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Clan of the month

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by DeepBlue, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    dear members,

    clan of the month - this thread will be the olympiad games of the clan society and will be open from the 1st of every month until 10 am gmt 0 on the last saturday of every month. on that last weekend we will go through all your nominations and we will decide which clan will be spotlighted as that months clan of the month and will post the spotlighted clan on the 1st of the following month. this section will be limited to clan leaders only being able to nominate their clan and they should provide the following:

    1) clan name?
    2) how many members?
    3) do you consider your clan to be hardcore or more casual?
    4) what is your clans endgame goals?
    5) is your clan a language specific or international clan?
    6) where can someone who is interested in joining your clan find out more information?
    7) give a short description on why you feel your clan should be the clan of the month.

    the top 3 clans will be spotlighted on our lineage 2 europe facebook page.
  2. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    i am the leader of redguard and i am very proud to apply our clan to this competition. here are the requested details :

    1) redguard
    2) we are now more than 130 members total at clan level 8.
    3) the clan is made of mostly working or studying people, so it's somewhere between casual and hardcore. we do not have the playtime to be considered hardcore, but we have good understanding of the game and good organization, which distinguish us from casual clans.
    4) endgame goals ? it's a tricky question. gearing up and gaining levels are our most immediate plans. raiding all the high level epic raids ( trasken, antharas, valakas etc. ) will be one of our main focuses late game, but we are not focusing on pve only, we have a strong castle sieges presence already and we're working on our pvp organization every day.
    5) our clan is international, english language is a must in both clan chat and our mumble voice server.
    6) anyone interested in joining us, should head to http://www.redguard.eu , read our creed and apply.
    7) without showing off i can state that we are unique clan among the lineage 2 community. as far as i know, we are the first clan to use dkp system for raid drops distribution in the lineage 2 eu servers and probably in the l2 na servers as well. the system assures that anyone will get the items they worked for hard and no one will be left behind or forgotten. for more details and examples you can check the dkp part of our website here : http://www.redguard.eu/dkp.php?page=standings . we are also a friendly community of helpful players from all over europe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2012
  3. DarthVexa

    DarthVexa User

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    hi all!
    im the clan leader of
    and i want apply my clan to this event.​

    1) clan name?
    our clan name is oldboyz, since 95% of our members is over 25 and many is even older :)

    2) how many members?
    for now we have 118 clan members and at least half of this number is active every day. clan is level 8 but soon we'll reach level 9 and we can recruit more players.

    3) do you consider your clan to be hardcore or more casual?
    both. we have casual members and we have hardcore members - we don't have fixed policies in this manner. each of our members levels in his/hers own pace and that is precisely the amount of time that prevents him/her to loose the interest in the game. we do not force our members to object-oriented play-style if they do not wish to. at the end of the day, all of us have jobs or education in the process so we view a game as a break, a step to another dimension where we can forget about our real-life duties for a while. many of our members are experienced players who started in chronicle 1 and played lineage since it was released.

    4) what is your clans endgame goals?
    good fun over anything else, and fun means good pvp! from that it's easy to deduct what our day-to-day goals might be :)

    5) is your clan a language specific or international clan?
    our clan consists mostly of polish players but we have some english-speaking minority. also, we're allied with czech clan.

    6) where can someone who is interested in joining your clan find out more information?
    since we are polish clan our board is in our language, but enjoy visit it anyway - http://www.oldboyz.pl. for more details, you can also ask our members in the game.

    7) give a short description on why you feel your clan should be the clan of the month.
    our main objective is to create friendly environment for anyone within our clan. we help each other, we are kind to new members and fair at pvp. we have very rigorous policies for scam practices, being offensive to other players. as far as it goes for the game content, we demand only one thing - good pvp. we do it everywhere, any time. we do not rate equipment and levels over a person behind the controls. it's a clan made for friends by the friends so joining us means you would have to become one :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2012
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