you are hero, yes but you can ask me to shout for you. emo guys will quit like on every server and hardcore will stay no matter what.
  20. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    you don't get it, life doesn't have a forum, that's why they come here to find friends that have similar difficulties... life! guys, they discuss life there. back to l2 - good oly fights guys, sunday matches reset, more, more peepz in the oly!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2012
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