@queem: i believe that what we're really looking for are suggestions for the look and features of the forum, not moderator input.
bad will try to explain later once i write it and correct it to look a little more like an advice or suggestion
[modo off] it will be great to have something better to see "new unread message", the notification box is not enough disturbing to let you know you have new messages
we dont have flame section and mods feel so much power that they delete every single flame post. there is no l2 without flame.
there is no flame section and never will be because it's against our rules. mods feel only power to uphold those rules. regards
y but deleting posts where no flame's and closing topic's is kinda stupid. forum is for discusion it's not bbc new's site.
dear members, as you have already been advised by filaliev, we are looking for feedback regarding content, usability, looks of the forum and not about its moderators so please stay on topic. regards.
[...] or else you will lock this thread, ye? on a more serious note design-wise, i'd say this forum looks terribad. dull blue and gray colours and no lineage 2 related content whatsoever, looks really bad compared to http://boards.lineage2.com/
moderators ar making the content , usability and looks worse - so you need more content? fix yar staff arg
please stick to the main topic we have told you twice now that this thread is not about moderator nor is it about innova staff or other community members, i will start deleting posts that are off topic in this thread if you continue to behave this way. regards.
i really did not want to write in here not even the 1st post but moderators and everyone with rights on the forum - are a part of the forum. so if there is a problem they are a part of the problem and since the feedback is about the forum there are 2 options don`t say everything you mean and lie - for example mention just the obvious things that have already been said - the current forum skin is just a normal one not related to l2, other than that search shows the locked threads first but i can skip a few pages to get to the interesting ones - probably a solution for this is to move to to archive or w/e after they`ve been locked with a note to the one that started the thread - and the when you click the "view new posts" the search should just not include the archive. but if you want people to be serious and to fix the problems there should be a topic (a new one if you want) about people with rights on these forums. <- that`s the thing i really didn`t want to post - i was hoping someone else would say it. so if the topic is just about the looks of the forum and not about keeping it alive so everyone can enjoy it - then it`s simple a new skin and you`re done.
posting again but looks like i`ve missed some stuff - mainly the communication between the staff and the community in this case i`m including the moderators when i`m writing staff. for example there are a lot of questions that are still not answered one of them is "when will we get the harmony update" - 1st answer a moderator gave was "soon" - seriously ??? if the moderator team (excluding tech mods here cuz i think they are doign their job) knows something - please tell them things that they can post on the forums, because now it looks like a moderator is something more than the rest of the players - and i don`t want to sound rude but as far as i remember moderators were recruited kinda randomly - hey you wanna be a mod ? y, k, ur a mod - kinda thing i suppose that the "soon" info came from a gm/cm/tech gm - so if it is true please post this or leave a moderator deepblue for example (as a sm) to post these things if the cm do not want to do it. i suppose that you don`t have a date now like we`ll get the update on 5th of april and even if you do just say we`re expecting the update for tauti/update on the mentoring system/ forum/web page design sometime in april/ 1 month from now or w/e. cuz i`m well aware that if you give a set date and you do not manage to keep it (that will be your fault but nvm) there will be posts - what happened u said that we`ll have info/update and the date past 3-5-30 days ago and still nothing. if you are really serious about your whole project - starting the eu servers please show it to the players. post updates on things that are happening - like we`re expecting info about tauti, we`ll update u about mentoring system progress in a week , we`ll be showing you something about the layout of the forums/webpage in the following 2 weeks. if possible open a thread or some way that we can contact the people responsible for different things and when they have the time discuss ideas that will probably be usefull. i`d like to have the chance to speak to a forum admin, community manager or something of the sort in the near future - doubt that will happen but i`m just giving an example. anw if i write what i think i`ll get a ban and i don`t that to happen yet have a few more things i`d like to add around the forum