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Constant Party LF Archer 90+

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by naB4o, Feb 16, 2012.

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  1. naB4o

    naB4o User

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    hi there,
    a constant party is looking for an archer 90 level or rly near it (preferably higher) .requirements:
    -2 hands
    -10 finger
    -1g brain
    -no carebear
    -able to log late at night/early in the morning (sometimes)
    -enjoy pvp
    -able to communicate in english (team speak)
    -preferably apocalypse bow, attri, sa...

    +friendly environment
    +many frandly/offensive flames in clan chat
    +play time 16-01(02+++) gmt+2
    party setup is supposed to be - 2 mages, archer, 2 healers, tank, iss

    feel free to pm here in forums or in game to melady.
    /let the hate begin....
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