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Clan 7SINS Looking for members

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by bigmanx, Feb 11, 2012.

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  1. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    7sins is recruiting level 85+ chars for main clan and 50-75 for academy. people 76-84 that want to join will go to a secondary clan where we can watch their progress.
    so,what we require for main clan:

    - plays tons of hours per day, streches his time when he has a party until sleeps on keyboard.
    - wants to get things done, not a day passing by and getting 0 drops, pvps or 3% xp from daily.
    - has patience to find other no lifers to build himself a solid cp, not a wannabe cp.
    - loyalty,pvp oriented people(if you look at museum our clan has 3k pvps, and full active wars at all times)

    what we offer: a chance to be the best.

    pm hell/brutae in game go to www.7sins.forumgratuit.ro and post a thread in the recruitment section with your l2 experience and you in general
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2012
  2. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    up,now only recruiting constant parties or groups of people that play togheter(3+). people that are interested but don't have cp/friends will go to our secondary clan.
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