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Castle sieges

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Blindmen, Feb 27, 2012.

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  1. Blindmen

    Blindmen User

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    thanks utopia and karanguth and other clans for so many free frags , gratz to hungarianforces for heine , and buhuu to boring fakecrew who defended giran with 3 players :d

    and gratz to 7sins for taking aden.
  2. Daide

    Daide User

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  3. MinDiuse

    MinDiuse User

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    in aria not mucho join cs i see
  4. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    dear blindmen, as u see there are no hardcore players on aria except 7s who spend 24/7 infront of their pc`s ... and we kinda dont care how good/pro u are or how many castles/frags/lvls u have... try to enjoy the game, not to ruin it
  5. Kurai

    Kurai User

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    stickied for aria section.
  6. Robby

    Robby User

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    11.03.2012 castle siege results
    gludio castle - vikings
    dion castle- karangurth
    giran castle - theexpendables(7sins)
    oren castle - roadrunners
    aden castle - 7sins
    innadril castle - hungarianforces
    goddard castle - redcross
    rune castle - blackangels
    schuttgart castle - rise (7sins)

    personally would like to thank apocalipsis and their comrades for the pvp at schuttgart, really enjoyed. discuss
  7. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

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    good fights in gludio with ech0 + mordor vs black angels also ;)
  8. Troyden

    Troyden User

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    schuttgart cs was indeed very fun and one of the best i've ever done on aria. the other one was at dion vs karangurth two weeks ago, another great clan to pvp with. maybe we should ask if diehardnoob has something to do with interesting pvps :)

    anyway, i can report how schuttgart siege went from our side (diehardnoob + apocalipsis + guardianegra + lesfremens + another clan i can't remember the name). first of all, we knew 7sins would come because rise signed up as attackers and it was obvious they wanted to do the same as in giran (take castles with secondary clans to get more money and cut out enemies income). our strength were numbers but this is not enough to face high level, well geared, organized hero parties. however, we first waited 7sins outside the castle with all our forces just to prevent them to reach the castle gate. in my opinion, you can only do that if you have a force roughly equal in battle power but this wasn't the case. of course, we were all slaughtered in the first rush and had to run to castle, where we took defensive positions - which is what we should have done in the first place -. from this point, i decided to act on my own and so i took my men to the upper walls in order to nuke down enemies while they were trying to destroy the gate. alas, i don't know what the other clans were doing but i think we should have concentrated fire on 7sins while they were in a bad position to defend themselves. it could be i was too high and couldn't see allies from below but i think more men in our position would have had more impact in the defense.

    finally, 7sins got in and we fought inside the castle. our strategy was to divide their forces since if they remained together we could not accomplish too much. again, my squad moved a bit independently to cover all flanks, create confusion on enemy lines and deal as much damage as possible, given the circumstances. this part was very fun because we were ambushing 7sins through the castle corridors while in the chaos of battle and we certainly took down several heroes this way: hell, krime, blanku, brutae, etc. 1 hour passed and the outcome of this epic battle was still unknown. defenders ended up to be extremely resilient and that was the moment i think 7sins realized they would not take over the castle by brute force. so, the best part of the battle begun.

    our side, all entrenched in a bottleneck defending the way to the cast rooms with an advantageous defensive position. 7sins, bellow were obliged to pass through that, thus being in an inferior position where they could be easily dealt with. both armies were at their morale peaks and anything could happen. 7sins decided to rush in first but their attempts were frustrated, so they decided to be a bit more conservative. unfortunately, that led into the assumption that we were winning and that was the reason of our demise. confident defenders got too much together and nearby the bottleneck, despite my warning to keep position and wait for the enemies like before. then, 7sins took advantage of that mistake and aoe nuked everybody so they could break our lines and kill us easily. when i realized the castle would be lost, i reserved a trump card. the survivors of my party lured krime and terror to a hidden place in a way they thought we were all dead while still being near the cast room. in truth, i was the only one who managed to survive and then i targeted brasil, rise's leader and the person who was going to cast. my plan was simple: wait until the cast was about 80 % to make 7sins relax thinking there weren't enemies nearby and then rush to the cast room and interrupt him asap to buy time for defenders to come back.

    when cast reached 80 %, i ran to the balcony where lots of 7sins were and tried to use one of my ranged skills to cancel the casting, but then my miscalculation ruined my day: not enough range. then, i tried to get closer but all enemies stopped me and brasil succeeded to take over schuttgart's castle. i don't know if they laughed at me but hey, i had to try it and it was very fun to do. it took approximately 1 h 40 m for enemies to win. after that, there was only an option: rush together and fight 7sins on open battlefield, crush them and recast fast. we tried, we failed, 7sins won in the end.

    i hope you enjoyed this little story of mine and maybe you can improve it by explaining your impressions if you were lucky to participate in this cs. if you don't like it, it's ok, but my whole point is to educate people who thinks this is a dead server. even if there is a dominant force, you can fight it and have fun. most times you will lose, but each battle will make you stronger. i'm really proud of what happened yesterday as this is the direction we have to follow.

    congratulations to 7sins and all defenders. gf!

