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Why does this game punish you for being low level?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Danisimo, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Danisimo

    Danisimo User

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    seriously why does this game punish you for being low level? i left my clan because they were in many wars and now im being killed by awakened pk's...... im getting really annoyed with this game. ive played a lot of mmorpgs and ive never seen a game that punishes you for being killed by a player that is much higher level than you. every time i die i loose 30-40 mins of farm. leveling is just... i think that leveling in this game is made to stop all normal players from playing it so that only hardcore players are left. all you can do is kill some mobs and then kill more mobs and then kill more mobs. at 77 you can also do 2 dailies and laba which is not worth it because i can get the xp that i get from the boss faster if i farm. i really want to reach atleast 85 so that i can finally see what this game is about and see how the end game looks like in both pvp and pve. but this is just so boring. you join a swamp party and what can you do? right click the person that targets the mobs to assist him. you have to do that for atleast 4,5 hours per day if you want to get some xp especially without vitality... its just so... i really don't know how you guys do it. and i really don't know why they don't add something interesting to do while leveling so that it doesen't feel like such a pain in the ***. the whole mob loot system is just broken. everybody can ks you and its super easy to be an ******* and the game actually promotes that behavior. by letting the person who kills the mob take the quest items its very easy for achers and casters to ks and just screw over melee and when an awakened class comes to woa angels i can just forget to do anything until he finishes his quest. if you pull a mob and start to fight with it someone can just come and hit you until you are low hp and cant fight the mobs and you can't do anything about it because while you were fighting the mob and he had time to attack you a few times before you were able to retaliate and you wont be able to kill him even if you start to fight him now.
    the gameplay after 85 looks pretty interesting but the path to 85 is just so annoying its unbelievable. i cant even imagine how hard it is from 85 to 99...
    alright you can troll me all you want now.
  2. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    moving thread to general discussion section as there is no actual solid question here.

  3. stomped

    stomped User

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    coz its mmo, deal whit it
  4. lisail

    lisail User

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    huh?healers have 100% ress after 85 so if someone pks you they are the only ones loosing xp (because you need to kill mobs to clear karma and you get no xp doing so).
  5. Preymofos

    Preymofos User

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    they screwed the pk system since h5 bcuz of ppl like you..i feel so sad that if i pk somebody i have to create a brand new character ;x typical for polish/romanian people.
  6. Banek

    Banek User

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    just out of interest dani, what toon do you play?.

    also do you you iss buffs?. from what i can gather you are a melee toon and with iss buffs killing a mob before a ranged toon gets to it should'nt be to much of a problem, 40k for 30 minutes buffs even at level 77 should get you way more xp than you would lose by being pk'd.
  7. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

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    levels = powers

    basic of the basics in all level based games since the dawn of time.
    this is a heave clan vs clan game, if you join an academy you wont join any wars or sieges unthil you are lvl 70.
    pk is now moderatly nastier to do then before especially at pre lvl 60 lvls, so ganking non wartargets is now harder also.

    the range vs melee subject is a valid concern, but its a new game build on an old one. also the major target of the game is the korean market. they are much more polite and this is probably not even a problem there. but then again if you shift the tagging system from last hit to first hit.. the one with the fastest range attack still will tag faster. here atleast you get xp based on the dmg you do.

    ppl do it by playing the right klasses, knowing the good spots, having friends etc. (example a overlord iss is 50x faster then a sws to solo up with self buffs to 85)(ex2, knowing the good spots that are non crowded or not visited by enemies as often with 95% the xp of the "best" spots) etc hope you get the point.

    advice? find a helpful clan (if under lvl70 an academy if they are warring is must, if 70+ stack bsoes for clan sake if the clan is worth it).
    make sure you get a clan with luck skill and clan hall as this will cut you pvp xp loss down to like 10% of normal (you hardly lose anything in pvp death).
    ask in class forums for hunting spots and gear suggestions, heck even maybe a better choice of class if you choosed a bad one.
  8. Danisimo

    Danisimo User

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    i play an archer and i don't generally have a problem with taking my kills as long as there's no awakened wizard there. im not going to start all over again. theres no way im going to go trough all this leveling. finding gear/spots is no problem but for my character has very unpredictable attacks i can do from 300 to 11k damage which means from barely scratching the mob to 1 shotting i get ksed from time to time but its not a big problem i feel sorry for the melee that just leave their spot when they see me. using bsoes is fine but some things like the angels daily are simply undoable if you are warring cuz theres always someone from the warring clans there. what kills me is that the whole process of leveling is so ridiculously boring. there's basically nothing to do except killing mobs and kama/laba until level 85. like ive played tons of mmo's rift, warhammer online, lotr online, allods, world of warcraft. in all those games the leveling is fun or at least not painfully boring. honestly kama is **** i always go afk when i do it and i've never failed to complete it. laba is also lame the only tactic is kill the healer first. the only interesting thing that ive actually done is pailaka. all the other games have many quest hubs that make the leveling process far more interesting than simply killing 1000000000000000000 mobs and give you gear and allow you to understand your class where as here i don't even use my attack skills because... my auto attacks do more damage. my strongest damage skill is at max rank and adds 4,2k p attack to my normal one and then deals it as damage considering the fact that i can launch 3 auto attacks while casting this skill theres a bigger chance that il land a 11k crit with the 3 auto attacks than the chance to land a 15k crit with the skill. at around 81-82 i get some skills that 42k p attack to my normal one so they might be worth using. don't know if that changes.
    basically there are no party instances exc kama/laba, there are no battle grounds or any kind of place in which you can pvp with other players of a level similar as yours, there are not quests and nothing that can actually tell you something about the story of the game. ive been playing almost a month and the only thing i know is the stuff you find out from the starting 1-40 chain and intro you see when you make your character.
    i understand that levels = power but i don't understand why there leveling process is made so boring basically theres nothing to attract your attention. you just kill a lot of mobs until you reach level 85. then you actually get to do other things.
  9. SirPounchalot

    SirPounchalot User

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    i feel the problem.

    i am tank 84 now, thx for my clan who helped me gain 66% xp in 1 day with out pa. until 81 i always lvled alone and more alone. seeing archer and mages steel my mobs even warriors, i never complained. ofcourse lvling is borring, so i went to start pvp with people and won loads. i didn't do wao dailies because it is impossible even when the daily is off for that time.

    after 81 i went swamp and made pt's over and over and over again. until now with out vit i gain 0.01% eatch mob, loads of mobs to kill. but i keep talking to people and forget what i am doing and have a great time.
    after 85 things don't realy change until you find a pvp clan, but then you have a harder time to lvl. ofcourse the new area's are realy nice to at start, but after 1 month you have seen them and know all the good and bad spots.
    well lvling to lvl 99 will be a long time.

    besides that tanks aren't always welcome in pt. like swamp 50% prefeur to have a extra archer then a tank. i say go go make pt get a chat, find a clan wo accept people under 85 and got no war. there out there

    a archer is less frustrating to play then a tank who got no range and no dps.

    i agrea that the current pk system is made to make the ************* happy.
  10. sagione

    sagione User

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    u need to get through it somehow. at 85+ u can do soa/nursery/trajan/daily at swamp and all of them are more rewarding then farming. at 90 u can do soa/gog&fairy dailys/spezion/fortuna/istina and if u play only few hours a day u wont even have time to grind on mobs if u find a nice cp that will do all of this stuff.
  11. hidden

    hidden User

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    i feel you bro. i have to tell you even if you reach 90-95 its all about killing mobs all day long, there's like spezion which you can do every 4hrs, if you aren't a no-lifer maybe you do it max 3 times and there's istina which is 2 times a week, that's it. you grind until your *** bleeds-out. ops i forgot about fortuna daily, that is actually the only interesting instance so far, bravo.

    oh, and don't let me start about those so called pvps where's every pt has 2 healers and guess what they both have a ****ing pr?! not only that but to make it sure that they do pr they have a celestial, so basically there's no way of stopping your enemy escape if they feel like it. on top of that if you are like 4-5lvls below your foe the chance of beating him is so low you'd better buy lottery ticket. there's no big event atm to do mass pvp for, castle sieges are like so c2, tw is like a good idea but turns out its not that good everyone is just selling/buying the class he needs and those wards are hilarious +1 str omg so cool...

    here you go my qq post. i hope i didn't made you quit. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2012
  12. Daide

    Daide User

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    welcome on l2 poor wow fanboy :s
  13. Mr_Kzimir

    Mr_Kzimir User

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  14. Barraka

    Barraka User

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    is it me or this post sounds like, hey ncsoft change the set up of this game, donâ´t like it.

    sorry to tell you this is l2, this is one of the reason why it makes it different from other mmorpgs.

    +1 daide.
  15. stomped

    stomped User

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    u are probly low lvl, coz it takes 2mins to clean pk.
  16. Umbarabumba

    Umbarabumba User

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    awakened tanks r always welcome in parties, not much left for u to become one so go on
    oh a lil mistake, awakened tank is a must (not only welcome) on 85+ spots (soa, gog etc)
  17. Krontas

    Krontas User

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    thats not true. you need more time to remove your kama as the guy need to get back to spot. 2 min you need for lvl 85 spots. but on this spots your never play alone so you need to pk a whole pt inclusive rezz. when someone pk me on pi he mostly end up in 5-10 pk untill he use a bsoe cause i can rez me without penality and start to attack that guy. and the most ppl are blind or to stupid to kill my heal and me at the same time to prevent rezz and brez chain ;)
  18. Decadence

    Decadence User

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    you say l2 is boring, the grinding and the pve system and bla bla. you only liked pailaka which is quest based. that makes me think you're a wow player. so you dont like l2. i cant stand playing wow. i bought wow and the games and spent 100 euros on it, then played 20 minutes and quit cause i couldnt take anymore quests. it was killing me on the inside. i did not, however, go on the forums and cry about it. you don't like it, you don't play it. it's as simple as that.
  19. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

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    in your eyes:
    questinggrinding is fun
    pvp battlegrounds is fun
    getting everything forced down your throat rp wise is fun.
    a player of your playstle would enjoy themepark mmos alot more then open world mmos.

    to me that list you want sounds so booring my ears are bleeding, the only themepark like mmo im looking forward to is guildwars, the rest of the bounch is so alike it not even funny. played swotor... if you ignore the lore, its wow with pets for all classes. (im generalizing ;p ).

    the ppl that play lineage2 are ppl looking for an open world mmo, where you never know your oponents, where every corner has a new adventure, where you have to look for the cool stuffs. where the war is more important then a dual or party duel. in war the victor writes the rules, the next day that victor might be slain and the rules of said clan are long forgotten.

    we want war not battlegrounds.
    we want open world, not questrunners9000.
    having 1-2 dailies is more then enough to feed the casual crowd while still maintaining the lineage2 feel.

    i get pissed when i see ppl demanding more wow-style "feutures" be put in. you left wow for a reason did you not? dont bring that **** over here, lineage2 is one of the last fantasy games i still havent got boored of, the only game that comes close to eve:eek:nline while still being in high fantasy setting.

    clanvsclan pvp for life!
  20. DevilHealer

    DevilHealer User

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    you only describe how this game rocks. gtfo carebear
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