  9. Kogkas

    Kogkas User

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    a great experience, helping vikings claim gludio.

    it was some good pvp vs the blackangels, all went fair and square, with multiple fights and runs at each other, without any trash-talking or harassment. we won some, we lost some and we were left with a great experience and a good outcome (the castle) at the end.

    i hope for a repeat when defending, in 15 days!
  10. Robby

    Robby User

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    the fights at the balconies where we miscomunicated and your guys baited us at first time while from right and left side archers, mages simply could do their thing. that was very well planned.
  11. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

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    yeah gf to blackangels fighting our 9 party(?) zerg (id say 4-5 parties with 85-88 people) with almost 3 parties of 85+!
    very interesting we just kept trowing ourselfs at the outer door and just kept ba from hitting the door as much as possible. sometimes we got em off the field, sometimes we just rezzed in town/castle and went at it asap again ;)
  12. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    accurate description of the siege by celestialbeing. a few notes in case you were wondering of exact numbers, we were in 3 full parties and a 4th incomplete party. also for the people's curiosity why our numbers dropped, it's not because people leave clan, there are 3 people that did that from 7s and if i remember correct all of them due to lack of english knowladge and had problems communicating and 1 more to go into another cp. the rest got kicked because either low activity/not respecting rules/being newbie without possibilities of salvation etc. and yes, we don't care what level/items/epics the one who screws up has gained in the clan in the process. what he gained was his work up to that point, i have no problem with kicking all the clan if they f**k up and i suggest to all clan leaders to do the same. the little sh.its that every clan has inside are the ones who will break the clan, not the enemies. you have to have a solid core inside the clan though, people you can count on and also 1 party to lead so that everyone inside has a path to follow. get 15 real players together and you have yourself a clan that will progress no matter the odds.
    as for shuttgart siege, first of we went to find some pvp and take the castle fast for fun. (there was no real intention to defend it or overextend for it). but since we were surprised by the number of enemies and the challange that it proved to break through all that and take it was the reason we kept at it for 1 hour and a half. we almost lost giran due to it, something like maximum 1 minute away from it when siege ended. but who cares, f**k giran, when pvp is fun and close to equal in power and outcome, we'll always come to take up the challange.
    i liked the siege and the surprise that with a little organising and a bit more numbers, we have a challenge on our hands. gf guys and see you at next siege with more level, gear, even people if possible, but with same attitude.
  13. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    gf on the castle sieges, especially gludio, giran, schuttgart castles. congratulations innova for again failing completly to stablise the server and 2 mass disconnects one upon attacking the gate wave, one upon casting on the seal of the castle. and yes, i know, it's not from you, it's a problem from the 30 people in 10 different countries using 20 different isps some of which are better in quality then the connection that you provide. it's not your fail, it's europe's fail, don't care about the 4th castle engraving, i'm just curious how useless you can be to not get the ones you're paying for your connection to fix their problem like any normal company would have done 3 weeks ago.

    gf all!
    facepalm #3959 innova.
  14. Gerofyl

    Gerofyl User

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    why would you need a 4th castle anyway?
  15. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

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    ----and giggles i presume,

    well alteast we had a big enough zerg on gludio today to force 7sins to bring more then the scout party :d, gf.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  16. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    we had to bring another party because we got a mass dc when we arrived at the castle and when we re-entered in game we were all dead in town. so from the start we lost like 10 minutes due to the server , we had to do things fast. but...
    don't worry guys you put up quite a fight, 2 of our parties against 6 clans(or how many they were there?) and not even one of ours died untill we reached the seal room . so gf i guess =))

    so you know guys , you almost lost your castle because we were bored around the map and one of your clan members kisame was complaining on ! chat that he was getting bored at siege, thought it would be fun to leave you homeless . innova really cares about you guys it seems and helped you at the siege . you should bring more clans for next siege because i don't think you will be so lucky next time.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  17. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

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    there was around 6 awakened lvl85-67 partyies fighting your 2? parties at start, then 3-4? afterwards is my guess correct me if im wrong.
    not that there where only 4 parties fully buffed and set up awakened, the other 3 had some under 85 chars etc here and there.
    we also made the mistake of placing teleporters in wrong order, so only 1 half viking party could get out once we died + the archers on walls that got ressed... wich meant we couldnt do ---- unthil you guys broke inner door, not that it mattered much vs your full force once you did lol..

    we got dc everywhere all night to, and we dont expect to hold a castle vs the main force of the server, yet we had alot of fun this time, its not like you lost your main castle...

    gf :) - dominhate
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  18. ShorterThan5Characters

    ShorterThan5Characters User

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    yes i was bored :p and you made it interesting thanks for rolling us :)
  19. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    we had one party and some people from a second party at the start , but we fought like 1 minute(people already started to die like flies from your side) and we all got mass dc. some people couldn't log back and we brought another cp , we were around two parties vs your ally, a cartload of people ,at one time i saw 20 people instantly die from an aoe =)) . thing is it wasn't a gf for 2 reasons:

    -you posed absolutely no chalenge , we reached the seal of ruler room with 0 casulties (that is quite bad for you guys )
    -server disconects , that screwed the taking of your castle up .

    just be more prepared next time, stop being delusional and start thinking that you did something good at that siege, like damn , after starting to hit the castle gate, we reached your throne room in 10 minutes top,with two parties , that really isnt a feat to brag about =) .
    till next time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  20. Rawi666

    Rawi666 User

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    actually next gludio siege could be fun if whole server (except 7s) would defend it :d
    pure zerg vs protoss battle :d
    what do you think?
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